Chapter 1047 waste】

To be true, it makes people feel a little flustered. The people around started to kowtow one by one, seeming to use this behavior to express their innocence, but it is undeniable that they are quite innocent.

If the emperor really wants to pursue the final result, he should ask the relevant persons in charge, rather than come and ask them ordinary people, it is useless, he is not the manager, but it is obviously No one dared to say such thoughts.

The atmosphere that followed was quite tense, and the big guys could only watch the victory in politics here eagerly.

That emotion must be a bit speechless, and the more important thing is that they don’t know how to express their current state of collapse. Thousands of words seem to be stuck in their throats, unable to speak, or even speechless pain. .

“What? I never knew you people could be such a waste. At least when I ask a clear question, you should find ways to solve it, instead of expressing this expression to me from beginning to end. .”

He frowned when he said that he was winning, and he had a somewhat speechless mentality towards them, but it was obvious that there was no way to vent the anger in his heart.

What’s more, winning the government is also a person with no backbone at all. He feels quite humble. This is just a very realistic problem.

Although this issue is very realistic, they don’t want the moment when their heads fall, and no one knows what they will experience below, like such a humble word, they definitely don’t know how to talk about it.

Then he kept watching the win-government eagerly, and there was a kind of helplessness in this expression.

Of course, it is more of a sense of tension among them. There is really nothing to say. Their attitude towards winning politics has always been special, and their conscience wants to say that they will do their best to answer the doubts among people.

But it doesn’t mean that they are the kind of people who can do everything. When they nervously asked about the situation, everyone’s tears came down directly.

“What is it? How do I feel that I am particularly humble is that I think too much? This is not enough. 々.”

But where did they go to find this result, it can only be said that they went to the flying pigeon to spread the book, first spread the news to the palace, and finally waited for the people over there to give a perfect answer.

But it is obvious that you will have to wait a lot of time for this process, and if you can’t wait for this time to win the government, you will most likely have to drop your head to answer this doubt in his heart.

They are also very curious as to why this happened, and why the food provided has not been properly implemented because of the difference between the Chinese and the merchants.

When thinking about this possibility, everyone smiled bitterly, didn’t it? When is this, why is there still someone joking about their lives?

What’s more, it is not the very poor days of the past. At least the food that is fermented every year will not encounter the situation where there is no rice to cook.

But what is impossible is that it is really possible to see such a tense environment, and everyone feels helpless.

“Okay, brother, don’t put too much pressure on yourself. At least I think that the reaction of winning the government should not mean that we want us to die in vain. Then there is no big worry, right? I? Seeing your expressions collapse like this, I start to feel sorry for ourselves.”

Soon a few of them hugged fiercely and warmed each other. It was indeed a very sad fact.

You will feel that you are really hurt by it now.

And no one knows when those horrible things will happen. Those remarks don’t seem to be something they should be interested in understanding too much.

But it’s not a fact that you have to get in touch, isn’t it a goal you should pursue together?

In addition, the emperor is very likely to ask them to quickly soften the results of the investigation if they go crazy someday.

Have you completely given a satisfactory answer, then you are likely to get a terrible punishment on behalf of those people.

If they really wait for that time, they can’t wait to learn about their own sex (money) with their own hands, and don’t have any expectations. They are really too weak, and the helplessness revealed all over is a joke. .

I just want to say that winning politics is too terrifying and terrifying, and it is completely beyond the scope of their own contact.

In case something like that really happens, not afraid of 10,000, just in case it’s wrong, they can’t ask for this kind of result, even a little bit.

It is undeniable that their mood is quite nervous, but for the time being, even if you consider a lot, there is no result.

*”The emperor, please think twice before you act. ”

They all kept kowtow there, not dare to have any extravagant desires. .

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