Chapter 1117 Overall plan]

“Don’t you say you don’t hurry to see this matter?”

I don’t know why in the palace. It seems that many things have changed. Winning politics now doesn’t want to think too much.

“Watch the changes in this place.”

Yingzheng already knows the consequences of doing this. He feels that he should show his identity in a timely manner. This is more appropriate.

“Don’t think so much about this place, we will come little by little now.”

Winning thought about it and felt that they should feel comfortable now. Otherwise, they said they would hurt some innocent people in this place every time. If there are countless casualties in this place, it will affect them too much Big.

“Stop talking, let’s wait in this place now.”

Yingzheng is very calm. He thinks what will happen to him doing this, so he thinks he should remotely observe from this place now, what is their overall plan next.

Ying Zheng observed their clothes. Their clothes were very strange. I don’t know why there are some feathers on their hats.

“I think it can be judged based on some of their clothes. They must be sent by the Huns now. What do you think?”

The Huns are really getting more and more rampant now, and winning politics will definitely wait a little longer in this place now.

They will definitely continue to stay calmly in this place for a while, or else they might really be surprised. All of them are in this inn now.

“This thing is very important. Where will our future territories in Daqin go? It is really closely related to them. I have already told you so much. I hope you can understand my thoughts.”

If they ask something directly like this, they will definitely feel surprised in their hearts.

“Have you found that if such a tragedy really happens in this place, then some people around will definitely report to the officials. We must now continue to improve these laws, so that we can continue to improve them. Can give so much fairness.”

After coming to this place to experience the sentiments of the people, winning politics discovered how important a fair and just environment is to them. Therefore, we must continue to improve these legislations in the same way as Prime Minister Li Si said.

“I think we should still take a look at the memorial that Mr. Shang Yang has sold. If there is anything that needs to be improved, we can now make some changes.

Yingzheng has been seriously considering these things in his heart, and he feels that all of this is worthwhile.

“Or else, let’s take it slowly now, don’t let them start their tasks, let them complete their tasks in this place, and then we will go and ambush them a little bit.”

Ying Zheng has already photographed a group of fast horses and asked him to quickly return to the capital to send some more manpower. Otherwise, just relying on their personal guards, I am afraid that they will not be able to deter them at all.

“Hurry up and call more people over, especially if you are going to the residences of those civil servants and generals, and tell them about this matter. There is actually a Xiongnu assassin in our capital.”

What kind of tricks they will have next, no one knows. Now this problem must be solved, otherwise, no one knows how to solve this matter.

“Have you discovered that they have been waiting in this place for a long time now? We must threaten him a little bit to know the truth of this matter.

No one knew what was going on in this matter. Yingzheng took a closer look and felt that he should now draw out his sword and threaten them.

**” The unarmed people underneath are really pitiful. Have you noticed that many people have already been pushed to the corner by him. I think we have to take it slowly now. ”

The other people don’t know how to think about these things at all, they are just watching by this window now.

“Don’t tell me you really, I think we still have to continue now, wait a moment.”

As long as you wait in this place, you don’t need to say anything about other things.

(Good promise)” Do you know, I think we still have to observe them now, what kind of hole cards are there? The reason why they are mixed in this place must be someone in this place to respond, is it right? The people in our palace don’t know yet.”

“Don’t break these things, or you will be pointed out by other people.”

If you want to help them, these things should help them as much as possible, otherwise they don’t know how to deal with them.

“Stop talking, I don’t think I know how to do it now, let’s send some people over now, so that at least there will be no mistakes.”

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