I Am Sasuke

Chapter 316

“Mr. Shinno, I鈥檓 really sorry for walking here. The village is too busy now. Lord Haruno can鈥檛 spare any time and can only trouble you.” On the western outskirts of Hidden Leaf Village, one by one dressed in Medical-nin Man, anxiously said to Shinno behind him.

“It’s okay, how far is it.” Shinno waved his hand to say with a smile.

“It’s not far, we’ll be here.” The Medical-nin pointed to the front and said start to talk.

“Saving people is like fighting a fire, hurry up.” Then the two continued to walk forward, turning around, but they never saw the wounded.

“Who you are?” I never saw the wounded. Shinno finally realized that something was wrong, and immediately stopped, cautious and solemn swept around.

“I am who is not important, the important thing is who you are.” This medical-nin reversed the respectful attitude just now, leaning on one side of the tree trunk, and said with a smile to Shinno .

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” Shinno said, looking all around still vigilant.

“Don’t worry, there are only you and me here, no other people. Speaking of it, this person has been really difficult for you for many years. It is really hard to play as a doctor who helps the world and saves the people.”

“Who the hell are you?” Shinno’s face on split second became very ugly.

“Who am I, I think you should know it.” The medical-nin’s appearance immediately changed, and it was Uchiha Sasuke.

“It’s you, Uchiha Sasuke.” The appearance of Sasuke made Shinno seem very unexpected, but the next moment Shinno’s actions surprised Sasuke a bit, because Shinno turned around and fled immediately.

“It’s quite decisive, but I just want to escape now, hehe, it’s too late.” Sasuke just finished his words. Shinno, who had just escaped, ran back immediately in a difficult situation. Behind him, there was a A Kinoe man with a black armor Kinoe, black and white mysterious.

To Sasuke’s current strength, the strength of the black and white Xuanjiang, although a bit low, is perfect for dealing with people like Shinno.

I have to say that Shinno鈥檚 strength is indeed good. With the white hair and wrinkles on his face, after encountering Xuanyi, his body immediately restored its state at the peak period. A white hair also turned into black hair, the wrinkles on the face disappeared, and the whole body was full of muscles.

This is the power of cell activation. In a way, this technique is similar to Tsunade’s Creation Rebirth.

Why do people die, why some people live a long life, and some people live a short lifespan. The reason is the speed of cell division in the body.

The number of times a person鈥檚 cells divide is limited. Why people who have been in a state of fighting have a shorter life span. Because of this, fighting will greatly increase the speed of cell division.

Of course, people are impossible to fight all their lives. When they are not fighting, training can slow down the speed of cell division and even increase the number of cell divisions.

There are also creatures with powerful life force that can increase the number of cell divisions, cutting the crimson world, some of them are in high positions, such as the former Minister, which is stronger than other people鈥檚 life force. Because they often eat dangerous kinds of meat.

Of course, these are only a little increase in life expectancy. It is very, very difficult to live forever, especially as a human being.

There are not many people in the entire Ninja World who have lived for more than a hundred years, but in the summon world, there are many Old Monsters over a thousand years old.

Ninja World is not as good as Qin Shi world at this point. Qin Shi world has lived for hundreds of years, and there is more than one person who has lived for a thousand years.

Sasuke took the initiative to deal with Shinno because of his cell activation technique. The Angkor Fortress was secondary. As for Tsunade鈥檚 Creation Rebirth, he can also understood when the red pupil returns.

“Hateful.” Shinno, who was pushed by Xuan Jian step by step, couldn’t help but loudly roared. He originally wanted to take advantage of the chance of Konoha being attacked to complete his plan, but he didn’t expect it The thing is, the unfathomable mystery failed before the plan started.

Those who came to attack Konoha鈥檚 Sky Ninja are just Shinno鈥檚 abandoned sons. With such a small number of Sky Ninjas, at most they can only cause some insignificant casualties to Konoha. They are just to attract Konoha鈥檚 attention. , And an excuse for Naruto.

Shinno believes that if his plan is successfully completed, Naruto鈥檚 nosy character, wanting to lead Naruto out of Hidden Leaf Village is with no difficulty.

Xuanjian soon overpowered Shinno. Shinno is not the one who has completed Zero-Tails, and can be resurrected indefinitely with the power of Zero-Tails, so even if he regains his youth, he is not Xuanjian鈥檚 Opponent, Shinno’s limbs were quickly removed by Xuan Jiang.

“Tell me what you know.” After subduing Shinno, Sasuke immediately used Rinnegan to let Shinno fall into Genjutsu and spied his memory.

“At this strength, I have a dream of unifying Ninja World. I really don’t know the immensity of heaven and earth.” After reading Shinno’s memory, Sasuke immediately killed him.

Shinno was indeed a surviving member of Sky Ninja back then. The Angkor Fortress was a powerful fortress created by Sky Ninja Village in preparation to reign over Ninja World. It is a fortress powered by Tailed Beast. I have to say, Sky The head of Ninja Village, Elder still had some brains.

Unfortunately, before the completion of the Angkor Fortress, Sky Ninja Village was destroyed by Konoha. The Angkor Fortress escaped the disaster because it was not completed.

Shinno was the descendants of Sky Ninja Village Elder at the time. When the Great Ninja Village hunted and killed Sky Ninja, he luckily did not die, and since then he has been planning revenge. This guy seems to be older than Kakuzu. .

Sky Ninja Village is annihilated, so the Angkor Fortress plan will of course not be implemented. The remaining Sky Ninjas did not have the power to capture Tailed Beast, not to mention that Tailed Beast was given to First Hokage. Four-Great Ninja Village.

So Shinno took a different approach and wanted to create a Tailed Beast out of thin air, Zero-Tails, Tailed Beast with dark power as the carrier. Of course, Zero-Tails is not Shinno’s brainstorming, imagined out of thin air , If so, Shinno is basically impossible to create Zero-Tails.

Shinno had this idea, because he fled to Land-of-Demons, and occasionally obtained documents from a temple in Land-of-Demons. There are methods for using dark power. It was Shinno that made Zero-Tails.

Shinno has been treating people everywhere for so many years, in fact, it is used to find the carrier of dark power, because the carrier is hard to find, Shinno has searched for many years, only to find it a few years ago, even Shinno’s own The right candidate is Yu Liu, a girl from a small village.

So Shinno began to cultivate Yu Liu, let her get close to herself, and then looked for opportunities to make Yu Liu black.

“Dark power, Land-of-Demons, there are many secrets in this World.” After sealing Shinno’s corpse in Sealing Scroll, Sasuke’s mouth couldn’t help showing a meaningful smile.

Although Naruto World looks very simple, if you go deeper, it is not at all as simple as Senjutsu, for example, this is the native power of this World, not brought by Otsutsuki Kaguya.

There is also the dark power emerging now.

There is another Jashin sacrificed by Hidan. Whether this Jashin really exists, Sasuke doesn鈥檛 know, but Hidan鈥檚 power is unequivocal, and more importantly, Hidan鈥檚 ability Not inborn, but suddenly possessed when experimented by some so-called Cultist.

These information, even Itachi is not very clear. Sasuke only learned some of it during the conversation with Konan. It was Konan who investigated Hidan back then.

Add Shinigami.

I am afraid that there are only three Great Sages who know these things. Whether you want to know the truth from their mouths, I am afraid it is impossible. Not to mention the current Sasuke, even if Sasuke has the power of Sage of Six-Paths , Can you play three Great Sage or two?

Back then, the toad pill in childhood, but directly fell on the young Sage of Six-Paths, no matter true or false, the three Great Sage strength is absolutely not weak is absolutely certain.

“That’s the way it is.” Returning to the temporary Hokage’s Office, Sasuke immediately spoke about the information he had obtained from Shinno, and he also said the location of the Angkor Fortress.

“This way, Zero-Tails must be dealt with.” Upon hearing the dark power, Tsunade immediately resolute and decisive said.

“What about Angkor Fortress and Yuliu.” Sasuke start to talk asked.

“I don鈥檛 care about Yuliu, destroying Zero-Tails, her carrier is useless, is it the Angkor Fortress.” Said this, Tsunade thought about it before starting to Talk said, “Keep it here for now, and wait for it later.”

After all, the Angkor Fortress is the essence of Sky Ninja Village. The original work was destroyed by Naruto and it was compelling. Of course there is no need to destroy it now. Up.

“There is also something about the power of darkness, just end here, don’t leave any records.” Tsunade started to talk again.

“I understand.” Sasuke nodded and said.

“Well, you personally lead the team to Angkor Fortress, and then you go to destroy Zero-Tails alone, don’t let other people find out.” After a silence, Tsunade continued.

“Yes.” Although I don鈥檛 know why Tsunade is so jealous of dark power things, this is exactly Sasuke鈥檚 idea of 鈥嬧€媢sing people鈥檚 negative emotions to gain power. If this method spreads, the world I’m afraid it will be a mess.

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