I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 262 Three Major Space System Copies! Passive Quality Division!

"Yeah, this kind of dungeon appears for the first time even in our Most Civilization. The last time I went to guide it, I didn't even see the final BOSS and the team was almost wiped out!"

Cecilia still felt a little frightened after thinking about how powerful the copy was.

"Forget it, let's not mention this dungeon for now, let's talk about those space system dungeons!"

Cecilia then shook her little head and quickly shook all the horrific scenes out of her mind.

Then she began to use her authority to query all the space system copies of Most Civilization.

And it also needs to be at level LV200.

These conditions are extremely stringent.

"Yes, the total number of red copies even in our Most civilization is only a few million. Among them, the red copies of the power of space are even more scarce. There are only three different types of space systems suitable for your level. Copy!!”

Cecilia said slowly to Ling Yan, and at the same time, she also sent Ling Yan the situation of these three copies.

Ling Yan took a look and saw that these three copies were: The copy of the Broken Great Immortal. The monster inside was a humanoid wild monster with the power of brokenness!

The second one is [The Secret Realm of Sealing Heaven and Locking Earth]

This secret realm is somewhat different from the secret realms Ling Yan has been to before. This secret realm is a sealed alien space.

And a large number of demon clans were sealed inside!

Because these demons have been sealed in this space all year round, each of them contains space-type sealing power!

The third one is a copy named [Void Devouring Sky Beast]!

As the name suggests, the monster inside controls the power of the void!

Just by destroying this copy, Ling Yan can increase Ling Zhan's talent to RSS+!

By then, even if Ling Zhan comes to Tianyan Civilization, his talent will be considered top-notch.

"Thank you, this information is very important to me!"

Ling Yan said to Cecilia sincerely.

"It's okay. Also, if you plan to conquer these dungeons, our team can help. After all, our latest mission is to conquer some LV200 dungeons!"

After hearing Ling Yan's words, Cecilia smiled and spoke to Ling Yan!

"No need to bother, I'm just going to go inside and hunt some low-level monsters to exercise my void power!"

Ling Yan smiled and rejected Cecilia and the others.

"What? Do you still have the power of the void?"

"This is a top-level element. It is much more powerful than ordinary top-level elements!"

"Yes, Ling Yan not only has the power of life, a top element, but I didn't expect that he also has the power of void!"

"This talent is really terrifying!"


After hearing Ling Yan's words, all the geniuses around were shocked.

Although the power of the void is slightly less powerful and precious than the power of life, it is already a top element that far surpasses thunder, fire and other advanced elements!

But Ling Yan was a little confused when he heard what top elements they were talking about. ,

"Are there levels for these elements? Don't they have levels?"

Ling Yan asked in confusion!

"Don't you know this? It's like this. Any element not only has a level, but also a quality!"

Hearing Ling Yan's doubts, Cecilia was stunned for a moment, but she still explained patiently.

After Cecilia's explanation, Ling Yan also understood what was going on.

It turns out that any element and passivity actually has quality.

For example, the three basic attributes, strength, speed, and constitution, these three enhanced passives are the lowest quality among all passives.

It's called low-level passive!

The level of LV1's low-level passive is equivalent to that of an ordinary D-level professional.

Slightly more powerful are giant transformation and mad transformation, which are intermediate passives.

The intermediate passive, even if it is only LV1, is equivalent to the low-level passive of LV3 for a C-level professional!

As for advanced passives, they are the power of fire, the power of water, the power of wind, etc.!

For these passives, LV1 is equivalent to a B-level profession!

Of course, different high-level passives also have different blessings. For example, Thunder Power is also a high-level passive, but at LV1 level, it can be rated as a B-level profession!

And some of the more powerful advanced passives are professions whose LV1 is equivalent to A-level or even A+!

It can be said that almost all elemental powers are considered advanced passives.

On top of the advanced passives, there are the top passives.

Among the top passives are extremely powerful elements such as Ling Yan's void, life, and undead.

Even if the top passive is only LV1, it has the lowest level of S-, and Void Life can only be regarded as the entry level of the top passive!

The undead are slightly more powerful.

Some powerful top passives can even reach SS and SSS at LV1!

Among them, Ling Yan's tail-cutting to survive is an example.

Of course, rumors, and ultimate passivity!

Among them, there are only five ultimate passives for elemental types! Space, death, destruction, fate, reincarnation!

These five ultimate passives are called ultimate elements!

It's just that the lowest LV1 is R- or above.

Among them, fate and reincarnation can reach RS level or above at LV1! !

"I didn't expect that there are so many leaders in terms of elemental levels!"

Listening to Cecilia's explanation, Ling Yan gained a lot of experience.

Of course, the reason why Cecilia knew this was because Most Civilization was incorporated into the Tianyan Star Territory, and in the Tianyan Star Territory, this knowledge was considered basic and published.

That's why Cecilia and the others can know.

Of course, although these top-level and ultimate passives are extremely powerful, they still won't work if they are of low level.

For example, if an S-level professional with LV1 void power fights an SS-level genius with LV20 fire power, the winner must be a genius with fire power!

However, if the talent scores of both can reach SS level, the results will be different!

Under the same level of rating, although the passive level of high-level elements is much lower, when it comes to fighting, the high-level element will most likely win!

This is why Ling Zhan's strength can crush other civilization supremes of the same level!

Now that the level has been improved, it can be crushed even more.

"I have gained a lot today. By the way, do you think you have all been conquering red dungeons recently? If you don't mind, I can help!"

Ling Yan thought for a while and finally spoke to Cecilia and the others.

Although he saved their lives, Ling Yan still felt that he had made a profit.

So he didn't mind this little favor.

Besides, the person who will gain the most by then will probably be himself.

After all, not only can I get a lot of passive skills, but I can also get a lot of materials.

Sure enough, after hearing Ling Yan's words, Cecilia and others' eyes lit up.

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