Chapter 1116 Killing innocent people indiscriminately]

“Are you sure they will keep guarding this place? I think we might really have gotten this point wrong now, maybe we are with the wrong person now, because I haven’t found anything suspicious about this inn so far. .”

Yingzheng now really wants to see what these people think, why are they waiting on this ground?

“I think there are many reasons for this. For example, they have a lot of situations and they haven’t taken the initiative to speak out.”

“Forget it, some of them will show their feet in the end, we only need to let your Majesty wait in this place now, then that’s it.

Yingzheng asked them what they would do next and how to say it? What didn’t occur to them was that they didn’t want to talk at all.

“Have you noticed that they have a lot of people in this place now, and we shouldn’t wait too long now.”

“If you keep waiting, you will definitely find that things like their true colors are actually difficult to handle.”

“Some of their people have been from the beginning.”

There are many things that cannot be said directly to them, because they will definitely regret it now.

“Do you know? They will definitely stare at me in this place now, knowing from the beginning that they will definitely talk to us in depth now.”

There is no need to say anything else, they will definitely continue now, and some of their practices are completely wrong.

“If we go straight from this place now, they will really blame us for causing them to do things now, and they obviously started to have some purpose. We must avoid it now.”

Before such things happen, you must ask them in advance what they want to say about this matter.

“Okay, are you completely confused by them now? I think I should remind you now not to make this work so smoothly.”

As long as they can wait in this place, Yingzheng now wants to ask them why they will stay in this place until the end.

“Don’t tell me, I think it’s really boring for us to say it like this. Let’s observe them carefully in this place. Their current thinking is very important to us.”

Yingzheng now wants to give them a surprise, because he knows that he suddenly appears in this place, so they will definitely be shocked now.

“Don’t mess around with anything in this place, I think we should let him know now that we are now enough to give them face.”

Although their face is not important at all, they also understand that they cannot continue to think too much in this place.

“Did you know? We must keep our heads clear now, otherwise, some other people will definitely think that we are some very stupid people and always do some unmarginal things in this place.”

They seem to be completely ignorant of this matter now. If this is the case, then they should be given a prestige or a shock to them directly, so that no matter what they do, they will not be affected by other things. Controlled by people.

“It’s so scary. I just saw that they seem to be killing people at random in this inn now, my goodness, let’s go and take a look now. They must have begun to complete their task now.”

If this is the case, it would be terrible.

“I didn’t trust them at all from the beginning. To be honest, I think we should speak out these ideas directly now.”

If such an idea is said directly without knowing it, they will definitely feel uncomfortable in their hearts. Winning politics does not want to do this now.

“If you want to rush over now, you should move forward as soon as possible. I will never stop you, but you must now let me know what your actions mean. 920”

The personal guard he had stayed in this palace for a long time before, so he said that no matter what he did, he hoped to be affirmed and nodded in winning politics.

“Don’t worry, I will never restrain you outside. You can do whatever you want to do freely. When you return to the capital, it will be completely different.”

Ying Zheng looked at the people in front of him, and felt that he should speak more carefully with them now.

“If we say that we threaten them directly, they will definitely feel uncomfortable in their hearts. You are not clear about it.”

“Forget it, I think what we are saying now is really unacceptable. They have threatened us in this place for a long time now.”

From the beginning, they have been talking about it in this place. Winning did not take this matter seriously, because he felt that they might be just joking now. .

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