Ninth floor.

Star Martial Arts Gym.

As soon as Zhao Ling and the three of them got out of the elevator, they saw a man wearing short-sleeved shorts and a white sportswear, standing at the door.


Wu!" Duan Rong shouted! Wu Ming's eyes lit up, they were so beautiful, the three of them had their own beauty

! His eyes immediately locked on Shan Shuangxu!

"Duan Rong

, your brother said hello to me yesterday, you brought your friends over today

!" "Yes, this is my best friend Zhao Ling, she is interested in martial arts, I'm sorry for you

!" "Don't be polite to me, please inside!"

Wu Ming looked at Zhao Ling, nodded, and said!

Yang Lin walked down the stairs!

"Yang Lin, you're really here!"

Duan Rong said in surprise.

"Well, I'm upstairs, the matter has been done, come and take a look!" The

corners of Yang Lin's mouth are slightly raised, sunny and confident! Zhao Ling's evaluation of Yang Lin in her heart is: Really

handsome! I just don't know how people are! She has seen a lot of handsome guys, but there are many people who are not good at conduct

! "Shuangxu, how is your grandfather's health?"

Yang Lin hasn't contacted Shanhaifeng for a long time, and

he doesn't know how

it is now!

"After drinking the medicine you prescribed, my body is fine!" replied

with a smile.

"That's good, find a time, I'll go and show Shan Lao again!" "

Okay, my grandfather will definitely

be very happy!" Wu Ming was very unhappy when he saw Yang Lin and Shan Shuangxu coming and going!

"Everyone, let's go in and talk

!" "Okay!"

The martial arts hall covers an area of 200 square meters, and as soon as you walk in, you can hear the voice of the martial arts coach teaching the staff.

"There are so

many people!" In Duan Rong's impression, there are not many people who learn martial arts!"Yes, there are many people who learn martial arts in our place, and they don't want to come whenever they want, they all need to make an appointment in advance!" Wu

Ming proudly introduced, his eyes glancing at the mountains from time to time!

"So that's the case, Lingling, what do you think of here?"

Duan Rong

pulled Zhao Ling's arm and asked.

Although this martial arts gym can't compare to Kyoto, it looks like the scale is not bad, but I don't know how the technique is?"

"Okay!" "Martial arts master, I have practiced fighting for a period of time and want to continue to practice, you can recommend a

coach!" Zhao Ling first has to test the level of the coach before making a decision

! "Okay!"


Ming understood what Zhao Ling meant!

Being able to come with Duan Rong, the background is definitely not simple, he doesn't dare to be careless

!"Shi Can, come here

!" Shi Can ran over in a minute


Shi Can called Wu Ming, looked at Zhao Ling and the three of them, looked at the three of them unabashedly, and began to fight Xiao Jiujiu in his

heart! Zhao Ling and the others frowned slightly when they looked at Shi Can's performance

! Wu Ming scolded Shi Can in his heart!

Although he also knew that Shi Can was lustful, but he had excellent fighting skills

! Yang Lin also frowned, Shi Can's eyes were too exposed, he didn't like

it!"Shi Can, this is Zhao Ling, she has learned martial arts before, you guys have a fight

!" Wu Ming opened his mouth and said, breaking the embarrassment

! "Okay, I'm happy to compete with beautiful women!"

Shi Can said with a smile, a pun!

Zhao Ling's brows furrowed even deeper

! Duan Rong was also a little angry, she introduced Zhao Ling over, the coach in front of her was obviously a pervert

! Shan Shuangxu was also a little uncomfortable, and wanted to pull

Zhao Ling away! "Beauty, please!" Shi

Can didn't care about other people's opinions, as long as it was the prey he fancied, he would get it by all means

! Zhao Ling hesitated for a while, but still followed, and when he would teach Shi Can a good lesson, he should recover the interest!

Several people also followed them to the fighting arena

!"Let's start

!" Zhao Ling didn't want to waste time, and said expressionlessly!

"Okay, beauty, I will be merciful!"

Shi Can said with a smile.

Zhao Ling felt disgusted when she looked at it, and directly raised her foot and kicked it sideways, the speed was very fast

! "Okay

!" Duan Rong shouted excitedly

! Shi Can seemed to have predicted Zhao Ling's movements in advance, pinched Zhao Ling's feet, and did not forget to slide his hand gently! Zhao

Ling felt Shi Can's movements, and instantly became angry

! "Hooligans!"

No one dared to be so light on her, Zhao Ling's face was flushed!

She quickly attacked with her elbow, Shi Can let go of Zhao Ling's foot, and slapped it with her palm, Zhao Ling took a few steps back

! "What's the situation?"

Duan Rong and Shan Shuangxu glanced at each other, Zhao Ling's situation was not right

! Yang Lin saw Shi Can's movements clearly, and was very angry

! Shi Can must be a habitual offender, otherwise he wouldn't be so blatant!

Wu Ming also frowned, he knew what virtues Shi Can had, but his behavior like this, regardless of the occasion, was too presumptuous

! Zhao Ling and the others were obviously not ordinary people, and if they didn't do it, they would have to implicate his martial arts gym

! But they were already ready to fly, so they could only wait, hoping that Shi Can wouldn't go too far

! "I'm already going to teach you a good lesson today!"

Zhao Ling is very angry, and the attack with both hands and feet is very fast!

Shi Can dealt with Zhao Ling easily, and the corners of his mouth smiled playfully! In his response, he took advantage of Zhao Ling uncomfortably

! Zhao Ling was very angry, but she was helpless, she couldn't beat Shi Can

! After a round, Zhao Ling was out of breath

! Duan Rong also understood, and asked with a gloomy face: "Wu Ming, who did you recommend to Zhao Ling!"

"This ......"

Wu Ming was also a big head!

"Duan Rong, Shi Can is indeed very good at fighting, but

he didn't expect it...... Wu Ming didn't say any more

! Shan Shuangxu immediately walked towards Zhao Ling, hugged her, and looked at

Shi Can angrily! "Beauty, I didn't do

anything either?" Shi Can spread out his hands

and didn't think so! He often took advantage of girls in training, and he was used to it

! This time, he didn't think there was anything wrong with it!

"Wu Ming, I'll tell my brother when I go back, I'll see

if you can't open this venue!" Duan Rong was very annoyed, if she hadn't brought Zhao Ling over, Zhao Ling wouldn't have to be insulted

!" Duan Rong, you are threatening me!"

Wu Ming also put away his smile and said seriously

! He can open a martial arts hall in the Chu River Han Realm, it must be impossible without a little relationship!

" "You should be a threat!"

Duan Rong is not talking nonsense, she regrets what happened today very much, and she also walked towards Zhao Ling

!"Beauty, just play, don't take it seriously!"

Seeing this, Shi Can began to explain

!"Play, what are you and us?"

Shi Can's explanation added fuel to the fire and made Duan Rong even more annoyed

! Shi Can shook his head helplessly and looked at Wu Ming!

Wu Ming was also annoyed, no matter what Shi Can usually did, as long as he didn't make trouble here, Wu Ming would open one eye and close one eye

! But today's matter is obviously a big one, if it is not handled properly, the martial arts hall may really be in trouble

! Shi Can is not only good at fighting skills, but the most important thing is that he has Liang Xu behind him, Niu Hao's number one fighter, and he can't afford

to offend! Duan Rong is not something he can easily offend!

Wu Ming is in a dilemma!

He now regrets letting Shi Can and Zhao Ling fight

!"I'll compare with you!"

Yang Lin strode forward!

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