Zhao Ling is a friend of Shan Shuangsu, and the Shan family has helped him several times, Yang Lin plans to teach

Shi Can a lesson, and Yang Lin can't get used to Shi Can's behavior! If he doesn't meet it, forget it, if he meets it today, he will teach Shi Can a good lesson

! Wu Ming was originally very embarrassed, but when he heard Yang Lin's words, he was very shocked, he saw that Yang Lin was not like a person who practiced martial arts, and Shi Can's fighting skills were the number one in the platoon in Jiangcheng

! Inflicted humiliation on himself

! Wu Ming's evaluation of Yang Lin in his heart!

"Okay, Yang Lin must give him some

color to see!" Duan Rong became excited, she had seen Yang Lin make a move, and she believed that Yang Lin would definitely be able to teach Shi Can that color embryo a lesson

! "Okay!"

Yang Lin looked at the three of them with a smile! Yang Lin gave Zhao Ling the feeling of being a master outside the world at this moment!

Shi Can looked at Yang Lin with disdain, and said arrogantly: "Compared with me, I will not show mercy


He didn't take Yang Lin in his eyes at all, except for Liang Xu, no one was in his eyes!

"You don't need your subordinates to show mercy and come up with your most powerful tricks, otherwise you won't have a chance!"

"Hahaha...... I see cows flying in the

sky!" Shi Can laughed, looked up, pointed to the sky,

and didn't take Yang Lin's words to heart at all! Yang Lin didn't speak again, and stood calmly opposite

Shi Can!"Let's start!"

Wu Ming still hoped that Shi Can would give Yang Lin some color and protect the reputation of the military attaché

! Shi Can immediately began to punch, at least twice as fast as Zhao Ling!

Yang Lin didn't move, Shi Can smiled in his heart

! He seemed to see Yang Lin's ugly appearance of being knocked to the ground by him

! "Huh?

What's going on?" Yang Lin actually grabbed his wrist! Yang Lin

pulled hard, and Shi Can directly came to a dog eating, and had intimate contact with

the ground! How could it be

? Shi Can couldn't believe it, he lay motionless on the ground!

Long live, Yang Lin, you are too powerful, you are my idol!"

Duan Rong shouted, sweeping away the bad mood in front of

him! Shan Shuangxu also laughed

, Yang Lin never let her down! Zhao Ling's eyes widened, if it was her, she would definitely not be able to do Yang Lin, it must be her who was lying

on the ground! Wu Ming's eyes jumped, what was the situation?

Shi Can lay on the ground!

He rubbed his eyes and looked carefully, yes, Shi Can was lying

on the ground! The movement here alarmed the people around the military attaché, and they all gathered around!

"What's the situation, how did Shi Can lie on the ground

!" "Yes, isn't Shi Can very powerful? How can he lose with one move

!" "Self-inflicted, Shi Can usually doesn't talk about anyone in his eyes, and today he also let him have a long memory, don't look at no one!"

It's also said that we are usually taken advantage of by him, and it is really cool to look

at him ugly!" "Say less, lest Shi Can trouble us!" Listening

to the words of the people around him, Shi Can's face was red all the way to the back of his ears, and he couldn't wait to find a hole to get into!

"Are you still here?"

Yang Lin said suddenly.

Shi Can immediately got up, his eyes revealed fierceness, and said: "I was careless in front of you, let you take advantage of the loophole, and then I will teach you a good lesson

......!" Yang Lin be careful!"

Zhao Lin suddenly shouted, Shi Can is too despicable, does he want Yang Lin to become a eunuch?

Everyone has their hearts in their throats!

Yang Lin seemed to predict Shi Can's movements, and moved his body to the side, avoiding Shi Can's attack!

He immediately turned around and slapped his backhand.

"Slap ......

" Shi Can covered

his face in shock! He didn't react, he only felt that his face was hot

! "Okay!"

The people around him exclaimed

! The reversal came too fast

! The stone in Shan Shuangxu's heart was also put down

! Zhao Ling felt that it was too incredible, she could see that Yang Lin's force value was definitely stronger than her coach in Kyoto!

She secretly made up her mind that when

it was over, she would let Yang Lin teach her! Wu Ming's face was pale, Yang Lin was kicking the gym, and Yang Lin's slap was like hitting him in the face

! "You, I'm going to kill you!"

Shi Can has never suffered so much since he learned to fight with Liang Xu, Yang Lin is already a dead man in his eyes

! Yang Lin frowned, Shi Can was looking for a beating!

Shi Can attacked alternately with his hands and feet, taking out all his killer weapons

! But no matter how he attacked, he couldn't get half a point from Yang Lin, and the more he fought, the more frightened he became

! Today, he met a master

! Wu Ming also realized that Yang Lin's force value was very strong, and he might not even be able to beat Yang Lin himself!

"Yang Lin, too handsome, teach him a lesson

!" Duan Rong waved his hand and cheered on the side, his heart was very excited, too relieved!"

It's so powerful, Shi Can can't even touch

him!"Yes, how did he do

it!""It's so handsome, it's even more exciting than the fights

in the movie!""How can an actor compare with him in the movie, he's a real material!"

The surrounding discussions came and went

! Shi Can's mentality had collapsed! Yang Lin didn't want to play anymore, so he kicked directly between Shi Can's legs!

In the way of others, return the body of others!


" Shi Can shouted, covering his hands between his legs, and kept turning in circles

!"The picture is too spicy, but it's so cool

!""Yes, Shi Can is looking for himself, who let him make a trick first

!"Mmmm, it makes sense, it hurts to watch

!""Definitely, Shi Can can't harm others in the future!".

The expressions of the people around him are different, some are excited, some are happy, ......

"This ......

" Duan Rong was startled, covering his mouth with his hand, it was too sudden

! Zhao Ling was also stunned, and then laughed happily, Yang Lin helped her do it

! Shan Shuangxu's face turned red

! Wu Ming couldn't stand on the side, after all, Shi Can worked here!

He immediately stepped forward, helped Shi Can, and asked in a low voice, "How are you?"

Shi Can's face was frighteningly cold, and he looked at Yang Lin with hatred, if his eyes could kill, Yang Lin would have died thousands of times

! "It hurts

!" "I'll take you to the hospital, treat it first, and I'll talk about other things later!" Wu

Ming continued to whisper, the top priority now is to keep the little brother

! Shi Can also understands that now is not the time to be rash, and besides, he can't beat Yang Lin

!"You wait for me!".

After Shi Can finished his cruel words, he followed

Wu Ming away! The onlookers took the initiative to get out of the way, and no one sympathized

with Shi Can! "I can't afford to lose

!" Duan Rong said loudly with a suffocated mouth!

She will definitely tell her brother about today's events when she goes back today, and Wu Ming's impression in her heart is very bad!

As Shi Can left, the people around her glanced at Yang Lin with a smile and dispersed!"

Thank you, Yang Lin, get to know me, my name is Zhao Ling, Shuangxu and Duan Rong's best friend

!" "Hello, it's just a gesture, Shi Can's behavior is very shameless, and I can't get used to it!"

"Your martial arts are very powerful, can you teach me?"

Zhao Ling is a man of action and asked directly!

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