Chapter 1103 Aggravated punishment

If we continue to go on like this, then some other people will definitely have a sense of resistance in their hearts. Winning politics now does not want to talk more.

“Don’t hesitate, if there is a feeling of hesitation in this place, it will bring them a bad result.”

“The words that Prime Minister Li Si said just now are really useful. I think we are indeed doing it according to this one thing now.”

If it continues like this in this place, it must be inappropriate.

“I think we should now clarify these things about Shang Yang and Lu Buwei. The other things are not important at all. In addition to this matter, we also need to promote some young people to do things for us.

As long as these young people can come over, then this time will be more and more smooth, and then go down to see what they think they have when facing this problem.

“Young people are successors to us. The meaning is passed down. I don’t think we need to be so early now, because our 913s are still in their prime of life.

Prime Minister Li Si is very insightful about this matter. She feels that she must seize this opportunity now and should not think about it too much.

“Don’t tell me, I think that since we have made a decision now, we must think about how this matter affects us.”

“The Prime Minister Li Si now estimates that he will write these letters again. We only need to study his letter carefully at the Ming Dynasty Hall, and he will worry about other things.”

As long as they can hold on to all this, the others don’t matter at all.

“Do you know? I think we should let Yang Duanhe and the other people calm down now. They must be very impulsive now. You and them now know how Damn it the Xiongnu people (aibd) are.”

The Huns are now crippling ordinary people. These people are unarmed. If they were allowed to continue in this way, they would really kill innocent people indiscriminately.

“As long as they dare to bully our people, then we must now behead all of them to show the public. They are too rampant one by one, and they dare to make trouble on our territory.”

Yingzheng now wants to let these other people level the land, because he knows that he must be calm when facing such a situation, and there is nothing else to say.

“You know that if we are to let the prime minister’s intention and increase the penalty, then these people will be less courageous, and the following things may be much easier. I think we should fight to support us now. Prime Minister Li Si.”

Many ministers began to think this way. Ying Zheng pondered and pondered, and in the future, Prime Minister Li Si would definitely – persuade them to let them support his opinion from the court.

“There is no need to talk about other things at all. I have already had some own opinions. I have accumulated a lot of experience when I ascended the throne so early. I know how to do this thing.

Winning thought for a long time, and felt that he still had to be a little calm and calm now.

“They will definitely continue to wait in this place now. If they have any other ideas now, they will definitely keep hiding them, and they won’t take the initiative to speak out like this.

Yingzheng was very calm. He felt that he should now let Yang Duanhe say these things in this place, so that they could express their thoughts.

“Do you know? We must be steadfast in this place now, don’t go to nonsense, you don’t know the minds of some of them, in fact, they are very special.”

It is really uncomfortable for a good thing to be like this.

“Do you know? We should now let Meng Tian and Meng Yi take charge of the government in this place, otherwise some other people will surely have power and drift off.

Looking at the entire court, those who can be in a high position, and can keep a low-key and calm and calm, are the only people. Yingzheng knows that they must be reused now.

“In addition to this matter, we now have to strengthen protection. In order to resist the outer wall, we can now build some walls in this place to resist their attack.’

The consideration of winning politics can build a city wall in this place, then this city wall can be continuously extended to the front and back, so that the entire country can be greatly protected.

“What’s your impression of what I just said? If you don’t have any opinions, you can immediately summon soldiers and horses to build this city wall immediately.”

“Your Majesty’s words are extremely true, but I think this thing seems a little impractical, because if you really want to build such a tall city wall to resist them, it will take great effort and may use a lot of manpower. Material resources

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