Chapter 205 The prince governs! Jiuding enters the black ice! [Fourth update, please customize]

With the Tiger Howling Army, Ying Zheng escorted countless belongings in the Eastern Zhou Treasury, swaggering through the city along the way, and everyone knew it.

He also intends to use force.

The distance between Qin State and Eastern Zhou Dynasty was not too far, and it didn’t take long to reach the territory of Qin State. The objects of Xuanhe force were actually the people of Qin State.

The main cause is that the six-nation union has caused a lot of trouble, and it is also circulated among the people. They are very worried that Qin Guo will be poisoned by the war again.

This has always been the case for all previous unions. Regardless of victory or defeat, a huge consumption of national power is inevitable.

What the people want most is to live a stable life!

Although the foreign conquests and expansion during the period of King Huiwen and King Zhaoxiang greatly inspired the hearts and minds of the military and the people, the conquests over the years have indeed consumed a lot of national power in Qin.

The Qin people have a sense of pride, but the price paid is extremely heavy!

However, the way to deal with winning politics is very different from the past.

There was no tax increase, nor did the civilians join the army, it was almost silently resolved the six-nation union!

Not only that, while Lu Buwei exported grain to the six countries, the state treasury’s grain reserves also decreased, and Chaotang allocated special funds to purchase grain from the people!

Still high price!

Thanks to the 2008 winning government, people’s homes have become richer.

Today, their Saint Prince and Dingtian Sovereign, personally conquered the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, achieved brilliant results, and once again opened up the territory of the Great Qin Dynasty, but the people were not affected at all, which made them cheered.

Along the way, the people spontaneously used loess roads and clean water to splash the streets, kneeling down on the ground respectfully, with endless admiration and respect.

I was very moved by seeing the victory.

When I was moved, I remembered the major events of infrastructure construction!

To be rich, build roads first!

It’s not a solution to always be so loess.

Ten days later, Yingzheng finally returned to the royal city of Xian or Yang.

Zi Chu was even more excited to go out of the palace to greet him personally, and once again blessed the national gift for winning the government!

The civil and military officials followed closely, shouting in unison:

“Qin Yousheng Prince, Great Qin Wannian!”

“Qin Yousheng Prince, Great Qin Wannian!”

Disintegrating the six kingdoms and conquering the Eastern Zhou dynasty, these achievements are far from clear in a few words. At the gate of the palace, all the courtiers are enough to express their admiration.

After cheering and chanting, everyone returned to the court.

Zi Chu’s face still couldn’t hide the excitement, the joy could not be suppressed, but how to reward and win politics, he also began to worry.

If it is based on the twentieth-level military merit title system in the Qin Law, it is better to say, the key is that the current identity of the winning government is already the Dingtian Monarch, should it be awarded again based on the military merit?

“Prince, you are embarrassing the father! With your military exploits, the widow is really no reward! Otherwise, you can tell yourself, what do you want?” Zi Chu said that he was helpless.

Winning politics is even more helpless!

How can a monarch ask his servants what he wants?

There is no reward, so just reward some casually.The entire Qin Kingdom belongs to their father and son, so what is there to care about?

“Father, it is right for the children to fight for the country. Don’t dare to ask for credit! Don’t even dare to ask for a reward!” Ying Zheng euphemistically told Zi Chu what he meant.

Zi Chu frowned and shook his head:

“No! There must be rewards for merits, and penalties for transgressions! This is Daqin’s law and cannot be repealed! It is just that the crown prince has repeatedly made outstanding achievements, which has exceeded the upper limit of rewards, and there is no basis!”

At this time, the civil and military officials were completely unable to intervene. What Zichu said was true. Nowadays, in addition to rewarding fiefdoms, it is also the routine gold, silver and wealth.

Gold, silver and wealth will naturally be awarded according to the military merit level, but the fief cannot be sealed again!

The entire Heibing County is already a fief to win the government, how can it be re-appointed? Could it be that there is still another county to be sealed?

That is impossible!

“Eastern Zhou, Great Zhou” Zi Chu muttered to himself, still thinking about the issue of rewards, suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he had a decision.


“The son is here!”

“The Eastern Zhou Dynasty has been merged into my Great Qin Dynasty, and the Great Zhou Dynasty is dead! Since you personally ended the luck of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the widows will reward you with the Jiuding Zhenguo!”


The officials were in an uproar!

Jiuding, the Jiuding created by the power of the four ghosts and gods of King Yu’s collection, and the Jiuding that suppresses the nation’s fortunes, how can this kind of artifact be used as a reward? Even if Ding Tianjun has no reward, then it is definitely not possible to reward this kind of thing!

“Great King! No! The Jiuding is an artifact of the town. During the Xia, Shang and Wednesday dynasties, the Jiuding was placed in the palace of the Jiuding platform. Now my Daqin has imitated the previous system and built the Jiuding platform alone to place the Jiuding! The displacement of the Jiuding platform is afraid. For fear of hurting the national fortune!”

“Jiuding can’t be moved! The king think twice!”

“The name of the prince is not in Jiuding, and the king doesn’t have to really give the Jiuding reward to the prince!”

“Great King, Jiuding is a national weapon. It is not a good thing if the Great King bestows it on an individual!”

The group of ministers unanimously opposed!

It is not that winning politics is not worthy of Jiuding, but that there is no relationship between Jiuding and the individual that is worthy of it, and that is not something that someone can have!

It doesn’t matter if you win politics.

Even if there is no such thing as the suppression of the national movement, as long as he wins the government, it is enough!

The voice of opposition was like a wave. The 350-wave was higher than a wave, and Zi Chu on the throne was indifferent and unmoved. The noisy voice, solemnly said:

“Ding Tianjun got Jiuding, he is just worthy of the name, this is one of them!”

“Second, the luck of the country lies in the people but not in the tripod! The princes regard Jiuding as a divine weapon to suppress the nation’s fortunes, and the few people do not oppose it! However, as the princes said, the Jiuding was placed on the Sheji Terrace in the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties. , Can’t be said to be disrespectful! The result? Isn’t the country perished!”

“It can be seen that although Jiuding is responsible, the holders must complement each other! The widow thinks that the prince possesses this qualification, he can control Jiuding! Besides, the shift of Jiuding is just the transfer from the Qin State to the prince, and finally It is still owned by Da Qin!”

“The widow’s heart is determined! The princes don’t have to discuss it anymore!”

Zi Chu completely settled this matter, without changing it.

The officials were also shocked by his reasoning. Xia, Shang and Zhou possessed Jiuding, but didn’t they also perish the country? Even if Daqin didn’t have Jiuding, as long as the Dingtian Monarch was there, who would dare to underestimate Qin?

Just listen to Zi Chu continue:

“Although the prince is young, he has different talents, and he has repeatedly made extraordinary achievements! Passing the order of the widow, from today onwards, the prince will be appointed to govern the country! On behalf of the widow, supervise the country!”

Such an order has exceeded everyone’s expectations!

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