Chapter 142 Bing sent to the party, chasing and killing Ji Wuye! [third update, please customize]

The shout of victory has attracted the attention of many people on the battlefield. Wei Wuji, Ji Wuye, and Bai Yifei all saw the bloody head of Lian Po.

Just a moment later, everyone saw the scene where Ying Zheng killed Pingyuan Jun Zhao Sheng.

The Zhao State army has no main generals anymore, and some of the existing supreme commanders are nothing more than the level of Liu Zhensha, which has completely become a mess.

The fragmented army formation that had already been impacted by the Tiger Howl Army was even more unstructured at this moment, and things like shame before shame were forgotten.

Zhao of the Three Jins has collapsed.

The only thing they can think of is to escape!

Escape here, escape back to the country of Zhao, or even to the northern border, the farther you can escape, the better.

Wei Wuji’s idea at this moment is also to escape!

Lian Po is not an opponent to win politics, is he still necessary to try?

Humiliation, revenge, this kind of thing he has not considered.

God knows what a freak it is to win politics!

It has grown to this point in a short period of time!

I thought it would take at least ten years for the growth of the winning government, but now it seems

It can no longer be suppressed!

“Retreat! The whole army retreat!” Wei Wuji decisively issued the order to retreat.

Ji Wuye and Bai Yifei from the 273han country also saw the power of the victory in their eyes. Not only the Tigers could not resist, but the ancient war god like the victory.

Who will deal with it?

Can only be withdrawn!

The two looked at each other and nodded each.

“Retreat! The whole army retreat!” Ji Wuye immediately issued a military order.

The embarrassed Sanjin coalition forces began to retreat across the board from this moment.

Wei Wuji was surrounded by Wei Wuji, who ran the fastest, and immediately ran without a trace.

Ji Wuye and Bai Yifei also rode BMW horses, and immediately backed away.

But the ordinary soldiers of Sanjin want to escape easily, but it is not so easy!

The horsepower and manpower of the Tiger Howl Army are almost infinite, and the howling gallops for a while, continuing to impact the military formations of the Three Jins.

Under the leadership of Mengwu, the Qin army in Hangu Pass was also more and more brave in the war. Seeing that the defeat of the Sanjin Allied Forces is a foregone conclusion, no matter what tactics and arrays, and no more reserve teams, the most important thing at the moment is to the greatest extent. To kill these coalition forces.

As the general of the Han country (aibd), Ji Wuye is very thief.

The thing that people like him are best at is to protect themselves!

The crossbows of the Han country are well-known in the world, and Lian Po and Wei Wuji also value this. The Han country itself also exerts the effect of this long-range weapon to the extreme.

In order to reduce the casualties in the process of fighting against Qin, Ji Wuye spent a lot of money to equip a large number of crossbows, the reason is that the crossbowmen can be placed in the back row of the infantry phalanx!

As early as when the Tiger Howl Army launched its first charge, the crossbow and crossbow troops of the Han country had released countless crossbow arrows, but the results were more embarrassing, and the Tigers had zero casualties!

Regardless of the outcome of the battle, the custom of the crossbowmen is that they will move to the rear of the army when they release their crossbow arrows, so the crossbow troops of these han countries also quickly withdrew back.

This kind of position is even more advantageous when a large force retreats.

The army of Han country led by Ji Wuye had the least casualties, with less than 5,000 people, which is equivalent to safely withdrawing from the battlefield of Hangu Pass.

The army of Zhao State and State of Wei acted as a shield for them.

Yingzheng did not give an order to intercept the Sanjin coalition forces. The best way to reduce casualties and expand the results is to chase after the end of the ranks.

As a result, the Three Thousand Tigers began to fully cooperate with Mengwu’s large forces, interspersed with enemy forces in various ways, and delayed the retreat of the coalition forces as much as possible, but they would not completely block their way back.

A big battle, from the early morning to the afternoon, the battle outside Hangu Pass is over.

The earth has completely turned blood red, and the Sanjin coalition has watered this barren land with blood. If the winning politicians plant sweet potatoes here, there will be a good harvest.

Meng Wu led the Qin Army’s large forces to pursue the remnants of the Zhao State, but Sheng Zheng took the Tigers back.

He has a better goal!

The battle of Changping started because of the Shangdang and ended with the defeat of the State of Zhao. Bai Qi slayed 400,000 Zhao troops, which brought an end to the war.

Shangdang County was famous all over the world because of the Battle of Changping.

After that, King Zhaoxiang defeated Zhao for the second time and started the Battle of Handan.

The country of Han also joined at the end of the war and was able to retake Shangdang County.

King Qin Zhaoxiang temporarily stopped using foreign troops and began to recuperate. Qin regained strength, first attacked Han and then Wei. Wei surrendered and became a vassal of Qin. King Henghui of Han came to Qin himself to meet him.

However, the place in Shangdang County was not recovered.

Ji Wuye and Bai Yifei led the defeated generals of the Han country and fled all the way back to the Shangdang. The city suddenly swarmed with so many panicked bereaved dogs, and it immediately became chaotic.

Inside a spacious mansion.

Ji Wuye and Bai Yifei still have lingering fears. A few days ago, in this place, Ji Wuye personally hosted Zhao Sheng, Lian Po and Wei Wuji.

At that time, everyone was still full of confidence, and in a blink of an eye they became the miserable appearance they are now, which is embarrassing.

Just when Ji Wuye found a sense of security after entering the city, a messenger walked in quickly.

“General! The cavalry of the Qin State are here!” The little soldier said eagerly.


An exquisite white jade wine glass fell to the ground, breaking to pieces.

“Master Hou, it seems that winning the government is not going to give up easily!” Ji Wuye said with a gloomy expression.

“What do the generals think?” Bai Yifei stared at Ji Wuye intently.

“Let’s see the situation first! No matter how strong the heavy armored cavalry is, it won’t be able to attack the city!”


Above the city wall, Ji Wuye and Bai Yifei looked condescendingly at the Tiger Howling Army in the distance.

Winning Zheng alone came to the city.

“Ding Tianjun is coming to the Shangdang party, this general has missed a long way to welcome him, but please forgive him!” Ji Wuye arched his hands in a grieving manner.

In the city, he is not so afraid of winning politics.

“Don’t talk nonsense! Ji Wuye, I can now give you a chance to take your people and get out of Shangdang County honestly! I can promise that you will return to Han country safely.” Indifferently.

“Ding Tianjun is a bit louder, right? Although Shangdang doesn’t have a strong city, it can’t be broken by your three thousand cavalry!” Ji Wuye said in an uncomfortable voice.

“Shangdang County has long been placed in the territory of my Daqin, Ji Wuye, this lord will give you one last chance!”

“Take people back to country Han, otherwise, you people will never need to go back!”

The goal of winning politics is to join the party!

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