Chapter 1046 No sideways]

The person who died at that time will not win the government, but you will be the one, okay?

They came to this kind of panic place, which is very scary in itself, and their lives are in danger at any time. In short, it is also a very nervous fact. They must want to save their little life and dare not act rashly.

Let alone do something that goes against the idea of ​​winning the government. Then you think it is equivalent to the person who wins the government. Although he said that he doesn’t have a big temper, he is really tough. People.

They can see how tense the atmosphere is, so the mood is quite complicated, not to mention how chaotic their minds are. If possible, 08, I hope things will not be so exhausting.

Everyone’s mentality was a hit, and they soon left this place of right and wrong, but the mood is still a bit unpleasant. After some worries, I still feel a little nervous.

I always feel that the eyelids are constantly beating, and I always feel that something bad will happen. They have not been here for a few days, and their wallets have been robbed. Of course, they want to fight them and be a little tender. After a while, all these guys were deeply subdued.

They even asked others to keep calling them eldest brother. Such a name was true, making people a little dumbfounded, but they refused fiercely, saying that they just wanted to get their wallet back.

In addition, let them stop doing this thing in the future. If they want to continue, there is no problem at all, just don’t be discovered by them, but it is obvious that they will never do it again after they are caught. Dare to have such an idea.

Even if I don’t dare to lack money in the future, even if I don’t dare to make a joke about my own life, even if I lack money, it’s already this time and my life is worrying, so I dare not waste this time.

Looking back on all kinds of weird cases that happened some time ago, they all sweated deeply for winning the government.

It can be seen that winning politics is a very powerful and very courageous guy, but it does not mean that things will really be as simple as he imagined. In short, no one can figure out the idea of ​​winning politics, everyone. He also sighed silently.

If you don’t know it, don’t worry.If you don’t understand him, don’t entangle, let alone there is nothing to entangle.Couldn’t you just feel that the atmosphere is more tense and harsher, and the emperor doesn’t know. How long will I stay here.

There are so many interesting things in the folks, so I have to stay for a month, but I didn’t expect that Yingzheng’s curiosity about this place disappeared without a trace in a few days, because of him. I found that there are many bad conditions, and they frequently appear around me.

So when he received this message, the whole person had collapsed. When was everything he wanted to say, and why would anyone still not have enough to eat?

How could this happen? He thought it was incredible, of course, it was still in a state of shock.

“I need you to give me a reasonable explanation. Why has no one reported this situation to me before? Why the food that I distribute every day has not been implemented in the hands of every household at least such a comparison. Famous folk, a team everyone should have.”

“It’s not that those small places in the mountains may not be implemented. I can understand, but this small place is quite famous. There are often people who come and go here to do some commercial activities. It is impossible to measure food and clothing with this kind of full meal.”

“I really think that I have been thinking about it again. Is there any paper leakage? I must get a good explanation as soon as possible. You must also give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise you two It’s just waiting for the head to fall.”

It can be seen that their whole person has already fallen into their own panic. Naturally, this guard is unaware of the situation. They don’t even know what the situation is.

Especially when Yingzheng suddenly said these thoughts at them with a serious face, everyone looked for a little more panic.

Then he looked helpless and wanted to say what the hell was it, what right do they have to say, what are they doing so nervously? And after winning the government and questioning them fiercely.

Why haven’t you considered the mentality of these guards? At best, they can have brute force, but it is useless to tell them this.

So they also showed a bitter smile, just hoping to win the government but don’t get angry at them for no reason, because of the light released from the eyes of the winning government.

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