I Am Sasuke

Chapter 317

Land-of-Hot Water, a rocky coast, Kakashi, Shikamaru, the two are leaning on a big rock, and the looking sky Sai is clouding several Sky Ninjas are fighting.

Sai’s Secret Jutsu, a super-beast pseudo-painting, is an all-powerful Secret Jutsu that can attack, defend, detect, fly, seal and so on.

Although the Sky Ninjas are very experienced in air combat and have the advantage of a large number of people, after all, the strength of the two sides is too different. After sacrificing a few ink eagles, Sai wiped out in the sky Sky Ninja.

While Sai was in the sky and attracted the attention of Sky Ninja on the aircraft carrier in the distance, Shino, who dived into the aircraft carrier, finally completed the evolution of his Parasitic Insects.

Aburame Clan’s Parasitic Insects can be evolved differently according to needs. For example, after Shino and Red Lotus in original work, they evolved Parasitic Insects that are not afraid of Crystal-Style, and Aburame takes the root During the battle, evolution produces Parasitic Insects that are not afraid of toxins.

And what Shino wants to evolve this time is the Parasitic Insects that eats steel.

Soon Sky Ninja’s two aircraft carriers were completely destroyed under the attack of Shino, who had completed Parasitic Insects evolution. All flight equipment, all Sky Ninja, including two aircraft carriers, were just like that It sank into the sea, leaving no residue.

This is the power of Aburame Clan, don’t look at Aburame Clan’s wordless and silent in Konoha, but in fact, Aburame Clan’s strength in Konoha can definitely be ranked in the forefront, especially when prepared. Next, Aburame takes Root Forbidden Jutsu, the art of pot poison, but he is not the only one.

The Great Clan, one of the very best Hidden Stone Village back then, was the same as Aburame Clan’s upper stream clan of Insects Controlling clan, and was completely disabled by Aburame Clan.

Up to now, Aburame Clan is the same indispensable clan as Konoha and Hyuga Clan. Even if Aburame Clan’s fighting strength is not mentioned, its detection ability is extremely powerful.

Besides probing, Aburame Clan can also be used as a medical-nin when it is really critical. Although it cannot be used for healing, it is very difficult to deal with for detoxification. Yes, Parasitic Insects can absorb toxins.

The only bad thing is that the Parasitic Insects passed by, the barren. The aircraft carrier of Sky Ninja Village was of great value to Konoha, but now it is completely destroyed.

The science and technology tree of this World is the same as the Scarlet Eye World, which is very strange. Obviously, it has such powerful technology, but the ships are all wooden.

Hidden Leaf Village is close to the sea, and there is a large pier. It should have been a prosperous place. However, due to technological issues, the residents of this pier can barely make ends meet.

“Good job.” After seeing Shino completely wiped out Sky Ninja, Kakashi praised Shikamaru on one side. Shikamaru’s battle plan this time was all invented by Shikamaru.

Shikamaru just smiled and did not speak. For him, this plan was just a piece of cake.

“I am fighting with Shino. You are just looking. Okay.” Saying, Sai got down from flying in the sky, and now Sai passed this period of time and Team-7, Konoha’s Other people getting along is completely different from when they were there. Of course, sometimes they make some jokes because they don’t understand some common sense.

“It’s over, take a break and get ready to go back.”

“Sasuke, Neji, did Lady Tsunade send you to support you.” Just rest at Kakashi and the others After a while, when the Mohawk who had been summoned by Sai returned to Konoha, Sasuke and Hyuga Neji were flying towards them on the road.

Sasuke was originally ordered by Tsunade to go to the Angkor Fortress, but in the subsequent action, Sasuke discovered that a dignified Konoha actually did not make enough to fly the Summoned Beast.

Although Naruto World has anti-air defenses, in terms of air strikes, except for the Sky Ninja of the year, the current Five-Great Ninja Villages does not pay much attention to it. At most, it only uses the flying Summoned Beast for reconnaissance. Flying Summoned Beast battle strength is not good, and expensive. Konoha does not have that many flying Summoned Beast, which is actually quite normal.

So Sasuke had to take Neji, and the two performed this mission together. The reason for bringing Neji with him was to use his Byakugan to easily find the Angkor Fortress underground.

Adding that the Angkor Fort is located near Land-of-Hot Water, you can join Kakashi and the others before you act.

“There is a mission, Lady Tsunade asked us to act together. When I meet you are very good, the province is looking for you.” Sasuke said, and talked about the situation of the mission. Of course, Zero- About Tails, Sasuke not at all said it.

“Didn’t expect Sky Ninja and the remaining in the sky fortress.” Kakashi said with emotion after listening.

“It should be around here, Neji, trouble.” Soon the Sasuke entire group came to the dísciple of Shinno, a mountain not far from the village where Yuliu is located within the valley.

“Byakugan.” Neji nodded, immediately started searching around with Byakugan.

The Guy squad, where Neji was located, returned shortly after Nagato attacked Konoha.

This time, Sai’s exploration ability is useless, and the pseudo-painting of Super Beast cannot be seen through.

“Here.” Soon Neji discovered the location of the Angkor Fortress. I have to say that the Angkor Fortress is quite deep. No wonder it can be hidden for so long.

“Go and explore some places to see if there are any hidden enemies.” After discussing with Kakashi, and asking Shikamaru and the others to explore the situation inside the Angkor Fortress in pairs, Sasuke turned towards Go to your goal.

This time Sasuke has two goals, the scroll of cell activation, and the destruction of Zero-Tails. After opening the other people, Sasuke told Kakashi about the Zero-Tails. .

“This is Zero-Tails.” Kakashi looked a little surprised at the worm-like thing trapped in the huge water crystal pillar.

“It’s just not activated, and there will never be a chance to activate.” After smashing the water crystal pillar with Rasengan, Sasuke used Great Fireball Jutsu to burn the body of Zero-Tails Up.

“No enemy was found, but a lot of other things were found.” Soon everyone gathered again. Although this Angkor Fortress is the last fortress of Sky Ninja, Shinno clearly regards this as I didn’t tell other Sky Ninja about my own private things.

As the last fortress built by Sky Ninja, the Angkor Fortress has something that other fortresses don’t have, that is the fortress cannon, the fortress cannon of mountains bursting and ground splitting under one blow.

Of course, this fortress cannon is abandoned now.

In addition to the fortress cannons, there are still a lot of supplies in the fortress. It is really a very large amount of supplies. Perhaps Sky Ninja Village at the time saw the battle situation unfavorable, so they transferred a lot of supplies. We are in the Angkor Fortress.

A lot of flying equipment, countless kunai, shuriken, thousands, throwing weapons like grenades, and a lot of medicine ingredients and various Ninjutsu Scrolls. You can say these things to feed a Small Ninja Village has no problems at all.

“Naruto is really a waste.” After seeing these things, Sasuke’s first thought was that the original work of Naruto and Sasuke were so wasteful that they destroyed all these things.

“It looks like someone has to move it.” If it’s just a small amount, a few people can bring it back through Sealing Scroll, but there are too many now.

“Konoha’s technology can be improved now.” Sasuke thought silently after looking at some of the Sky Ninja Village’s technology recorded in the scroll.

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