Chapter 204 The demeanor of the world, only ninety-nine! [third update, please customize]

Huiwenjun Jijie died, leaving a large group of chilling courtiers on the court.

In fact, the people who stayed in this court hall were, without exception, the flattering generation of Ah-du, ​​who were truly considered officials of the country, and basically all of them were in the head of the city.

In spite of the power of winning the government, those cadres still can’t stand the idea of ​​resistance, so they dare to go to the top of the city, don’t they?

Therefore, these courtiers who stayed in the court cried with sincerity and moved the world, but in fact they were all adepts, and those who did not resist any resistance voted to win the government.

The “loyal” is incredible!

Yingzheng was also not interested in interrogating these people personally, but detained them in the court, waiting for the follow-up Qin officials to deal with them.

His Ten Thousand Tiger Howl Army was responsible for winning the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, followed by Qin’s ordinary soldiers and officials to undertake other tasks.

The “Three-Five Zero” Eastern Zhou Dynasty merged into the Great Qin, and the people of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty became the subjects of the Great Qin. The establishment of the dominance of the Great Qin, the relief of the victims and the rectification of officials, all these things need to be carried out simultaneously.

Lu Buwei and Mengwu brought a hundred thousand army, personally escorted a large amount of sweet potatoes, potatoes and other grains to the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and the victory was to bring the Eastern Zhou treasury back to Daqin.

Although the background of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty is not comparable to that of the real Dazhou royal family, there are still some things that have been handed down, which can be regarded as cultural heritage. Winning is more concerned about these.

As for other gold and silver, it is better than nothing!

Qi State, the capital city of Linzi.

This is not only the royal city of Qi, but also a cultural exchange center for hundreds of scholars, because here is a world-renowned institution of higher learning-

Jixia Academy!

Xun Kuang, who has served as the Xuegong Jijiu (principal) three times, is now reuniting with a group of younger disciples in the Xuegong. He has been away for a long time and has just returned from Lanling, the old place of Lu.

Li Si hurried into the room.

“Disciple Li Si, I have seen the teacher!” After Li Si entered the room, he adjusted his posture and respectfully met Xun Kuang.

Confucianism emphasizes “rituals”, and Xun Kuang himself pays great attention to “rituals”. Naturally, his disciples dare not be negligent in this respect.

Only Xun Kuang’s big disciple, Han Fei, is a stranger. He is the most escaped person. Sometimes he will be naughty in front of the teacher. No, Xun Kuang hasn’t spoken yet.

“Li Si, what’s the matter of panic? In the past few years, the skill of nourishing qi has not improved at all! Like you, when can you learn the awe-inspiring spirit of Meng Sheng?”

“You bastard!” Xun Kuang chuckled at Han Fei’s head with a chuckle.

Li Si, who saluted respectfully, was a little bit embarrassed, but after Han Fei’s troubles, he was considered to have worshipped the teacher, and at the same time, he skipped the first hurdle of the school entrance examination.

After stabilizing his mind, Li Si continued:

“The disciple just got news from the outside that the Eastern Zhou Dynasty was annihilated! The Prince of Qin won the power and took command of the Ten Thousand Tigers. He directly killed Hui Wenjun and took over the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.”

“What?” Xun Kuang was shocked when he heard this, and almost threw out the teacup he had just picked up in his hand. “Li Si, what did you say? Qin State destroyed the Eastern Zhou Dynasty?”

“Teacher Rong Ji, this is the news brought back by a disciple of Chu State.” Li Si replied respectfully.

Not only Xun Kuang, everyone present was shocked.

Fu Nian, the most outstanding disciple of Confucianism, frowned and asked:

“Junior Brother, as far as you know, how long has this incident happened?”

“Seven days ago!” Li Si replied affirmatively.

Fu Nian was not a disciple of Xun Kuang, but he and Li Si belonged to the same generation. He often called his junior brother, and Fu Nian himself was born in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. Eight days ago, he left the Eastern Zhou Dynasty and returned to Jixia Academy.

“Seven days ago, that is to say, it only took one day to win the Eastern Zhou Dynasty! This is also normal. What is it to deal with a small Eastern Zhou Dynasty with the force of the victory and the strength of the Tiger Howling Army?” Fu Nian laughed at himself.

Han Fei was no longer cynical at this time, his face was extremely solemn, and he sighed:

“Bao Qin has won the government, and now its strength has become stronger and stronger! The Eastern Zhou Dynasty has died, and the Great Zhou Dynasty will also end. I think my Han country may not last long!”

Xun Kuang has been in shock.

His vision, insights, and thoughts in his heart are not comparable to those of the young disciples in front of him. He thinks a little bit more, so he is even more shocked.

It is really nothing to destroy the Eastern Zhou Dynasty with the national power of the Qin State, but the meaning contained in it is too important!

Half a year ago, the Eastern Zhou Huiwenjun was still organizing the six kingdoms together, but now he has a different end. The six kingdoms have also collapsed, and the wind has passed without a trace.

After all this was resolved, Qin State only dispatched a prince to win politics!

Winning talent

Not only the Confucian Xun Kuang, but the rest of the Magi scholars among the hundreds of scholars were also extremely shocked by this news; the various princes and states were even more terrified about the name of winning politics!

In today’s world, who doesn’t know that the prince of Qin and Dingtian won the government?

In addition, the news of the destruction of the country in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty can indeed create too many associations.

The big devil wins Ji and destroys the Western Zhou Kingdom and scares Zhou Ji to death; the little devil wins the government and destroys the Eastern Zhou Kingdom and beheads Hui Wenjun!

How similar are the actions of these two people?

In particular, there are many people who are intensively researching Qiyun among the 100 schools, and they are even more secretive about winning politics, lest they leak secrets and encounter accidents.

With the talents currently shown by winning the government, the high martial arts, the grand record, and the strength of the generals, they are indeed peerless beasts, and they deserve it!

Not only is it no less than the Zhaoxiang King of the year, it is even worse!

Even if the Six Nations and the Hundred Schools, no matter how disgusting and hostile the Qin State, no matter how much they regard Qin State as tyranny and tyranny, they still cannot deny the talents of individuals who have won the government.

Times make heroes!

Throughout the 800-year history of the Great Zhou Dynasty, countless brilliant talents emerged, and there is no shortage of talents at 1.3 latitudes and longitudes.

Qi Huan, Jin Wen, Guan Zhong, Le Yi, Confucius, Mencius, Li, Wu Qi, whether it is the overlord of the emperor, the well-known ministers, or the table heroes, there are too many.

In today’s era, there are also some extraordinary characters, such as the old and strong Lianpo, such as the Xinling Jun who stole the talisman to save Zhao, the Chunshen Jun who was a visitor of three thousand people, and so on.

But these people were all overwhelmed by one person!

That person is the winner!

Yiqi Juechen!

If you compare Lianpo, Wei Wuji, Huang Xie and his ilk with the winning government, it would be like the light of the fireflies and the bright sun competing for brilliance.

Looking at the world, the demeanor of this world, winning the government monopolizes ninety-nine!

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