Chapter 1038 Addicted to beauty

In the end, he said silently: “Please take back all the messy emotions in your brain and those unscrupulous thoughts.”

“Don’t worry about these headaches, do you think you are very good? Actually, that’s all.

Saying this seems to be the same thing. Indeed, there has been an earth-shaking change in my mood, and I don’t know how to communicate this issue.

If there is an opportunity for them to use this strength and then desperately to climb up, everyone will work hard to fight for it. This is a fact that they know well.

But, where are so many good things in this world, you are afraid that it is a little too much thinking, or a little too funny, right now they can see how tense and terrifying the atmosphere is.

At any time, 877 may experience some unexpected results. If you still want to stay in this place, then go according to the requirements of winning politics. Don’t have those inexplicable little emotions, like today. Don’t say anything about similar things.

Now they look at the red wall, it is clearly that high distance, they can actually surpass the past very easily, but no one dares to move such thoughts, you must know if this kind of thing is really done, How much impact it will have on your life and your family, may just be overwhelming.

Some time ago, didn’t it happen that there was a guy who was doing tricks in Yingzheng’s secrets? At that time, Yingzheng directly took the most precious sword in his heart and killed them in their homes and personally solved the problem of the family. He didn’t have any thoughts at all.

This is why everyone commented on him as the kind of mad demon who kills people without blinking. It is because he himself is such a person, so he can try his best not to provoke the emperor.

It can’t be said that it is done as much as possible. This is something that must be done. idea.

Sometimes it feels weird. You said that at least a normal person wouldn’t become like this. Then when did things change?

When they asked this question, they also thought about it for a long time, and they couldn’t think of a reason.

Immediately after winning the government, they must have their own ideas. His views cannot be understood by anyone. Even if they do not understand it, it is normal. For example, winning the government has never hoped from the beginning to the end. .

So this time the banquet must have arrived as scheduled. During this event, he will not have a glass of wine with any on-site, at most, he will drink these in front of him, and he will always carry (aibd) needles in his hands.

That’s right, winning politics really gave him a heart. If something horrible is going to happen, he is a bit afraid to imagine how horrible the scene is. Similar situations have happened before. , So I reminded Yingzheng’s heart that there was still ordinary thinking guarding him.

Although it looks very ordinary, it can still play a most fundamental role at a critical time, at least in the heart of winning politics. The status of the other party is still quite important.

“Well, thank you very much for everyone who is willing to participate this time. You will also hope that everyone has fun at this banquet, eats happily, and watches happily. These are all dances performed by the best dancers in the country, and All are original, please enjoy it, enjoy the beauty of the moonlight and the grace of this dance.”

Immediately after Ying Zheng said these words, he walked down honestly again, don’t know what to say?

To put it simply, the moment they saw that they won the government, their mood began to follow, and they became excited and tense. They always felt that this heart was about to be mentioned in their throats. Don’t be too scary, they never expected that this winning government would become like this.

Anyway, it’s a veritable smiling tiger. The selfies shown in front of them are like that, and now suddenly they become this kind of image. You start to wonder if there is something wrong with your eyes.

It’s really confusing, and even feels a bit too funny. Of course, more of it still feels incredible.

“What should I do? The moment I saw the emperor, why did I feel that my heart was beating with it? I really don’t have any thoughts about him, I just think he is a bit too scary, I dare not have any contact with him at all, how could there be such a terrible thing in my heaven?”

Their hearts are about to jump out of the body soon, it’s so terrifying, especially when their eyes are in contact with Ying Zhengyi.

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