I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 352: Attributes Increased 100,000 Times! Ling Yan Is Dead?

However, if you want to upgrade your god-level skills, you need a god-level card that surpasses the god-level.

But now Ling Yan doesn't even have a god-level skill upgrade card!

Since I can't kill my own undead, it seems I can only wait and see if there is a god-level BOSS in the subsequent two rounds of assessments, of course!

Even if there is no god-level BOSS, it is still possible to encounter the most advanced genius whose passive level is above LV200.

This kind of genius is equivalent to a god-level BOSS. After killing it, you can get god-level skill upgrade cards and even god-level equipment!

"Forget it, let's forget about it for now, there will still be upgrade cards that surpass the god level after all.

It’s better to improve the competition area and solve the immediate problems first! "

Ling Yan didn't think much.

"Apocalypse, learn all the skills, and upgrade me to LV349!

And simultaneously upgrade my equipment level! "

Ling Yan spoke slowly.

At this time, his strength has greatly increased, and it is indeed time to leave this competition area.

[Ding... Please note that your level has reached the fifth level limit. If you upgrade, your competition area will be upgraded!

And all fifth-level points will be cleared!

Currently, there are only ten hours left for the first round of assessment! Do you confirm the upgrade level? ? 】

After hearing Ling Yan's words, Apocalypse Will also gave a hint.


Ling Yan has no nonsense. Just clear it to zero!

For him, ten hours is enough for him to raise his points ranking to the first place in the seventh level.

[Ding...accept the instruction and start upgrading your realm! 】

[Ding... Your equipment: The level of the Thunder Punishment Destroyer God's Envoy suit has begun to increase. Because it is a quasi-god-level suit, every 5 levels it increases consumes 400 equipment upgrade scrolls! 】


In an instant, a terrifying force crazily poured into Ling Yan's body.

At this moment, endless power poured into Ling Yan's body like a flood.

Ling Yan's all attributes also began to skyrocket.

10 times! 50 times!

100 times! 500 times!

This time, due to the one hundred level upgrade and the equipment upgrade, Ling Yan's all attributes increased by more than seven hundred times.

If all high-level black fruits with all attributes are consumed, Ling Yan's strength will be directly increased by a full 1,000 times!

Then Ling Yan opened his attribute table.


attribute table

Name: Ling Yan

Race: Human race

Occupation: Passive Looter, Son of Luck

Level: LV349 (245 trillion Beijing)

Power: 2000 trillion (LV190*2 million times)

Agility: 2000 trillion (LV190*2 million times)

Physique: 2000 trillion (LV190*2 million times)

Soul: 2000 trillion

Talent Passive:

[Survival of the Broken Tail LV64] Strength increase after death: 4200%

【Space Power LV169】*240,000 times

[Power of Thunder LV180+34]*10.4 million times

[Power of the Undead LV110]*34 times~4000 times

[Enhanced Mastery LV37, 12.41 million/200 million]: Enhancement upper limit +LV74


Skill: Exchange life for life LV10 (black, 80 times)

Void shuttle lv1 (God level! No consumption! Can travel anywhere in the universe! That is: one shuttle: 100 trillion light years)

Hell God Emperor Tower lv10 (black, 320 times damage, sacrifice all health points to explode: 720 times continuous damage)

World-destroying Dharma LV10 (three colors, 720 times)

Energy accumulation: 0%)

If he rashly upgrades the black fruit, he will definitely not be able to keep up. Even if he has already prepared it, the equipment level still needs to be upgraded, right? The equipment level upgrade scroll is so expensive, and since Ling Yan's strength far exceeds that of Skalol, his equipment is likely to be god-level.


It is almost impossible for him to upgrade to the division!

[Ding... Your level has reached level seven, start teleporting to the competition area! 】

At this moment, a prompt sound came.

Space God-Destroying Slash LV10 (three-color god-level, a destructive blow that activates 1,000 elemental powers above level LV160! Can cause: 720 times comprehensive damage. If the power of space is combined, the power of the skill is doubled! And kill Break the space and drive the enemy into the turbulent void!)

Equipment: Thunder Punishment Destroying God Envoy Set LV340 (quasi-god level, thunder system, heaven punishment system, damage bonus: 8000%, passive level +LV17, magic and blood recovery +100 trillion/S, armor-breaking and magic-breaking effect +5000 %,

Eyes of the Evil Emperor of Ice and Fire (red, flame, ice, pupil level + LV5)

[Ding... The god-level BOSS in this competition area has been expelled from this competition area! 】

Unless he is stupid enough to make fun of his own future! "

After all, the level has been increased by a full 149 levels, and even the attribute points increased by nearly 10,000 times!

"The points are cleared and the name disappears. This is something that only happens after death!"

Ling Yan's attribute table at this moment is almost completely different from before.

Not only inside the stadium, but even outside the stadium, and even the entire human universe learned the news immediately.

If this is to upgrade the division, then his overall strength will definitely be greatly weakened compared to geniuses of the same level! "

Ling Yan's figure also disappeared from where he was.

And just before starting this assessment!

"That's right, let's not talk about anything else, let's talk about the attribute fruits. To cultivate a fifth-level genius, the attribute fruits required are extremely huge.

This time, it was even more exciting!

Such changes naturally attracted the attention of almost everyone who was paying attention to the fifth-level competition area.

Isn't that fifth-level genius who struggled hard at the fifth-level stage for dozens or even hundreds of years before raising his strength to the best among the fifth-level talents?

"It's impossible. During the Battle of the Universe's Strongest Players, there was no such thing as improving one's own division.

However, Ling Yan's disappearance was visible to everyone in the fifth-level competition area.

Pet: Three-Headed Hell Thunder Dragon (Emperor Level, lv200)


"Why is Ling Yan's name missing? And why was the god-level BOSS expelled from the competition area?"

"It's also possible that the competition area has been upgraded!"

As for Ling Yan, a super strong man who had successfully killed five thousand geniuses even though it was a sneak attack, his equipment was at least quasi-god and even god-level.

Money: 66.35 million Jingxingyuan

God-level equipment level. The price of a god-level scroll is more expensive than a set of god-level equipment. How is it possible to upgrade the equipment level in a short period of time? "

At the same time, a prompt sound spread throughout the entire fifth-level competition area!

"The analysis above makes sense. Even the equipment of a genius like Skarol is quasi-god-level, and the resources needed to upgrade it are as vast as the ocean.

The upgrade of the suit and the increase in level increased Ling Yan's attribute points by a full 100,000 times.

Because all the terrifying 5 billion Beijing points he ranked first in the rankings were cleared in an instant, and Ling Yan's name also disappeared with it.

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