I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 325 Black Secret Realm! The Emperor-Level Boss Is Just Around The Corner!

And underneath Ling Yan is the huge secret barrier!

At the same time, Ling Yan also discovered that there were hundreds of billions of players surrounding the secret realm.

Obviously, these players are people who came over after seeing this copy!

This secret realm is too huge, with a diameter of 300 million kilometers, which means that the height is also 150 million kilometers!

Such a huge height can be seen even within tens of billions of kilometers.

The strength of the people here has reached LV200, and most of them own spaceships!

It's tens of billions of kilometers away, and you can get there quickly if you rely on a spaceship to fly.

Fortunately, this is the battlefield where the strongest warriors in the universe fight.

If it were outside, there would be no need to wait with so many people surrounding Ling Yan.

Because, any secret realm can enter a full 100 teams, and each team has ten people!

That’s a thousand people at once!

There are 10,000 parallel secret realms in one secret realm at the same time!

In other words, it can accommodate 10 million personal strategies at the same time!

There are hundreds of billions of people here, and it would take thousands of rounds to get Ling Yan's turn.

Of course Ling Yan can also destroy them all.

However, it would take at least several days and nights to conquer a black secret realm without a super strong person.

Therefore, those who can enter the first round will almost never come out before the end of the first round.

But the good thing is that this is the battlefield where the strongest men in the universe fight.

So there is only one secret realm here!

At the same time, there are no entry restrictions, you can go in as long as you want!

In other words, all the hundreds of billions of players here can enter if they want to.

However, this is a black copy!

All monsters in the black copy are boss-level!

If it were in the outside world, the genius level that dared to enter must be at least RSS level or above.

And this level only dares to deal with monsters below the Holy King level.

They don’t even dare to move the King-level one. After all, if they move one, all the others will come, not to mention that there is the ultimate King-level BOSS above the King-level one!

The number of players here is in the hundreds of billions.

But calculated according to the level of a fifth-level player, the combat power of the boss-level monster is equivalent to that of an SS-professional of the same level!

And there are only one in a thousand professionals here who can achieve SS-!

In other words, if all the weakest S-class professionals enter in a team, they will probably be able to fight a boss-level monster.

If there are two more leaders, I'm afraid the whole army will be annihilated!

This is why there are hundreds of billions of people outside the dungeon but they have not entered.

Those who are still outside don't have the guts to go in.

As for how many people are in the secret realm, we probably won't be able to see it until Ling Yan enters.

However, it is foreseeable that within such a huge range, the number of players must reach at least 10 billion!

In other words, there are only a few who stay outside!

"I wonder if the mobs inside have been cleared out! If the mobs are gone, then we can only attack the ultimate BOSS!"

Thinking of this, Ling Yan rushed directly into the secret barrier.


In an instant, Ling Yan entered this secret realm with a wave of fluctuations.

The next moment, a vast ocean appeared at Ling Yan's feet.

And on this boundless sea, there are countless players of different races who are frantically attacking countless ocean beasts under the sea.

These giant beasts reach hundreds of meters in size and look somewhat similar to octopuses.

It's just more ferocious. The front end of each tentacle is as sharp as a blade. Ling Yan has already seen many people torn apart by these blade-like tentacles.

Ling Yan directly opened the attributes of one of the octopuses.


Wild monster: Deep sea eight-clawed troll (leader)

Level: LV240

Talent Passive:

【Water Control LV29】

[Blade Mastery LV29]

[Speed ​​Enhancement LV39]

[Strength Enhancement LV39]

【Physique Enhancement LV39】

Ling Yan estimated that the Soaring Soaring Dragon from the Soaring Dragon Star had arrived before his talent was improved, and he was afraid that it would take some effort to kill him.

"But there are too many people here, we need to clean them up!"


At the same time, a supreme power enveloped the entire secret space at this moment.

Speed: 150 million

Moreover, these elements combine with each other to produce a large number of mysterious runes.

I saw a huge light and shadow overlooking the entire secret realm.

Everyone subconsciously looked towards the sky!

Looking at this attribute, Ling Yan raised his eyebrows. LV240 was already the highest level secret realm. After all, the level here could not exceed level 250!

If it were possible, his power would be greatly increased, right? "

However, even though it is LV240, its strength is not much different from that of LV250 boss monsters.

100 kinds!

More and more elemental powers appeared around Ling Yan, and then these elemental powers began to spread rapidly.

And the opponent is a quasi-level six powerhouse.

Blood volume: 1 trillion/1 trillion

Ling Yan also smiled slightly when he thought of this.

Attack power: 1.5 billion

Skill: Eight-edged Slash LV10 (blue, controls eight swords all over the body to attack simultaneously, causing up to 500% mixed damage! And a continuous tearing and bleeding effect of 10% of the total damage!)

Defense: 6 billion

"This is an ocean world. Many people are unable to show their strength. It seems that only one-tenth of the wild monsters in this secret realm have been cleared away. It's not too late!"


Magic: 20 billion/20 billion

These powers are different kinds of elemental powers, and Ling Yan guides them out of the body according to their levels from high to low.

Under the outline of these runes, a huge dharma statue with a height of one million kilometers gradually took shape.

The next moment, mysterious power burst out from Ling Yan's body.

"I almost forgot, this skill can now incorporate a lot of elements, I wonder if it can be upgraded to black!

200 kinds! !

Thinking of this, Ling Yan also remembered that he had a powerful skill in his passive that he hadn't used for a long time.

As long as all the people with elemental power look at each other, they will feel that their elemental power is directly blocked at this moment!

Moreover, this skill is also extremely powerful, just like this.

However, this glance made all of them die!

As this majestic power enveloped everyone who was still fighting crazily in the secret realm, they suddenly felt chills running down their spines.

Ten kinds!

Thinking of this, Ling Yan directly spread his hands.

Ling Yan looked at the people below, raised his eyebrows slightly, and killed these people. He was not a murderous maniac, after all, he had no grievances and no grudges.

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