I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 326 The Dharma Of Destruction! One Hundred King-Level Bosses Attack At The Same Time!

It was as if all their elemental power had been drawn away at that moment.

Without the power of elements, their strength plummeted!

In just an instant, he was killed by the rampaging eight-clawed trolls around him.

"No, a top genius has arrived, run!"

"This is definitely a warning. If you don't run away, you will die!"

"It's so scary. Why is his strength so terrifying despite being at the fifth level!"

"Nonsense, what level is he at, and what equipment is he using? You don't even have purple equipment, and you still want to compete with the opponent?"

"Stop talking and run for your life!!"


The other players turned pale with fright when they saw this scene. How could they still be in the mood to continue playing at this time?

They all soared into the sky in panic, summoned their own spaceships, and rushed out of the secret realm!

Seeing these players rushing out of the sea like locusts, Ling Yan also gave them a minute. ’

If you use a spaceship, one minute is definitely enough!

If you can't escape, then it's Ling Yan's fault!

"It seems that we need to find other Emperor-level dungeons and secret realms as soon as possible, and then use my Ice and Fire Demon Lord Evil Spirit to drive out the people in these dungeons and secret realms as soon as possible. Otherwise, I will have to do it every time, which is a waste of time!"

Thinking of this, Ling Yan continued to take out the long sword and threw it away to look for other copies and secret realms.

With the wheel of luck turning crazily, Ling Yan once again found more than a dozen emperor-level secret realms in one minute. He had already communicated with the Gate of Hell and sent trillions of spaceships towards those places. Go and start searching.

"This emperor-level first kill is not mine, but these kills of hundreds and thousands of people are definitely mine!"

When Ling Yan thought of this, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

[Ding...Congratulations to the player for creating the black skill: World-Destroying Dharma LV10! After use, the elemental form can explode up to: 400 times the power of all attributes!

And using other skills at the same time also has certain blessings! 】

And as Ling Yan incorporated the power of four hundred elements, the level of this elemental form was completely upgraded to a black skill!

Of course, this bonus has naturally exceeded the level of black skill LV10.

However, until now, Ling Yan still doesn't know what the level beyond black is!

But what is certain is that the skill intensity at that level is absolutely terrifying.

After all, the strength blessing of more than 320 times at every turn is not something that ordinary skills can match.

Thinking of this, Ling Yan also directly controlled the entire world-destroying Dharma in an instant and struck the ground below with a palm.


As the huge handprint fell, the seawater in the entire secret realm boiled instantly.

Countless eight-clawed trolls felt the threat of death and rushed out of the water to flee in all directions in terror.

The same is true even for those Holy King-level BOSSs hidden deep under the sea.

However, as wild monsters in this secret realm, these deep-sea eight-clawed trolls cannot leave the secret realm at all.




However, at this moment, a thunderous roar suddenly came from the depths of the sea.

"Puff puff puff!!!"

The next moment, huge tentacles measuring a million kilometers long shot out from the bottom of the sea and directly collided with Ling Yan's world-destroying hand seal.

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

In an instant, the terrifying power that burst out directly knocked all these huge eight-clawed giant demon kings flying backwards!

The black troll power gathered crazily around their bodies.

Finally, with a loud noise that shook the earth, these trolls hit the big handprint heavily.

In an instant, the endless power of ice and fire began to surge crazily.

The rotation speed was so fast that huge tornadoes formed all around.

"Supreme! Destruction Slash!!"

"But they are still a little weaker than the Ice and Fire Demon Lord evil spirits I saw before! But even if they are weaker than some of the most common attacks, they still can't be killed. It will take some effort!"

The real combat effectiveness is indeed more powerful.

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

A hundred terrifyingly powerful king-level bosses crowded the entire secret realm.

The huge world-destroying handprint trembled slightly under the collision of hundreds of terrifying tentacles, but the power of the crushing force did not weaken at all.

Endless water vapor directly enveloped the entire secret realm.

After all, the passive levels are much higher than those of LV200!

And the moment these eight-clawed giant demon kings hit the elemental sky shield, the energy of the shield was filled, and it exploded instantly!

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

In just an instant, the large handprint condensed by Ling Yan was directly smashed into pieces.

As if feeling the terrifying power of this palm, the eight-clawed giant demon kings hidden in the deep sea rushed out of the sea.

If they can be killed, this king-level BOSS is too weak!

The next moment, the huge world-destroying Dharma was grasped in the void.

But those eight-clawed giant demon kings still rushed towards Ling Yan.

This handle is the half-step black equipment that Ling Yan exploded from the two hundred quasi-Emperor level ice and fire evil spirits!



Moreover, the level of these king-level bosses is also LV240, which is ten times more powerful than the ordinary LV200-level king-level bosses.

Finally, with a loud noise that shook the earth, these eight-clawed giant demon kings all hit the ocean with such terrifying force that the ocean instantly exploded.

“Boom, boom, boom!!!”

And not only that, all the elemental power was instilled into the Ice and Fire Demon Lord's Evil Spirit Sword. ,

Seeing this scene, even Ling Yan was a little surprised by the power of these eight-clawed trolls, but when he thought about it, a hundred king-level BOSSs attacked at the same time, and he just used the most ordinary black color. Just skills.

Under the shroud of energy, the bodies of these eight-clawed troll kings began to turn black crazily. The next moment, all the troll kings soared into the sky, and all their tentacles directly turned into a huge spiral drill, spinning rapidly towards the sky. Hit with big handprints.

Helpless, Ling Yan could only condense an elemental sky shield in an instant, covering both the World-Destroying Dharma Appearance and himself.

But when these king-level eight-clawed giant demon kings looked at the huge handprints crushed down, endless black energy surged out of their bodies instantly.

With the infusion of the power of four hundred elements, the originally ice-red long sword turned directly into color.

In just an instant, these huge tentacles collided with the Great Hand Seal of Destruction and erupted with a loud noise that shook the world!

After seeing this scene, Ling Yan's eyes flashed with interest.

Soon, a super giant version of the Evil Spirit Sword of the Ice and Fire Demon Lord appeared in Ling Yan's hand.

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