Hu Eryu walked out of the research room in a frustrated manner, he couldn't figure it out, Yang Lin was young, how could he solve such a difficult chip problem?

He was very jealous in his heart, and he was crazy with jealousy

! He had studied for decades, and he was no better than a young man in his twenties

! Why!

God was so unfair!

Yun Bailin walked out from behind a tree.

Since the last time Yang Lin made a phone call to cause a crisis in the company, Yun Bailin found Liu Yuntao and begged him for help!

Fortunately, Liu Yuntao made a move, although the company was acquired by Liu Yuntao, but the Yun family still has a certain share, and after that, Yun Bailin followed Liu Yuntao

! His current task is to keep an eye on the chip project, and he has just seen Yang Lin come out

of the research institute! After learning about the situation of the research institute, Hu Eryu is the breakthrough!"

Hu Gong, hello

!" Yun Bailin put away his previous arrogance and greeted Hu Eryu elegantly!

"Are you?"

Hu Eryu didn't know the person in front of him, and asked suspiciously.

"I'm the general manager of the Yun Group, this is my

business card!" Hu Eryu took the business card and glanced at it, he had nothing to do with the Yun family.

No one in front of him will come to the door for no reason, there must be something

! He is in the research institute, and he is still very clear about the secrecy regulations

! "What are you looking for me!".

Hu Eryu asked vigilantly.

"Hu Gong, don't panic, I have no malicious intent, I just saw Yang Lin come out of the research institute, and I had a holiday with him!"

Yun Bailin squinted his eyes, his face gloomy.

If it weren't for Yang Lin, he would have been a hundred times better than now

!" Yang Lin?" Hu Eryu thought of him, and the jealousy in his heart only increased

! "Hu Gong, let's find a place to talk, my main purpose is to deal with Yang Lin, you must hate him too!"

As soon as Yun Bailin mentioned Yang Lin, Hu Eryu unconsciously gritted his teeth!

"Hu Gong, my car is parked outside, let's go!"

Hu Eryu was already carried away by jealousy, and left directly with Yun Bailin

! Yang Lin had already learned from Bai Tianming that there was nothing to do with the company for the time being, so he went home!


bell ......" A pleasant bell rang ......

Yang Lin held the steering wheel with one hand and connected the phone.

"Shan Lao!"

"Yang Lin, just Shansu told me, you have a conflict with Ruan Shaochen, do you need me to mediate?"

Yang Lin understood that it must have been Duan Rong who told Shan Shuangxu.

"Shan Lao, I don't need it for the time being, I can solve it

!" "Okay, I have a little friendship with the Ruan family, if you need

it, give me a call!" "Okay, thank you!" "Yang Lin, don't be polite to me, you helped me pick up my life, hahaha......"

"Shan Lao, your laughter is full of anger, and there is no problem with your body!"

Yes, my whole person feels ten years younger, Guan Liang and they all envy me

!" "That's good, how about Zhao Lao?" Yang Lin suddenly thought of Zhao Yucai, and after drinking the medicine for a few days, he should have a reaction

!"Yang Lin, you don't have to worry, Lao Zhao is no longer in trouble, go back

!" "That's good!" "

Yang Lin, the Liu family can't survive this week, the Liu family, you can prepare, but remember, don't be greedy!".

Shan Haifeng reminded!

"Okay, I understand, thank you Shan Lao for reminding!"

"Uncle, you've come back so early in the past two days!" Aunt

Liu said with a smile.

"Aunt Liu, the food you cooked is so delicious, I am reluctant to eat out, so I came back for dinner

!" "Uncle, then you must eat more

!" "Okay

!" Yang Lin walked towards the second floor!

"Wife, I have made a little progress since yesterday, and today is earlier, is it worthy of praise!"

Cut, why don't you say that you always came back in the middle of the night a few days ago, and you came back early

in the past two days, but if you can keep it all the time, it would be better!" Qin Luoxi was very satisfied with Yang

Lin's performance in the past two days!"Wife, tell you something, Dad had a car accident, but you don't have to worry, you are out of danger, just pay attention to recuperation!"

Yang Lin picked up the fruit on the table and ate it!

"How could my dad have a car accident? When can I wake

up!" Qin Luoxi was very annoyed, if he was sober, he could accompany

Qin Changsheng now!"Wife, Dad's car accident may have been caused by Qin Yingying, I have already told Dad about

this matter, and it is up to him to decide!" "With what Qin Yingying did, it would not be an exaggeration to send her to prison, but this matter still needs to be decided by Qin Changsheng!"

Qin Luoxi was very angry in his heart, Qin Changsheng was getting older, could he stand this car accident?

Qin Luoxi was very worried! "Wife, I made an appointment with Dr. Wu in the hospital, and I will give you a full body examination again tomorrow!" "


Qin Luoxi's heart was firm, and her desire to wake up became stronger and stronger!

Yang Lin put down the fruit in his hand and stretched out his hand to check Qin Luoxi's pulse.

"Wife, you will definitely wake up, when you wake up, I will take you on a global trip

!" "Okay!" Qin

Luoxi is also looking forward

to it!"Wife, let me tell you another secret, I have asked the core personnel of the company to start a detailed analysis of the Liu family's industry, and the Liu family is expected to be dismantled in the next week!".

There was a ruthlessness in Yang Lin's eyes, Liu Yuntao dealt with him again and again, Yang Lin would definitely not let go of this opportunity

!" "The Liu family has been disintegrated, Yang Lin, are you mistaken!" Qin

Luoxi remained skeptical, after all, the strength of the Liu family was very strong, and it would collapse in a week, unless there was a great change!"

Wife, do you say that I don't agree with Liu Yuntao, he has targeted me several times, but I haven't bothered with him, this time it's good, just find Kun Sha to solve me, uncle can bear it, aunt can't bear it!"

Yang Lin frowned and said in a dissatisfied tone.

"But it's good that your husband, my life is big, Kun Sha was solved by me, you say I'm not powerful!" Qin

Luoxi was very speechless, he was still worried about Yang Lin, but then he felt funny!

"Yang Lin, why are you so funny?"

Qin Luoxi also holds a grudge against Liu Yuntao, although she doesn't know who Kun Sha is, but being able to be invited out by Liu Yuntao is definitely not a general.

Liu Yuntao targeted Yang Lin several times, is it really a soft persimmon

for the Qin family?" "When I wake up, the first one to deal with is Liu Yuntao

!" "Wife, discuss something with you, if you agree, don't nod, don't nod if you don't agree!" Yang Lin looked at Qin Luoxi shyly, his heart itching!

"Yang Lin, you are cheating, you know that I can't move, how can you nod!"

Qin Luoxi was very speechless in his heart, obviously taking advantage!

What is Yang Lin going to discuss?

"Wife, the floor is too hard, who will be next to you at night!".

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