Chapter 1039 Blending]

It’s even more terrifying, why didn’t you feel the horror of winning the government before?

Why didn’t they feel that the emperor would be so harsh before? They have already generated 100 question marks in their hearts. To put it bluntly, they are very afraid of winning the government. I hope that he will never come over, even if it is to communicate with anyone around him. .

Don’t come over and have any mingling with them, on the one hand because they really have a feeling of being spared and insufficient, on the other hand, they feel that they really don’t have the ability to withstand such a big bad news.

Everyone had a bitter smile on their faces, and it could be seen that everyone was afraid to imagine how terrifying the situation was, but the impossible things still happened. When they walked in front of the big guy little by little, their smiles instantly stiffened on their faces.

Although it is said that the one who should come will always come, but all of this came too fast, and it was a bit beyond their imagination, but they still honestly accepted the glass of wine that Yingzheng handed over. And he bowed deeply towards Yingzheng, and said some more ridiculous, mutual respectful words.

But as long as Ying Zheng leaves their work, they don’t know what they experienced when they let go, and even the words they said are forgotten. Why is it not like this on the victory side? , Even if he is much calmer than everyone around him, but, look at these guys.

He is all kinds of guts who will carefully observe the other party’s behavior while drinking, and he is really afraid that anything will let him miss it. This is a good opportunity.

That’s right, it is to find out those who want to try to harm him. As the king of a country, if an emperor is not a lesson in his heart, he may not be able to imagine how much he is sitting in this position. Horror. Almost all people live less than 30 years old. How can I say? It’s not that his life is short.

It’s just that you are somewhat jealous of sitting in this position, and your power in this position is also very high.

Everyone has a feeling of resentment towards you, and then it will become more chaotic and complicated. This is a very real problem.

After the people around me discussed it very carefully, the big guys started to be a little bit compassionate and win the government, especially at this moment, the eyes of the win the government were full of distressed expressions looking at him, watching him. Returned to his place.

In fact, I drank several pots of wine just now, but they were all quietly poured on the ground, without a sip at all.

Naturally, everyone around him is not allowed to do it, because Yingzheng’s acting skills are indeed very good, and such unreal eyes can also perform so well. It is conceivable that he will die again and train. how long?

“Inexplicably, I think this person is a bit scary. If you think about it carefully, all of this is carefully designed by him. Why do I have a particularly creepy feeling when I think of this question? I think There is so much, my goodness, this is simply not understandable.

At this moment, everyone’s faces are pale and pale. While loving and loving to win politics, you should still feel sorry for yourself. The key is that at such a horrible time, you still don’t have a good grasp of your current destiny. How unimaginable, big guys understand it.

0……Look for flowers…

Although it is terrifying to say that winning the government is very scary, he does not need to be entangled in this issue. To put it bluntly, there is no good talk about this kind of thing. You need to know the environment you are in now and the environment in which you are winning. , That’s definitely another gap in nature. Almost every day there are people who want to kill and win politics.

Therefore, it is also a big problem for people to live in this kind of very thrilling environment, but he has never complained. It seems that he has become accustomed to his position without knowing it.

And all these things he is accustomed to now, even when he was scolded by others at the beginning, they did not have any remarks, and there was nothing to complain about.

The victory on the other side has tried his best to show a very plain posture, but all his courage immediately collapsed when he saw the princess of the neighboring country. At that time, the eye could not help but follow. Turned together with each other.

Good guy, don’t be too funny. This girl is too good to look at. There is an indescribable temperament between his hands, which can be said to be very extreme.

You are not saying that there is no beauty in this great Qin that has the beauty characteristics of a beauty. It is completely different and each has its own beauty, but if you really want to choose a better one. factory,

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