I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 202 Crazy Massacre! These Undead! So Strong! !

You know, even the three-headed Hell Thunder Dragon with LV25 undead proficiency and dark gold-level skills can only increase the strength of the undead to 30% of what it was in life.

The strength of the necromancer, which is less than LV10, is even weaker.

Generally, any spirit that can exert one-tenth of its original strength is considered extremely powerful.

Of course, the undead level of the three-headed hell thunder dragon has been suppressed. If the real three-headed hell thunder dragon comes, it is estimated that not only the undead level of LV25, but also the level of the sea of ​​the undead will be absolutely full.

At the same time, the number of undead he can summon is definitely countless times more than what Ling Yan saw before.

After all, the strength of an emperor-level BOSS during his lifetime must have reached at least LV700 or above!

At the same time, they can kill the Holy Dragon of Light, which is also an emperor-level BOSS and also has the power of life. It can be imagined that the strength of these three hell thunder dragons is absolutely terrifying.

It's a pity that because of the projection of Apocalypse's will, the strength he can exert is the strength of an ordinary top emperor-level BOSS.

And there is one more important thing.

That is, although the remnant soul can become an undead as long as it is refined.

But the remnant soul is very difficult to explode.

It takes killing tens of thousands of wild monsters to reveal the remnant soul of an ordinary monster. ,

It takes killing tens of thousands of elites to reveal an elite remnant soul.

By analogy, it takes tens of thousands of emperor-level BOSSs to be killed before the remnant soul of an emperor-level BOSS can be revealed. ,

Therefore, the value of this remnant soul is extremely powerful.

Ordinary magicians simply cannot obtain so many remnant souls to form a sea of ​​the undead.

However, these shortcomings seemed to be non-existent in Ling Yan at this time.

Seeing the overwhelming number of LV100 level worms, which numbered at least ten trillion, Su Miaoran was completely stunned.

And she opened one of her attributes, what a guy!

It’s twice as powerful as an ordinary LV100 wild monster!

And these densely packed tens of trillions of heads spread crazily in all directions. The number was so terrifying that Su Miaoran couldn't help but swallow her saliva.




However, at this moment, roars louder than ordinary ones rushed out from the gate of hell.

The next moment, hundreds of millions of elite-level, tens of millions of leader-level, and hundreds of thousands of king-level dark ghost ghosts rushed out from the gate of hell.

The moment these powerful BOSS-level dark spirit ghosts appeared, the surrounding world became even darker. At this moment, the land with a radius of thousands of kilometers was shrouded in endless darkness, and no trace of light could be seen at all.

Moreover, as more and more dark ghosts emerged, the darkness became more and more terrifying.

"My Lord, you have finally called me to wait!"

"Hahaha, kill, kill, kill! This emperor wants to kill everyone!"

"If the Immortal Way collapses, then fight a bloody path!"


At this moment, cold and stern laughter emerged from the gate of hell.

The next moment, 10 terrifying figures with an aura like the arrival of an emperor rushed out from the gate of hell.

And behind them were a total of 180 sword fairies whose bodies were filled with the aura of fire!

The moment these powerful men appeared, Su Miaoran's heart was shocked.

From the moment the Dark Spirit Ghost appeared, she had roughly guessed where Ling Yan got so many Dark Spirit Ghost undead.

However, when she saw the final boss of these chaotic ghost realms appear, she understood.

Ling Yan definitely killed the entire Chaotic Ghost Realm countless times.

However, even if you kill the Chaos Ghost Realm many times, it is impossible to get so many emperor-level undead.

With ten emperor-level undead, could it be said that Ling Yan had killed the emperor-level BOSS millions of times?



[Ding...Congratulations to the player for successfully killing the elite wild monster: Flame Demon*100 million,


Su Miaoran came back to her senses and found that Ling Yan had flown away, so she had no choice but to chase after him.

[Ding...Congratulations to the player for successfully killing the elite wild monster: Flame Demon*100 million,

Yes, otherwise where did Ling Yan get so many remnant souls?

As for why he didn't summon the flame demon, after all, Su Miaoran was beside him. If he summoned it, his own strength would be exposed.

"We take the order!!"

According to Ling Yan's current experience value, if he let go of upgrading, he would probably be able to soar all the way to LV160.

"Kill all the flame demons you see, leaving no one behind!"

Experience value +30 million Beijing! Obtain star source: 300]

Those dark spirit ghosts who died because of killing the flame demon were also resurrected instantly.

I'll take you on a mission first! "

Ling Yan looked at the black mist that began to expand in all directions and smiled.

All the chaotic ghost emperors saluted respectfully when they heard Ling Yan's words. The next moment, these chaotic ghost emperors instantly turned into ten streams of light and spread in all directions.

Suddenly, Su Miaoran thought of this possibility.

At the same time, if he flies a certain distance, he will use the Sea of ​​the Dead to summon the Gate of Hell again.

Then it soared into the sky and flew rapidly towards a relatively large Castlevania.

Moreover, the undead has a relatively helpless point, that is, although he cannot improve with Ling Yan's level, he will be downgraded because of Ling Yan's level.

In other words, if the LV150 flame demon undead is summoned, the level will be suppressed to LV100!

Therefore, Ling Yan's monster-killing speed has not decreased.

Ling Yan also issued his order directly.


Along the way, Ling Yan could hear a notification sound from time to time.

"Let's go, there are undead souls of the Dark Ghost here, so we don't need to spawn monsters!

"By the way, Ling Yan has so much money, he must have bought all the ghost emperor's remnant souls in the entire human resources library!"

"Wait for me!"! "

[Ding...Congratulations to the player for successfully killing the elite wild monster: Flame Demon*100 million,

Experience value +30 million Beijing! Obtain star source: 300]

It would be better to wait until Su Miaoran's reincarnation mission is over and then do it alone.

Impossible, absolutely impossible. There are only so many remnant souls of the Chaos Ghost Emperor that have been released by the entire human race, right?

The money Ling Yan received was at least hundreds of thousands of star sources, enough to buy so many remnant souls.

Experience value +30 million Beijing! Obtain star source: 300]

Although it is more powerful than ordinary elite monsters because of its many passives, compared with the thirty-six trillion dark spirit ghosts, the undead spirits of more than 100 million flame demons can't make any waves at all.

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