Chapter 143 Attack the party! Shoot the blind Ji Wuye! [Fourth update, please customize]

The words to win Zheng are straightforward, but in the ears of Ji Wuye and Bai Yifei, it is not straightforward.

Rampant! Arrogant! Provocative!

There is absolutely no regard for the 100,000 army of Han country!

Ji Wuye looked gloomy as he watched the city calmly win politics.

He didn’t even think that winning the government would be so arrogant and powerful. With three thousand cavalry soldiers, he would dare to threaten him Ji Wuye to roll back to Han country?

Ji Wuye, who is known as “the strongest general in Han country in a century”, how could he be that kind of soft guy!

If you go back in such a sullen way, where is there still half a face? Doesn’t anyone can step on his head? What do you think you can use to deter the ruling and the opposition of Han country?

General Ji is very dissatisfied with the arrogance and domineering of winning the government!

There is one point, but he ignored it.

Zhang is really domineering, but he is actually himself.

I have been prestigious for too long, always thinking that I am above the top, psychologically it is difficult to accept other-people’s arrogance.

It can only be said that Ji Wuye’s memory is not very good. Just when he returned to the city, he forgot that he had just escaped trial in a hurry-embarrassed.

“Master Hou, in your opinion, is it possible to break the Shangdang party in winning politics?” Ji Wuye asked Xiang Bai Yifei in a low voice.

“The personal power of winning the government is indeed very strong!” Bai Yifei frowned and nodded, “but his powerful exercises must be extremely zealous! Fighting against the old general Lianpo, the zeal is also used. Not less!

“Master Hou is saying that winning the government is unlikely to attack the city personally, right?” Ji Wuye contemplated intently.

“Even if he attacked the city himself, the two of me should be able to check and balance him! As for the three thousand cavalry, as long as the army rests, it is fine to defend the city!”

Bai Yifei and Ji Wuye are both considered masters of one party. Both of them are innate and second-rank cultivation bases, which are equivalent to Wei Wuji. Without such strength, they would not be able to dominate the opposition.

The two had a decision, Ji Wuye’s eyes rolled and thought of an excuse!

“Ding Tianjun, the matter is very important. We still need to discuss it. It’s just that I can’t be the leader of the party. Can both of us take a truce for three days and let me send a message to King Han?” Ji Wuye said very much. It’s embarrassing, as if you can’t be the master by yourself.

Ying Zheng knew his thoughts by looking at his expression, it was nothing more than delaying time.

It’s a pointless thing at all!

He simply stopped paying attention to Ji Wuye, turned his horse back without saying a word, and returned to the Tigers.

Ji Wuye stood on the top of the city wall in a daze, staring at the tiger roaring army in the distance and the far away Yingzheng.

Is this a promise or no promise?

After returning to the Tiger Howl Army, Ying Zheng summoned Meng Yi and secretly handed the Heavenly Emperor Divine Sword into Meng Yi’s hands.

Meng Tian and Meng Yi, they are about the same age as Ying Zheng, especially Meng Yi’s figure is similar to that of Ying Zheng. If you pretend to be a long distance, there is no problem.

Just when Ji Wuye was frightened and uncertain, Yingzheng took out the sun-shooting bow.

As soon as the sun-shooting divine bow was released, everyone immediately felt another kind of coercion.

It was a killing intent that was extremely cold!

Hundreds of millions of lives were killed under the bow of the sun shooting, how could that kind of murderous aura be small?

The shape of the Divine Bow is very low-key, not as dazzling as the Divine Sword of the Emperor of Heaven, and there is no sound even when using the Divine Bow of the Sun.

Yingzheng is too lazy to talk nonsense with Ji Wuye.

Since he still wants to play tricks, and refuses to take the initiative to lead people out of the party, then there is nothing to say, and that is the storm!

The emperor’s zhenqi in his whole body poured into the divine bow, and Ying Zheng aimed at Ji Wuye’s head.

He wants a headshot!

Ji Wuye has been paying attention to the Tigers, but his eyes are always attracted by Meng Yi who is holding the Heavenly Emperor Divine Sword.

call out!

A cold light flew out from the tiger roar army, the speed was so fast that it didn’t take time, and it was close to Ji Wuye in the blink of an eye.

This distance has far exceeded the 800-meter shooting range of Han’s crossbow, which completely exceeded his expectations.

But Ji Wuye still has real abilities after all. With his second-grade congenital cultivation base and beast-like intuition, he subconsciously stretched out his palm to block, and his body twisted to the side in an instant.

The thick palm failed to block the arrow from the Sun Divine Bow, and the arrow passed through the palm and continued to shoot towards Ji Wuye.

Ji Wuye still miscalculated.

Underestimated the power of the sun-shooting divine bow and overestimated his own defensive ability.

Fortunately, he made an evasive action in advance, and when Qian Ling shot, the arrow flew out from the front, wiping his left eye.

“Ah!!! Eyes!! My eyes!”

0……for flowers…

Ji Wuye screamed, and covered his eyes in pain, blood continuously flowed out of the eye sockets, dripping down the gap between his fingers.

“General!” Bai Yifei hurriedly pulled Ji Wuye aside to avoid another arrow being shot.

Yingzheng was a little bit annoyed, and he hadn’t practiced seriously in archery.

But if Ji Wuye was shot blind, it was considered to have reached the predetermined goal.

Without staying in the slightest, winning the government has taken the sword of the emperor, Jian Feng pointed diagonally in the direction of the party city, and shouted:

“Immediately siege the city!”


The war horse splayed its hooves, and the Tiger Howler rushed out.

Naturally, Yingzheng would not personally participate in the siege, and there was no need at all.

He had long guessed that Ji Wuye would not be obedient and obedient, and the battle of Shangdang was inevitable!

In fact, this siege battle is a practical training for the Tigers!

If the 3,000-person elite masters can’t get another party in the lead, it would be a horrible thing to slander the world.

The reason for shooting Ji Wuye was just to avoid too much casualties in the Tiger Howling Army. At any rate, he was a second-rank congenital master, and it was not so easy to deal with.

If Xuanjian besieged Ji Wuye and Bai Yifei, that would not be a big problem. But Ji Wuye wanted to slaughter ordinary Tiger Howl sergeants, and it was not so easy to stop them!

Every soldier of the Tiger Howl Army can be said to be an iron rod for winning the government, and it is absolutely not allowed to lose casually. In this way, the winning government will personally solve Ji Wuye.

Sanqianqi stubbornly resisted the arrow above his head and launched an assault on the city gate of Shangdang.

The three people covering the sun are the armed forces in the entire Tiger Howl Army, and they are all half-step innate masters, and the task of breaking the city gate is handed over to them.

A few powerful sword auras swept towards the city gate, and the thick and iron-clad city gate suddenly showed a few transparent gaps, and a few more sword auras quickly shot out, and the city gate was finally overwhelmed and could no longer be able to bear it. Supported.


The four-zhang-wide city gate collapsed, and the Tiger Howl Army stepped on the debris of the city gate and slammed inside.

After starting the charge, Meng Yi, Meng Tian, ​​and Wang Gui, the three of them shouted slogans again:

“Tiger Roar!”

“Tiger Roar!”


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