Chapter 1072 Assassin Rampant]

“I heard that a lot of assassins have been rampant recently, and they are doing everything in this capital. If this is the case, then these guards should be asked to strengthen patrols and protections in this place. Only in this way can we protect my safety.”

When Ying Zheng expressed his thoughts, some other people nodded in a hurry, and some even knelt down in fear.

“This matter is indeed a matter of inadequate consideration by the ministers. Small crimes deserve death.”

Yingzheng thought about it carefully. He felt that in this capital city, we must carefully see what their thoughts were.

“Anyway, we should let them know that the prince and these eunuchs are very serious and persistent, and they will definitely move towards their goals now, no matter what the result is.”

Yingzheng now wants to ask how they think about these things.

“If we really are like this, in the end, maybe it will really make some other people feel that what we are doing is not going well.”

If they really go step by step in this place, I am afraid this matter will be very annoying.

“It’s best not to think too much. Haven’t we already said it to this point? Everything else doesn’t matter.”

Ying Zheng took a closer look, and the expressions of these two ministers seemed to be somewhat unsightly, probably because they did not adopt their opinions.

“If you really think about it for the people, then these ordinary people will definitely enshrine you as gods. Now you should immediately think about what these things we are talking about now are. Many things are actually fundamental. It’s not that easy, I hope you all can think about all of this a little bit, 々.

When Yingzheng spoke, he was very calm. He felt that he should hold all his rights tightly in his own hands now, and he must not let other people win.

“The two ministers, if you say there is nothing else to report to me, then go back and rest. You have been too tired during the recent period.”

These two adults look very good.

“Otherwise, forget it. Haven’t we invited these princes over now? We can now see what the princes of various countries think about this matter.”

The people in the small frontier countries seemed to be very calm. They sent the princes to the celebration banquet.

“Since we are going to hold such a celebration banquet, we must let some other people come and participate in it. Let’s wait and see at this place. Let General Peng Mengtian come back, and we will start immediately.

After revealing such a news with them, Yingzheng did not say much.

“We must now centralize this right, otherwise, as long as some other people are slightly tainted with some rights, they may have a huge change in their mentality.”

Ying Zheng considered the little eunuch in front of him. He was very sincere when he said it.

“This is indeed the truth. I can’t think that the things you thought about before have actually come true.”

Ying Zheng carefully considered it, and he felt that he was facing such a throne now, and he should make good use of these rights now.

“If you let Fusu be the prince, then he will be a very wise prince. When he becomes the throne in the future, he must be a very wise emperor and a bright emperor.”

Winning government naturally hopes that his descendants can inherit his throne and become a generation of Mingjun. He feels that he must avoid some Damn it things now.

*” I think that since we can dominate the world now, we must be able to stabilize the world. We must now take good care of the world we have won. ”

In the face of the vast clouds and mountains, Yingzheng has her own considerations. She feels that she should take good care of everything in this place now, and can’t let some other people prey on nailing it.

“Some of them are very inconspicuous. If this is the case, then we are actually going to defeat them directly.”

(Qian promises good) Faced with such a situation, winning the government still feels that I have to wait until General Meng Tian waits for me to come back before discussing with them. This is more appropriate, otherwise the matter will be very tragic.

“I heard that there are a lot of assassins in this place. If this is the case, we should take these assassins down first. Otherwise, wouldn’t we be threatened by them?

Winning politics is very clear. He feels that he must be prepared now. This is a very good thing.

“I think we should let them know now that the place we are staying now is a very good place. If this is the case, then we must be calm now.”

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