Chapter 1130 Magnanimous person]

“Don’t say so much for now, let’s take it slowly now.”

If you continue to stay in this place, these little eunuchs won’t say anything at all.

“I think we should now let Shang Yang spread this news order, so that we can let the whole world listen to us, and they will definitely feel that our decision is correct now.”

Ying Zheng thought about it a little bit in his heart, and felt that this matter was actually not easy to handle.

“Forget it, let’s let Prime Minister Li Si do some calculations in this place. Are we doing this right, okay? “Nine-Thirty-Zero””

In any case, this kind of thing can be considered to have reached its end, and it is absolutely impossible to just let it go.

“To be honest, some of them are really uncomfortable, especially the one in front of you called Lace. I think we better not talk to him so much now.”

Prime Minister Li Si, he is a very knowledgeable person. He will never just do this when facing this matter now. He may directly continue to ask questions directly.

“Don’t treat a gentleman’s belly with a villain. You don’t know that Prime Minister Li Si is a magnanimous person. Have you heard a word, the Prime Minister can hold a boat in his belly.”

Winning has considered it and thinks that it is still necessary to help Li Si say a few words. This kind of words will help everyone to unite. If this is the case, things will go smoother in the future.

“I won’t tell you more about other things, let’s start slowly now.”

They really make people feel a little uncomfortable now. Winning the government doesn’t want to say anything straight now, because he feels that the situation is actually not that simple.

“Do you know? The people we are sending out have not responded to us for a long time. I think it must be because they have been staying in this place.”

If you say something directly like this, it will definitely make them very uncomfortable and very uncomfortable in their hearts.

“Now if you ask Zhao Gao to continue to wait in that place, it doesn’t matter at all. Now you have to think of ways to do it.”

Yingzheng considered it for a while, and felt that he should let Yang Dun and them stand up at this time, so that the issue could be dealt with more quickly.

“What are you talking about? Since we are all ready now, we must let them stay in this place for a while.

There is no need to talk about other things at all, because Prime Minister Li Si has always done very rigorously when doing business, and he will definitely keep the water tight.

“Now it would be nice to let them grow their minds a little bit. To be honest, every time I see them, my sisters feel very speechless.”

When Ying Zheng said this, some other people actually thought the same in their hearts, but they didn’t say it.

“I won’t tell you anything else, because I think Lu Buwei and others will definitely stay in this place forever.”

Yingzheng thought for a while, and felt that now he should let Zhao Gao and the others hurry to stay in the computer, so that they can be truly honest.

“Whenever something like this happens, you have to let them stay in this place honestly. Otherwise, this matter will be troublesome. Do you have to know how long you have to know? Some of them might be able to. Lie to us 0”

Yingzheng doesn’t care about these things at all, because he knows that he can’t think too much now.

“If they continue to guard this place now, we can’t get close at all. They can get in from a remote path in this backyard, otherwise I will take you there.”

Meng Tian didn’t know what kind of people the people in this small courtyard were. He still thought it was some ordinary kidnappers or some bandits on the mountain.

“Who is the person inside?”

If General Meng Tian is allowed to pass directly, in the end, he might really solve these people with a few dollars. Winning politics does not want to be like this now, he wants to stay alive now.

“Meng Tian, ​​I want to say a word to you. The person inside is no small thing. He is now a person sent by the Huns. Don’t get too excited now. We need to catch them all alive, and then torture 1.3. Ask them what they are here for.”

When you say this, winning politics is actually very serious in your heart.

“In fact, he has already guessed your Majesty, so please do my best. General Meng Tian is also a very powerful person. We don’t need to do anything in this place now.”

From the very beginning, you should describe this matter with them, otherwise it will make some other people feel uncomfortable in their hearts.

“I should have done this kind of thing, but it really worries your majesty.”

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