Chapter 1193 Gun shot bird]

Yingzheng knows that such an early bird is needed now. If he does not handle this matter well now, nothing may happen next.

“Let’s come slowly now. If we return to the court now, similar things will happen. We must let him know now that they can’t resist at all now.

The people around are in this place to join in the fun, and more and more people are watching the fun. They are basically refugees from the surrounding area, and they all know that they are killing chickens and monkeys.

“They are willing to treat us well now, but it is really not easy. We must do things for them well now, so that we can live well.”

As long as you want to beat you down with such a hoe, you don’t need to think about other things at all, and they will not dare to disobey orders in the end.

“We must now open up 967-new roads by ourselves, let them know that as long as they follow our lives, they will definitely stand in the field of hope in the days to come.”

In such a world, there are many ideas for winning politics.

“Take your time, our ideal harmonious Datong society will surely be realized.”

Ying Zheng now wants to cheer them up, because he knows that he must put all his hopes on himself now, otherwise this matter is really difficult to handle.

“Take your time, don’t talk too much, there are a lot of people in this place just about to move, we should calm their hearts a little bit now, let them take care of them.”

Before the people who watched the inn came back, Yingzheng would never leave this place, because he knew that both places had to be stabilized.

(aibd) “They don’t even know what we are doing in this place now. To be honest, I think we should let them be abolished directly in this place now.”

“Are you sure you want to do this? If we really want to do this now, I’m afraid it’s not easy at all.

Yingzheng doesn’t want to talk more now, he just wants to concentrate this power now.

“Don’t say so much, let’s take it slowly now, otherwise, this matter is really difficult to solve, and you don’t understand what I mean.”

“I have already told you so much. If you can’t control them now, it means that you have done something that disappointed me. I really want you to leave this place immediately. Do you know what I mean? ”

They have now begun to distrust each other, then know that this is the best way and opportunity to gain their trust.

“It’s best to keep them away from us, otherwise they don’t even know what to do about this problem.”

“Have you found that if they say that they stand in this place now, it will make a lot of people confused. They don’t know what our heart is now, and they don’t know the reason why we did it.”

“No matter what we say now, we must contain their ambitions, otherwise their hearts will definitely encourage them more and more.

Ying Zheng is very clear in his heart, he feels that he must learn to harass them now, and don’t let them unite in this place.

“We have to go back to the inn now. We are going to participate in their so-called Lantern Festival and let them know what we want to destroy them now. It’s easy.”

How long did some of the Huns stay in this place? What are they lying in ambush in this place? What kind of plan is to be completed? We must figure out one by one.

“Have they reached an agreement with the other small countries? If they say that once they are all united, they will surround us. This is also a big trouble for us.”

“I know what you mean, Yang Duan and he have now sent other cronies to find out about him. He will definitely be back right now.”

“I know that General Yang is very smart when facing this matter. He must now know how to control this information.

“I think we should let Zhao Gao stay in this place well now, and don’t let him do more evil in this place. He is an uncertain factor.”

General Meng Tian finally aimed this spearhead directly at Zhao Gao. From the beginning, he had some very profound contradictions with him. They couldn’t understand each other, and they didn’t like each other.

“This little eunuch was very exposed from the beginning. When he walked, he walked straight with his waist sideways. There was no one inside or outside this palace who didn’t dislike him.

Ying Zheng knows that he is very mindful and knows how to please himself, so he said that many times he can escape from the dead because he has a three-inch tongue.

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