Chapter 1073 About the Talents]

Many things are not that simple. Win Zheng now wants the prince and other people to guard all these things in this place.

“If you can hold this country, then we can now deliver such a country directly to your hands. You can decide for yourself.

Looking at Fusu and Hu Hai in front of him, Yingzheng is now in deep thought. He feels that he must now choose a prince and a person who can inherit his mantle.

“If you can make the right choice, then I am definitely able to support you on the throne now. Once you have inherited the throne now, the talents in your hearts will probably be able to be used.”

If this thing continues, it will certainly be, but many people recognize that the competition between them will become more and more fierce.

“I heard that this matter has already burned the eyebrows. If that is the case, we will immediately hold this celebration banquet, and give full play to our talents, roughly 897. Father, what do you think of this matter?”

When Ying Zheng heard this sentence from Fu Su, he felt that he was indeed a child who was very brave enough to express his opinions. If this is the case, then he can pay close attention to him.

“Well, if you can, if you can retire, Father, I have a lot of things to do.

Yingzheng understands this matter and feels that he must be prepared for this place now.

“Did you ever know that if we really continue like this, this situation is not so simple. I think we must now look for a few brave and strategic people.”

They now know how to deal with this matter, and they even understand what consequences this will bring to them.

“If it is true, if such an aibd matter, such an important matter, is added to their hands, once they mess up this matter, it will be ruined, and we and the frontiers The battle will be very tense.”

There is a person hidden behind the dark curtain. This person is the eyeliner that Ying Zheng himself arranged. He has been walking around the capital now, asking for some very hidden news.

“Now you immediately find out what they are going to do. If these people are trying to happen and just don’t leave, we must now force them back.”

In the dark, this person in black clothes seemed to be a superman. He gave a gift to the government. It is now informal to win the government. He feels that he should investigate this matter clearly now.

“You should investigate this matter to me immediately, otherwise I won’t be better off.”

Ying Zheng thought about it carefully in his heart for a long time, and felt that if it was aimed at this, this matter might not be appropriate.

“We must now let them understand that we have been waiting in this place for a long time now, and we must not let them be so presumptuous.”

If this is the case, then this situation will definitely be very anxious, and there are many ideas about winning politics.

“Have you ever thought that if we really waited in this place, then the situation would definitely be very bad.”

They probably don’t know how to start at all, and no one has guessed about it.

“Don’t make trouble in this place, you don’t know that some of them are something we can’t afford.”

When Ying Zheng walked outside with his guards, he suddenly heard that there seemed to be some people talking outside. These people should be some people brought by Shang Yang.

“Raise them all immediately and put them in the jail. They committed crimes below this place. It is really unruly. Let them leave this place as soon as possible.”

When I heard these people’s love names, the Lord was very happy in his heart. He felt that now he must make full use of his power to achieve his ultimate goal.

“Just now, I replied a letter to General Meng Tian and General Meng Yi. You can pass this letter to them immediately without delay.

Yingzheng thought about it in his heart, and felt that there was still something he couldn’t do about this matter. Anyway, he should be seriously invited back.

“After you invite this person back, you have to do one thing now, that is, be very polite to him and don’t scare her away.”

Win Zheng thinks that he has handled so many government affairs in one day. It really makes people feel a little uncomfortable. Now they have to eat some food.

“Let the imperial dining room make some exquisite desserts and send them over. If it is not as good as my intention, I will immediately pull them away and behead their heads.

The guard who had just been dispatched, after hearing the command of Yingzheng, immediately withdrew respectfully.

“Your Majesty, the minister has something to say.” A person suddenly rushed out of the corner, shocked to win the government. .

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