I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 261 The Strongest One Is Of Course The Copy Of Supreme Flame Emperor! !

Having just returned to the main city of Most, Bros, Locke and others all spoke with emotion.

In fact, the strength of the Thorns Scourge in this strategy is not considered top among all the Holy King level BOSSs, it can only be considered as average.

However, his last skill is extremely weird. Without the red purification skill, they would all die.

The main reason is that this skill is not that troublesome just by looking at the attribute introduction.

Even Ling Yan felt a little solemn when he thought about it. If he didn't have the ability to resist the opponent's illusion, would he also be controlled by the opponent?

At that time, my rebirth and tail-cutting survival skills will seem to be completely useless.

Thinking of this, Ling Yan also felt that he should develop some purification skills, as well as some skills to lift the seal.

Because he remembered that there were many powerful sealing techniques that could completely seal people.

If he was sealed, even death would be a luxury.

At that time, no matter how awesome your life-saving skills are, they will all come to nothing.

“Wait a minute and ask Cecilia if she has a red copy with this attribute!

With her level, there should be information on all dungeons in Most Civilization, right?

If the copy is in the real world, you can also go to Most Civilization to have a look. "

Ling Yan was actually a little surprised after knowing Cecilia's identity.

After all, being the disciple of Most Civilization Emperor is not an easy job.

The Most Civilization is a star field-level civilization, many times larger than advanced galaxies like the Milky Way.

And because the human race has not yet ruled the Milky Way, it can only be regarded as an intermediate galaxy civilization.

Facing star civilization, there is no difference between them and ants.

Now that I have access to this resource, I naturally want to make use of it.

"We're all back, so don't talk about these things, let's go have a good meal and take a rest!

Let’s go to Tianyu! My treat! "

Cecilia on the side also spoke, and everyone's eyes suddenly lit up after hearing her words!

"Captain is rich, please support me!"

"One meal from Tianyu is worth 100 years of my salary! The captain is so awesome!

He is indeed a disciple of the Great Emperor! "

"Hahaha, who said that the captain is a disciple of Dadi, so he can eat for free when he comes here.

We are considered lucky! "



Amidst the noise of everyone, the group of people also flew quickly towards the center of the main city.

Soon, after teleporting several times, several people arrived at a huge manor suspended above the main city of Most.

The decoration inside was so luxurious that Ling Yan had seen it for the first time.

Even the waiters are strong men with strength reaching LV500 level!

This made the corners of Ling Yan's mouth twitch.

"Yeah, luckily I was smart and didn't let the Milky Way merge in so quickly, otherwise dad would have to be a waiter when he comes!"

Ling Yan thought helplessly.

"Ling Yan, this Tianyu is a hotel owned by the captain's master, His Majesty Most, so the requirements are a bit higher!

If we didn't have a captain, we wouldn't be able to come here even a few times in our lifetime! "

Bross on the side introduced Ling Yan.

As he said this, he also pulled Ling Yan and his team members to take photos and check in like crazy.

At the same time, I posted a message to Moments.

Of course, as soon as these posts appeared in Moments, they immediately attracted a large number of envious, jealous, and hateful comments and likes.

The same goes for everyone else.

"Miss, the box you requested is ready!"

At this moment, a middle-aged lobby manager came to Cecilia and others with a smile and spoke respectfully to Cecilia.

After saying that, he led a group of people to a suspended private room overlooking the entire main city of Most.

Soon, a large number of dishes were served, most of which were made from emperor-level BOSS.


It's a pity that my cooking skills are not good. Although it is delicious, it is still much weaker than the food here.

As for Ling Yan on the side, he also took a few bites and found that it was indeed extraordinary.

Of course, Ling Yan also cooked Saint King-level cooking on Earth!

Ling Yan has also seen the power of space passives, so he wants to get all the space passives under the power of space.

Ling Yan was immediately surprised when he heard this.

It turns out that there are civilization levels above the Star Territory,

"Gudong, I was too careless before. Such a meal is probably enough for me to earn hundreds of years of salary!"

"A copy of the Supreme Flame Emperor? It can actually evolve, and after evolution it turns out to be a top-notch dark red copy. Is there such a copy?"

"Eat, eat!"

The group chatted while eating.

As expected, it is made from the flesh of the Holy King-level BOSS.

What's more, after evolution, it can be promoted from red to the top copy among dark red copies.

Perhaps, by then, I can rely on the power of the Son of Destiny to fuse all these passives together and finally become the real power of space!

Ling Yan saw a bowl of chicken soup that seemed to be burning with flames, and asked casually, "Oh my god, it's actually made from the meat of the Holy King-level BOSS: Qiankun Flame Chicken!"

Moreover, it is said that this copy will evolve, and the level after evolution will be at least a dark red top copy!

The vastness of the Universe Country can be described as a vast ocean. Even the top star regions are nothing more than ants in the eyes of the Universe Country.

After hearing Ling Yan's words, Cecilia also told the situation about the copy of Supreme Flame Emperor.

These team members were not polite at all. They started eating and drinking like crazy.

Even among the entire Tianyan civilization, it is the most powerful red copy.

Ling Yan doesn't know how powerful the real power of space is, but why is the power of space at LV1 at least stronger than the ordinary R-level talent?

So theoretically speaking, this copy is not considered a red copy! "

This is a bit outrageous. Could it be that the final boss was cheated?

And Ling Yan also asked a lot about the general situation of this world.

That is the Kingdom of the Universe!

I'm joking that after evolving, I can become an extremely powerful dungeon among the dark red dungeons. Isn't it a bit too conceited if I just grind it alone?

This made Ling Yan sigh with emotion. Sure enough, above the world, there is only a more powerful world, and the essence of this world is just a matryoshka doll.

"No matter, I'll eat it first, you can do whatever you want!"

He had never heard of an evolving copy.

After killing the Dark Netherworld Holy Dragon, he used the opponent's dragon meat to make barbecue!

"The most powerful red copy? That is of course the Supreme Flame Emperor. This copy is not only the most powerful red copy in our Most civilization.

"Cecilia, I wonder what is the most powerful red copy in your Most civilization? Is there a space-type red copy!"

But that’s okay, it means that I still have a long way to go, so it seems to be challenging.


Ling Yan was puzzled but also became somewhat interested, but he had no intention of going in and testing the waters.

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