Chapter 261 Waterwheel, power system! An epoch-making product! [Third more, please customize]

Zheng Guo himself did not expect that His Royal Highness would value him so much, beyond imagination! The younger disciple of the Mo family, how can He De, dare to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Patriarch?

However, the expression and words of His Royal Highness are clearly trusting him!

Not only Ying Zheng, the Zhu family, Shen Lang and Tian Xiangzi, but also very confident in Zheng Guo.

The successor of the Mohist school of organs, for now, Zheng Guo is the most suitable candidate who can bear this title.

Qi Mo, Yan Mo and Zhao Mo, these three are mainly based on force; Chu Mo studies materials, Wei Mo studies manufacturing technology, and Han Mo inherited most of the organ skills.

In any case, Zheng Guo himself dare not compare with Mozi, he is relatively low-key and humble.

“What needs to be done, please enlighten me!” Zheng Guo respectfully bowed.

Yingzheng Weiwei headed his head, and said unhurriedly:

“This spinning machine is not much different from ordinary spinning machines in principle, but it is more refined! With your mechanical skills and thorough research, it must not be a problem!”

“To manufacture a new spinning machine, we need to focus on practical use! First of all, it is not a big problem to define a new spinning machine as a special wool spinning machine?,

Zheng Guo quickly replied: “Yes, subordinates can do it!”

Others may focus more on sweaters, but what Zheng Guo pays the most attention to is the operating principle of the spinning machine. He has already seen through the seven or eight in the period just now.

Yingzheng nodded casually and continued:

“The subsequent process of knitting sweaters also needs to be improved! The current process, the front and back of the sweater, and the additional need to be stitched by hand, is really unreasonable! This matter is solved!”

This difficulty is relatively high! However, Zheng Guo is still very confident in his mechanical skills, the principles are the same, but the process needs to be carefully pondered.

“Subordinates must solve it!” Zheng Guo replied firmly.

“Technical people should have this kind of self-confidence, 々!” Ying Zheng praised it, and said:

“You also need to pay attention to the details. Just like your modified Quyuan Plow, the spinning machine can adjust the size and specifications of the knitted sweater.”

Zheng Guolue thought about it and nodded in response.

It is not difficult to change the size. You only need to change some fixed switches into active switches, which is very simple.

On technical matters, Zheng Guo did not dare to fight. It is said that it is the manufacture of new textile machines, but in fact the improvement is even greater.

Immediately afterwards, in Zheng Guo’s surprised eyes, Ying Zheng took out a small object from his arms:

Waterwheel model!

Ying Zheng raised his hand gently, and the mini waterwheel steadily landed on the pedal of the spinning machine. Then, Ying Zheng looked at Zheng Guo with such a smile.

“His Royal Highness means…” Zheng Guo was a little excited and a little trembling.

“King Han is really ridiculous, he only used the waterwheel as an irrigation tool! And even so, he didn’t adopt it, hehe! Daqin weaving factory will be built near the river!” Ying Zheng said calmly.

After getting a definite answer, Zheng Guo almost cried bitterly!

Although he has his own principles and bottom line, he has never exposed those powerful organ techniques, but the principles are the same.

The small waterwheel represents a complete set of power transmission theory! Where is irrigation as simple as that?

If you compare power transmission alone, Zheng Guo’s attainments are definitely above Mozi!

This is the knowledge he has studied for many years after inheriting the foundation of the Mohist school’s organ technique. He has already surpassed his predecessors and formed a set of his own theory!

It is a pity that no one sees the value of this theory.

Except winning politics!

Integrating the power of the river flow into the operation of the spinning machine, such a spinning machine can truly break away from the scope of improvement, and it is truly a thing created by Zheng Guo!

Seeing Zheng Guo’s expression getting more and more excited, Ying Zheng chuckled lightly:

“Water is a magical thing, and it also contains a huge power! For the use of this power, you have walked in front of everyone, and you are proud of it!”

“But the universe is vast, and the magic is more than water? There are more invisible forces that can also be used and mastered by us, such as wind!”

Invisible power


Zheng Guo was muttering to himself, repeating the words of winning the government, and suddenly, a flash of inspiration!


The hurricane passes over the hill, but the grass is left!

He was fortunate enough to have contact with the Taoist masters. This is Laozi’s learning, and he said that the weak wins the strong; but this sentence proves that the power of the wind is strong.

If compared with flowing water, it is essentially the same, and both contain tremendous power!

The word of winning the government seemed to be a divine enlightenment, which opened Zheng Guo’s thinking, expanded his horizons, and bloomed a whole new world!

Zheng Guo thought of textile machinery again.

Once the sweater is made, it is almost inevitable to be popular in the Seven Kingdoms! And his name of Zheng Guo, the magic of the new spinning machine, will surely become famous all over the world!

Comparing the achievements of several old friends, it is not bad at all.

Although the power transmission system is his own knowledge, although the new textile machinery still needs to be improved and manufactured by himself, but there is no guiding thinking of winning politics, and there is no such opportunity provided by winning politics.

With his Zheng Guo’s mind, it is impossible to achieve that kind of achievement anyway!

What’s more, invisible power, this kind of theory is willing to spend money to buy it, then no one will teach you!

There is promotion and reuse in the first place, and the grace of preaching and teaching karma afterwards

Zheng Guo feels that he has met the noble man in his life, and his life will usher in a complete change. More importantly, he has devoted all his energy to the mechanism, and finally he is able to achieve something and break through again!

His eye sockets began to wet unconsciously, and his throat appeared inexplicably (good money, good) and swallowed, and the grievances of being unaccounted for were even more vented at this moment.

For a moment, I couldn’t cry.

Although he had anticipated Zheng Guo’s excitement for the opposing victory, he did not expect Zheng Guo’s mood to be so excited.

There is such a sensational scene every three to five, and it is still a big man, winning the government is quite speechless~

Tears flowed north and south on Zheng Guo’s face, and everyone didn’t know how to dissuade them. After crying for a long time, they finally stopped their tears.

I saw Zheng Guo trembling with his hands and legs, and suddenly fell to his knees,”, “Bang Bang Bang” with three beeps, and said in gratitude:

“The kindness of His Royal Highness the Prince is difficult to repay his subordinates in his life; the wisdom of His Royal Highness is even more profound and unmeasurable! Disciple Zheng Guo, I have been taught!”

“His Royal Highness, please rest assured, Zheng Guo will definitely go all out for the research of new textile machinery! Never let Your Highness down!”.

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