I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 251 The Great Void Shuttle Technique! Can Travel To Other Universes!

Ling Yan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.


He then gave the order.


As soon as he finished speaking, a mysterious force suddenly began to surge in from all directions.

The next moment, wrapped in this endless space, Ling Yan seemed to be integrated with the surrounding space.

In an instant, he seemed to see everything within a radius of 10,000 light years.

However, just when Ling Yan merged with the surrounding space!

In the main universe, deep in the endless void, a terrifying tower that reaches the sky and the earth suddenly sensed something,





The Void Tower began to tremble crazily.

In the assessment space, the most powerful man in the void was paying close attention to this assessment with hundreds of other powerful men!

But the next moment, his expression suddenly changed.

"How is this going?!!"

The most powerful person in the void, Zhuo Kong Yishui, quickly chose this assessment space created out of Tianqi's will.

The other strongest people were stunned when they saw the strongest person in the void disappearing so anxiously.

The Void Powerful One is a top-level powerhouse.

What is the top most powerful person?

This brings up the level of elemental power again.

There are a total of three thousand elements in the world, and all passive elements are actually derived from or fused with these three thousand elements.

This has been said before.

Elements are also divided into levels! The power of the void is one of the top elements!

Not only the power of the void, but also the space elements of the ten space attributes are top-level elements.

Those who use this element to become the strongest are called the top strongest.

If one uses a high-level element like thunder to become the most powerful person, he will be the most powerful one, and so on.

In the entire human universe, the most powerful ones are the top and most powerful, because there are only a few people who can even awaken and understand the ultimate elements above the top.

You know, these ultimate elements, even the lowest LV1, are geniuses above the RS level!

Any element that wants to integrate with the origin of the universe needs to reach level LV200!

Yes, even the ultimate elements!

LV1 is all RS level, no one knows how terrifying this LV200 is.

Therefore, we can also see how difficult it is for a top-level powerhouse, second only to the ultimate element, to reach LV200 and integrate the source of the void.

However, the most powerful man in the void did it.

Therefore, at this time, he is ranked among the top five super geniuses in the entire human universe.

This time the battle between the strongest men in the universe was just because of his words.

Now that the other party is so rude, it must be a major event that may destabilize the entire universe.

However, these powerful people, even several other top powerful people, could not catch up with the powerful people in the void who suddenly left.

It seems that we can only wait for the other party to take the initiative to say it.


The strongest man in the void who left the assessment space also directly crossed countless layers of cosmic space and came to the deepest part of the cosmic space barrier.

The barrier of the universe can be seen as an egg.

The universe has countless layers of barriers, and each layer is as big as the universe itself. These barriers overlap.

The deeper the cosmic barrier, the harder it becomes.

Usually some players only need to master space-type abilities or space-type skills! It can break through one or two layers of void!

But if you want to use pure power to break through the first layer of space in the main universe, you need to have power that reaches the standard of a LV1000 powerhouse!

And now the most powerful person in the void is in the deepest part of the universe. Even the top most powerful people in the universe cannot come here.

This is also the reason why no one knows what secrets the Void Powerhouse hides.

However, when they reached the deepest part of the void of the universe, a terrifying pressure from space crushed over the most powerful person in the void.

The strongest man in the void who was caught off guard was directly hit by this terrifying power of space.

In an instant, his divine body was distorted, as if he was about to be wiped out from this world.

Skill acquired: Spatial Perception! 】

Fortunately, the most powerful Void man was frightened and quickly used the power of the Void to stabilize his body.

There are still almost 99.99 places within ten thousand light years that Ling Yan cannot detect.

Even if their undead were all placed within one light-year, the distance between them would be as great as a chasm.

Within this range, Ling Yan instantly found many black secret realms that he had not found before.

"Is this what it feels like to merge with space?"

But he could only watch from a distance and didn't even have the courage to go up.

Ten thousand light years, this is ten thousand light years.

Of course, Ling Yan didn't know about the changes that happened here.

But now Ling Yan can clearly perceive everything within a radius of 10,000 light years.


Although the number of his undead is terrifying.


This is a bit scary.

He was almost killed even though he was so far away. If he was hit closer, he would definitely not survive. ,

He looked towards the depths of the void in horror, only to see that the huge void tower was trembling crazily at this moment.

This skill cannot be upgraded, but its quality can be improved! Can be upgraded to: Great Void Shuttle Technique! You can travel between various universes! 】

[Ding...Congratulations to the player, you successfully obtained Passive: Power of Space LV169! Your Void Blink evolves into: Void Shuttle.

At the same time, three beeps also came.

Seeing the crazy and trembling Void Tower, not knowing whether it was anger, fear, or happiness, the Void Powerhouse was filled with horror.

But compared to ten thousand light years, it is too little.

The number was at least ten times that found by Ling Yan.

As the strength increases, the range of perception can also increase! 】

But this time, the Void Tower was still trembling and there was no response.

"The person of inheritance has appeared? Or is there something wrong with the person of inheritance? Why is there such a change in the Void Tower?"

"Senior, please give me some tips!"

Ling Yan raised his eyebrows when he heard these prompts, two god-level skills!

Moreover, void shuttle can actually be upgraded to the great void shuttle technique, which can teleport to other universes.

[Void shuttle: God level! It can only be used if you have the power of space!

Mobilize the power of space! You can travel anywhere in this universe!

[Space Perception LV1 (God Level): Using the power of space, you can perceive everything within a radius of 10,000 light years!

Ling Yan felt everything within ten thousand light years and raised his brows slightly.

At this time, he still had his eyes closed, feeling the space around him.

He had no choice but to salute respectfully towards the Void Tower in the distance.

He has a large number of undead. Although he can search things within a radius of 10,000 light years, in fact.

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