Chapter 1102 Repeatedly fighting and winning]

You must be a little more careful when doing these things, and not let other assassins take advantage of this loophole. This matter is very important.

“I have just observed carefully for a long time. For some reason, these grains and supplies seem to be missing. It may be because these assassins stole them out of the box.”

Ying Zheng observed and observed that he should still let these people wait for the good news in this place.

“I told you before that General Meng Tian has won many battles and battles. Now that he is going out for a short time, he won’t be defeated at all. Don’t worry.”

This time, General Meng Tian will certainly live up to expectations. For such things, winning politics has long been a habit.

“What kind of things they experienced in the frontier, none of us knows, so we’d better wait in this place for a while now.”

In such a palace, they now dare not say anything and do anything, and they are very happy to win the government.

“I think we should keep Zhao Gao away from the court now. Otherwise, he might say something in this place that is not in front of the village and behind the shop, which is really annoying to hear.”

While talking, Prime Minister Li Si looked at Zhao Gao not far away. He has a very bad tone when he speaks, and there is no good tone at all.

“Forget it, all of you are making suggestions in this place. Ministers, all of you are working hard now, and you will definitely be rewarded more after you get it, 々.”

Prime Minister Li Si thought for a while, but didn’t say anything at all. After winning the government, he thought about it, and felt that he still had to make a long-term plan.

“It’s definitely not the time to embarrass them, you can die of this heart.”

Lu Buwei suddenly stood up at this time. When he spoke, he was very pertinent to win politics and thought about it. He must be waiting for this opportunity now.

“This opportunity is very rare. We must now let them know that this situation is a little different from what we thought. We must now carefully observe the surrounding conditions.”

Now the whole domestic and foreign countries are in a period of internal and external troubles. If it is said that once it is used by the Huns, then they might really just sneak in right away when there is a mess.

“We can’t let them in easily. We have to add some more checkpoints in the city gate now, and look at the identities of these people layer by layer. This is more appropriate.

“In this place of the city gate, a checkpoint must be set up. If you find some people who are disguised as ordinary people, with some weapons and suspicious identities, immediately stop them and lock them up. Don’t let them go. gone.”

For this situation, there are many things that make people feel tricky.

“Forget it, we’d better not talk to him proactively now, because no one of them knows what will happen next. We must act accordingly now. This matter is far from what we thought.”

What do these people outside think about, winning politics simply doesn’t want to guess anymore.

Yingzheng doesn’t want to say anything more now. He feels that he will definitely tell the things that should be said now.

“Don’t tell me, I think I can have such a calm feeling now, it is because of the self-confidence we gave him. They must now feel that we are short of materials and food and so on, they will be so rampant. .

Those gap gates that are active in the capital must feel that many things have been firmly controlled by them, but in fact it is not like this at all.

**” Don’t think too much about this place. In addition to stepping up the inspection of these levels, we now have to search for the shadows of these assassins from an inn and an inn in the capital. ”

We must let them know how this matter is, otherwise there will be a lot of problems.

“Otherwise, forget it, let’s think about it now, what kind of thoughts we will have next.”

“Do you know? Now if we ask Meng Tian and Meng Yi to come back from this frontier, this matter will be very bad. I hope that each of you will be slightly prepared.”

As long as it can stand out from this place (good promise), there is no need to think about other things at all. Yingzheng now wants to check whether there are these assassin posts in these inns.

“These criminal laws must be aggravated, otherwise they don’t know what the consequences of these things will be. We must put this matter on the agenda now.

Prime Minister Li Si has spoken below. Yingzheng feels that if he suddenly increases the penalty, there are some things that are not appropriate. Now he must first stabilize his internal affairs.

“Needless to say anything else, we only need to control the internal affairs in this place now, then we will let everything happen naturally. Don’t worry.”,

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