Chapter 1194 Three inches of immortal tongue]

“Since he is clever and fickle, then we can threaten him directly now, really let him know that some of us will not easily let go of them in this place.”

Zhao Gao and the others must still maintain close contact with some other people. If this is the case, they should directly attack them.

“Since we have set goals now, we must complete my goals now. My goal is to become the strongest king.”

Yingzheng and them smiled happily, so that they must protect the Lord faithfully in this place.

“If he ran away now, they would say that they would not report all the information they knew to their masters. We must now treat them as slaves and treat them as our pet dogs.”

They must be calmed down.

“I know they will be treated kindly by us now, and we will definitely use our behavior to influence them now.

“It doesn’t have to be like this. We only need to let the people who open the information to open all the news clearly, then the following things will go smoothly.”

“I think we have to endure hardships now to be their leader, otherwise we are not qualified at all.”

“General Yang always speaks astonishingly. Before telling the truth, he always felt like he was dumb, and he couldn’t speak at all.”

The people around are rough people, and they don’t even know what these people who don’t like talking are thinking all day long.

“Alright, although you are talking about old folks now, you can’t make jokes like this and don’t take care of the emotions of some other people.”

“Do you know? I think we should let Zhao Gao and the others know what this is like now.

If they can understand all this, then this thing will go very smoothly.

“Otherwise, let’s ask Lu Buwei and the others to bring this power together a little bit.

As long as they can let them release this right outside, then they will now have a lot of small fish hooked, and they will definitely hit him everywhere now.

“Everyone has some desire for rights in their hearts. In our Great Qin Empire, we must not let them know how we treat them.

As long as they can prepare their mentality, then these things will be very natural. You must understand what I mean in this place now.

“Forget it, I think we’d better not say such things now, because there are a lot of people in this place that already have expectations of us.”

There is no need to think about it too much. They will definitely arrange this pants type directly now. Winning now knows that he is also looking forward to it in his heart. He feels that he should start preparing for this celebration banquet sooner.

“We must now reward them well and let them know that we are Jiang Cheng’s people, and the most important thing is that if they say that they don’t cooperate with us, they will die.

“They only have one choice now, and that is to cooperate with us well. If they don’t cooperate, they may lose their lives in the end.”

0……Look for flowers……

These refugees are basically scared, because they have now seen that if it is a betrayal, what are the consequences of the Great Qin Empire?

“Does our Daqin Empire say that they can afford to be a mouse shit in this place? We are simply too kind now.”

While these people were talking, there were some thick ropes that bound this person to this path. This person didn’t struggle at all. Now he could see that he was determined to die.

“If it is abolished in this place, then it is simply too miserable. We better ask them what they think about this right?”


They have to know what the outcome of such a problem will be, otherwise they might continue to hesitate in their hearts.

“Or else, let me talk to you seriously, how to face them in the end.”

“Don’t say these useless words, as long as we rely on the two sons of General Meng Tian, ​​we will solve this problem. You don’t know, they are particularly powerful now.

No matter what happens, you should treat them with a kind heart. In fact, this thing is particularly uncomfortable.

“Power can really make people feel evil out of the courage. They probably know the reason for doing this. They actually make us particularly helpless.”

“Some other people actually don’t have to say anything at all. We must let them know now that Gu Changyang is actually a rare talent, and we must now make good use of his abilities.”

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