Chapter 1129 Exposure target

Yingzheng didn’t say anything more, he felt that he should have a long memory now.

“Have you ever considered that we have asked Lu Bu to wait for the Lord in this place for a long time now, so we should talk to them now, they also know what happened to us in this place, our majesty privately They must have been taken aback when they left the palace.”

Ying Zheng knew that he was because of the monarch of a dynasty. It stands to reason that if there is any other action, the ministers of civil and military affairs above the court should give some guidance, and then let them make some urgent predictions.

“No need to say anything, I have arranged it now, Yang Duanhe and Li Slubuwei are guarding you in this court~, although you can rest assured.”

Zhao Gao, a little eunuch, if he had any other ideas, he would definitely express it directly, and there must be something out of this person’s ambition that would allow him to expose himself.

“Let’s not think about it so much now.”

Yingzheng now doesn’t want to imprison Zhao Gao directly, because he knows that with a little fish like this, you will really draw out the heavy rain behind him.

“The water above the Chaotang is too deep. If we do something now, we will be targeted by them. I think we better not be like this now, what do you think?”

Ying Zheng didn’t want to talk more, he felt that he should be with General Meng Tian now.

“General Meng Tian is actually a very good person. He is a very upright and very loyal person. I knew what her temper was from the beginning.”

Some guards around, when General Meng Tian went to change his clothes, whispered something like this in Ying Zheng’s ear. Ying Zheng thought it seemed that General Meng Tian was very popular.

“You all respect General Meng Tian very much. This shows that he usually takes you not thinly. I will treat such a general well.”

While talking, Ying Zheng looked at General Motian, patted the clothes of his civilians, and looked at himself with confusion.

Ying Zheng knew that he must feel very strange now, why after he came out of this room, everyone was staring at them.

“You know, we have been in this place for a long time now. I should change to another place to go to the opposite of their inn. There is also an inn in that place. We can now book one on the same street as them. A room close to the street.”

“Just let an inconspicuous little guard do this. Some of us shouldn’t be dispatched. Once they are dispatched, some of the following people might immediately follow us.

They look really good now.

“I think we should take it slowly now. You must not take this matter seriously.”

Yingzheng didn’t want to talk any more, he felt that he should tell these things about General Meng Tian now.

“If he said that he just came back directly like this, it would be a little pressure for us. Some of their people may not be thinking about something in their hearts. To be honest, I have never taken it seriously in my heart.

Yingzheng now wants to see what kind of thoughts they will have next, and he even wants to give them a direct blow.

0……Look for flowers……

“Can’t we just go there right now? They are in this place now, and they really have been waiting for a long time.”

As long as Meng Tian and Meng Yi are in this place, they will be relieved. He feels that he doesn’t need to worry about these useless things at all.

“The two of you brothers must keep the capital for me in this place. You don’t need to worry about other things at all. It’s enough to solve this kind of thing.”


If these guards are allowed to stay in this place, then this matter will definitely get worse and worse.

“I think it’s better not to think too much about it now, what do you think? Because the prince is still fighting in this place, we must calm their anger now.”

As soon as Ying Zheng heard such words, he felt that he shouldn’t set up a prince at all now. If this is the case, they would start civil unrest ahead of time.

“The prince’s matter will be picked up first. Don’t talk about the prince or the like. I am still young and strong. Why should I choose the prince? Are there some of you that are too annoying now.”

When Ying Zheng said such words, the people under his hands were all different, and they were all shivering on their knees all the time. I’m really angry.

“These little eunuchs don’t know what’s going on. They have been talking in a low voice in this place. Now let them speak a little louder about winning the government.” Factory,

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