I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 203 City Of Demons! Bring Su Miaoran To Level Up!

Because of the stop and go, it took half an hour for Ling Yan and Su Miaoran to cross more than 10,000 kilometers and arrive not far from a devil's city that was blazing with flames.

This devil's city in the distance covers an area of ​​more than 7,000 kilometers.

Densely packed demons live inside.

A rough calculation shows that there are at least more than two billion.

After all, these demons are elite monsters, two billion, in terms of quantity.

There are only so many elite monsters among trillions of ordinary monsters.

"Ling Yan, what should we do next?"

Looking at the densely packed demons in the Castlevania in the distance, Su Miaoran was a little confused.

"You should upgrade first. The level is too low. If there is an emperor-level BOSS in this Castlevania, he will crush you to death just after he comes out!"

Ling Yan thought for a moment and spoke directly to Su Miaoran.

When Su Miaoran heard this, she rolled her eyes at Ling Yan, was she that weak?

Well, although it is indeed much weaker than Ling Yan.

But you won’t be able to crush yourself to death with a single pressure, right?

"Okay, then I'll go level up first!"

Su Miaoran was helpless!

Although she is not as powerful as Ling Yan, it is not difficult to kill these flame demons. Besides, if there are too many, wouldn't there be Ling Yan?

Thinking of this, Su Miaoran directly threw away the Ice Thunder Dragon Emperor on her shoulders.

"hold head high!!!!"

The Ice Thunder Dragon King looked up to the sky and roared angrily. The original size of a small lizard began to expand crazily. In an instant, a terrifying giant dragon hundreds of meters long appeared in the sky.

"hold head high!!!"

With a roar, Xiao Bing spurted out a large mouthful of Ice Thunder Dragon Breath!

The power of ice and the power of thunder were mixed together and instantly hit the gate of Castlevania not far away.

"Boom, boom!"

In an instant, a loud noise shook the earth, and the huge city gate was instantly shattered by the dragon's breath.

The huge noise instantly attracted the attention of everyone in Castlevania.

And these flame demons immediately became vigilant after seeing this emperor-level Dragon King, but they immediately became furious after seeing the opponent's level!

"Damn it, where did the little dragon come from?"

"Damn it, you don't want to live anymore and you dare to come to my Demonic City of Fire Abyss to run wild when you only have LV100!"

"There seem to be two more humans! But they are both below LV110!"

"Damn it, you are really looking down on our demon clan, go ahead and kill them!"


In an instant, hundreds of thousands of flame demons roared into the sky.

These demons have been simmering with endless anger in their hearts since they were projected here for countless years.

Now seeing that even the most vulnerable human race dared to bully them, they were even more furious.

"Ice Realm, open!!"

Seeing this scene, Su Miaoran did not hesitate. The dark gold level ice field instantly expanded to a radius of one kilometer!

In an instant, all the flame demons that rushed into her domain were frozen instantly.

At the same time, a large amount of damage value emerged from the heads of these flame demons.

Although the continuous damage in the field is not high, it is better than lasting.

Attack output once per second.

And it is more than one billion at a time, causing the blood volume of these flame demons to decrease rapidly. In just a few seconds, as long as the flame demons rush into the field, they will explode into ice fragments all over the sky and die completely!

Looking at this scene, the surrounding flame demons showed no fear at all, but instead showed endless anger.

"If you dare to use the power of ice to kill my family of flame demons, you are seeking death!"

"Is it possible that he is a spy sent by the Ice Demon Clan?"

"Damn it, kill her!"

In an instant, these demons were like ignited powder keg, and they started to kill Su Miaoran crazily.

Su Miaoran naturally didn't talk nonsense.

The ice sword energy in his hand erupted crazily.

Every blast of sword energy can instantly kill hundreds of flame demons around him.

And her level also began to rise crazily.

Because with the blessing of 1 million times the experience value, it can almost be upgraded with just a few flame demons.

In just twenty or thirty minutes, Su Miaoran's level was raised to LV130!

But from here on, Su Miaoran's upgrade speed slowed down!

Almost every time you upgrade, the number of fire demons that need to be killed will increase by about 2.5 times.

However, it only takes more than ten minutes to upgrade to LV150.

However, this is always a demon city, which is different from the demon jungle area that Ling Yan killed before!

[Strength Enhancement LV18]

[Ding...Congratulations to the player for successfully killing the elite wild monster: Ice Demon*100 million,

If you want to kill, it's easy.

Of course, maybe there is also the reason for Lingyan Demon Hunter,

Due to the increase in level, Su Miaoran's domain range began to expand rapidly at this time, and the killing range of the sword energy also increased rapidly.

Soon, a leader-level flame demon with a height of twenty meters appeared.

[Power of Fire LV15]

However, at this moment, a notification sound made Ling Yan raise his eyebrows.

Five times the strength. However, Su Miaoran, whose previous level was only LV110, is more than five times stronger than her current level LV130.

Moreover, according to what the flame demon said just now, the two demon races seem to be mortal enemies.

Demon War Cry LV3 (blue, demon clan war cry talent, after use, the strength of all surrounding elite demons can be increased by 150%)

The ice demon was killed by one hundred million by his own undead?

[Speed ​​Enhancement LV18]

If passive and other bonuses are added, the overall strength will definitely increase five times!

Ling Yan smiled slightly.

Skill: Fire Demon Slash LV10 (green, flame and demonic power combine to burst out with a powerful slash!

These leader-level demons are extremely powerful, with five times the HP and three times the attack power of the elites.

Experience value +30 million Beijing! Obtain star source: 300]

Sure enough, these leader-level wild monsters were instantly killed by Su Miaoran with a sword as soon as they rushed over, which gained her experience points.

[Devil Power LV15]

Attack power: 15 million

Defense: 100 million

"No wonder they are so malicious towards Su Miaoran. They probably think that their mortal enemies are here to cause trouble!"



Blood volume: 15 billion/15 billion

Talent Passive:

By the way, this world is a demonic world of ice and fire. Naturally, there cannot be only flame demons, there must also be ice demons.

Level: LV150


One hit can directly cause 300% of physical and magic damage! )

[Physique Enhancement LV18]

Magic power: 300 million/300 million

Speed: 500,000

Wild Monster: Fire Demon (Boss)

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