After hearing this, Qin Luoxi chuckled in his heart, and his face instantly turned red

!"Wife, you didn't nod your head, you agreed, it's great, you finally don't have to sleep on the hard floor!"

Yang Lin laughed and stretched his body!

"Yang Lin, you ...... Tricks!" Qin

Luoxi felt funny again!

After getting along for a long time, she had begun to slowly accept Yang Lin.

Qin Luoxi is mentally prepared

!"Finally I can put away my quilt, wife, do you know?It's hard to clean up the quilt every day

!" Yang Lin thought thoughtfully!

"Yang Lin, you have to find an excuse, and find a better excuse, okay? It's tiring to put away a quilt, who believes!"

Qin Luoxi was very speechless.

Yiding Villa.

"Ruan Shao, these are all Yang Lin's information!" Xia

Jie was very surprised, Yang Lin actually had so many industries!

Ruan Shaochen put down his wine glass, took the thick information, and looked at it carefully!

After a while.

Ruan Shaochen put down the information and took a sip of wine, the alcohol irritated the wound in his mouth, making him very sober!

"Yang Lin, really a little confident!" He

leaned back on the sofa, crossed his feet on the coffee table, and dialed Liu Yuntao's phone.

"Shaochen, you haven't contacted me for a long time!" Liu

Yuntao was very puzzled when he received Ruan Shaocheng's call, they were not familiar with each other, but they just nodded their heads!

"I have nothing to do but go to the Three Treasures Palace

!" "Oh, let's talk about it!"

Liu Yuntao adjusted to a comfortable state and drank red wine.

"I was taught a lesson by a kid named Yang Lin today, and you have also suffered deflated at his hands!" "

Yang Lin? It is indeed quite unexpected!" Ruan

Shaochen is not the one who suffers, Yang Lin provokes him, and there is no good end

!" "You must hate him too, but you can't do anything about him, tell me about it!"

Ruan Shaochen glanced at the information and waited for Liu Yuntao's reply!

Liu Yuntao understood that Ruan Shaochen must have already investigated, there was no need to hide it anymore, and he also wanted to borrow Ruan Shaochen's hand to clean up Yang Lin! Liu Yuntao

explained in detail what had happened several times!

"It's a bit interesting, even you can't deal with him, hang up!"

Ruan Shaocheng got the information he wanted, and he was not interested in continuing to talk about it, so he hung up the phone directly.

Liu Yuntao looked at the hung up phone, his face was dissatisfied, and then he shook his head! Let

them fight, the snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's profit

! He has a lot of troublesome things to deal with, just waiting for Ruan Shaochen to clean up

Yang Lin! "Xia Jie, what do you think?" "

Ruan Shao, Yang Lin's industry is already good in Jiangcheng, but his force value is even more surprising!".

Xia Jie thought about making a move with Yang Lin at noon, but he couldn't hold out for five moves!

" Yang Lin's skills are really powerful!"

Ruan Shaochen said to himself.

"Yu Lao, are you back?"

Xia Jie was very surprised, Yu Lao was Ruan Chengfeng's personal bodyguard, and no one had seen him make a move.

I only heard that no one can survive a trick under the old man

! Yu Lao was a killer before, he was injured in another mission, and was rescued by Ruan Chengfeng, and he has been following Ruan Chengfeng since then, unless necessary, Yu Lao will not make a move

! "I have come back last

night!" "Okay, I'll go back to dinner tomorrow night!"

Ruan Shaocheng stood up and stretched his waist, you go first, I want to exercise


Xia Jie turned around and left!

Qin Changwang was already able to walk on his own, he came to Qin Changwang's sick room

!"Big brother!" "How are you?" Qin Changsheng looked behind Qin

Changwang, there was no one!"I'm fine, my body is fine, big brother, how are you?"

Qin Changwang was sluggish and had no energy!

"It's okay, you can be discharged from the hospital in a few days and recuperate at home!".

Liu Yulan was very dissatisfied in her heart, and said with an indifferent expression: "Changwang, we are good to Yingying, how can she bear it, she can do

it!" "Yulan!" Qin

Changsheng shouted loudly, pulling at the wound, frowning in pain

! Liu Yulan looked anxiously, not knowing what was wrong

! A minute later, Qin Changsheng slowly recovered

! "What is your name, I don't know if I am not in good health now!".

Liu Yulan's eyes were red, and tears were rolling in her eyes!"Sister-in-law, what did you mean just now

?" Liu Yulan didn't make a sound, and looked

at Qin Changsheng!"Big brother, tell me, what do you think I

can't accept?" Qin Changwang turned his head to look at

Qin Changsheng, his eyes were empty!"Changwang, don't think too much, take care of your body!" Qin

Changsheng still can't bear it, Qin Changwang still has the same look as before!

"Big brother, if you don't say it, I'll check it myself!" Qin

Changwang already had an answer in his heart.

"Changwang, why bother?"

"Big brother, say

it!" Qin Changsheng sighed and said, "I had a car accident, and eighty percent of it had something to do with Yingying

!" "Beast

!" Qin Changwang squeezed out two words from between his teeth

! No matter how dissatisfied he was with Qin Changsheng before, he had never moved to kill him!

After all, they were all relatives!"

Big brother, send her to the police station, she is responsible for what she did

!" "You have thought about it!" Qin

Changsheng has not made up his mind, the main reason is to consider Qin Changwang's feelings.

"After thinking about it, I suddenly found that I was a very failure, big brother, I

want to quit the company and find a place to retire!" Qin Changwang has been lying in bed recently, thinking a lot

! He has been fighting back and forth, and finally ended up in such a situation, it's really sad!

" Changwang, there is no need to quit the company, if you want to rest, just rest for a while!" Qin Changwang


"Sister-in-law, I'm sorry

!" Liu Yulan turned over, wiped away her tears, and said, "Changwang, I just spoke in a bad tone, you pay attention to your body!" Qin Changsheng held Liu Yulan's

hand tightly.

"Big brother, I think Yang Lin is very good, I owe him a word of sorry!" Qin

Changwang knew that if it wasn't for Yang Lin, he would have been buried in the ground for a long time

now! Thinking of all the behaviors against Yang Lin in the past, I am very sorry!

"Changwang, Yang Lin doesn't care, don't worry, your body is important now!" "Okay, don't

disturb the eldest brother's rest!" Qin

Changwang turned around and left slowly!"

Changsheng, it's so pitiful to look at Changwang!" Liu

Yulan closed the door and said with a sigh.

"Arrange someone to take good care of him, this matter has hit him hard, I hope he can come out

!" No matter how strong anyone's heart is, he can't believe that his own daughter will attack him!

Very cruel

!" "Huang Lingshan's son, how is it now?"

"No matter what, this child is Changwang's flesh and blood, and it must be properly arranged!"

After the accident, Huang Lingshan disappeared

, and the child was at her grandmother's house!" "Take it back, find someone to take care of

him, and arrange his life!" Qin Changsheng closed his eyes, the child was innocent, and when Changwang came out, let them live together!

"Okay, I'll arrange it!"

Liu Yulan understood Qin Changsheng's intentions and helped him cover the quilt.

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