"Stop him!"

Bruce gave a roar, really irritated, the whole body aura surged, and the speed was exceptionally fast, just like a golden aurora.

"Protect the Cooler King!"

The fighters flocking around Cooler surrounded Cooler, trying to use their lives to create opportunities for the former.


At a distance of one hundred meters, Bruce arrived in less than a second, and all the combatants who stood in front of him were violently swept away.

The most cutting-edge one was directly smashed into pieces, and the scene was once bloody.

However, the deceased could not even scream.

Because their pain has not reached the brain, the brain has been smashed into pieces with the body.

In Super Saiyan Form, it can be called a battle power that starts with a hundred million. How can this group of people start with a million can stop it.

It's like a train following a bicycle to hedge.

Although it may be a lost time, it will definitely not affect the overall situation.

"Just waiting for you!"

Cooler whispered, with a sneer from the corners of his mouth, not at all frightened by Bruce's surprise attack.

At this time.

Bruce is here, like a sharp blade, cutting through all obstacles along the way, and approaching the dragon.

Everyone is staring at this moment, including a creature hidden in the ground.

A gleam of light whistled.

A group of purple light blooms.

The expected muffled noise did not sound. It was not that Bruce's fist was not hit, but because of the Cooler hit, there was no sound.

"This is...what?" Bruce was startled.

He stared blankly at the fist that contained enough power to explode the planet, and hit Cooler's chest accurately.

I was even more horrified to see that at the moment when my fist touched Cooler's chest, countless plant roots pierced his chest, and the moment it blocked my fist, it quickly grew and wrapped.

"It actually absorbs my power!" Bruce was even more shocked.

This root not only removes the power from his fist, but now uses his fist as a contact point to extract his power frantically.


Without any hesitation, Bruce immediately cut out another palm, with an air sword in his palm, and he wanted to chop off Cooler's head.

According to the reaction of normal people, facing this kind of sudden restraint, you should immediately step back and get out of danger.

But Bruce was ruthless enough, decisively choosing to injure the enemy one thousand and eight hundred.

And as long as Cooler's head is cut off successfully, then the battle will be over.


Half of the palm fell to the ground.

"di da, di da ........"

There was blood falling to the ground drop by drop, Cooler's right hand palm was cut open by the air sword, fiercely Cut into Cooler's shoulder.

"damn, have you escaped!" Bruce cursed inwardly.

Cooler is indeed a fierce person, and his head is about to be cut off, so he decisively chooses to use his palm to buy time to avoid him.

That's why I didn't get his head cut off by a sword.

"Then split you directly!"

Bruce made a decisive decision, and his strength intensified.

However, the Qi Sword can no longer point to the next point. It is like looking at the hardest steel in the universe and encountering a hit nemesis.

In fact, this is not entirely the reason.

At some point, the roots that emerged from Cooler's chest were already wrapped around Bruce's air sword arm, and they were taking off their strength.

"I won, Saiyan Monkey!"

Cooler gave out a grinning smile. There was no pain at all because of the palm being chopped and the shoulder being cut, but the expression became more and more serious. Crazy.

"Wishful thinking!"

Bruce poured more strength and wanted to cut Cooler into two with absolute strength.

"Don’t vain, this is the root of the Tree of Might. It can not only absorb the life force of the planet, but also the life force of the person." Cooler is fierce, but his eyes are proud." Your power, everything you have is received by my Cooler!"

The words fell, the roots that resisted the fist and the air sword showed sharp small thorns, and the "puff puff" pierced Bruce's flesh.

They started.

In that moment, Bruce's shining aura was dimmed for a moment, and it was still fading at an astonishing speed.

"Get out of here!"

Bruce growled, finally realizing Cooler's abacus, desperately trying to get away.

But can't do anything about it, the root seems to be pouring on his fist, no matter how hard he struggles, he can't get rid of it.


Sky, Son Goku who took everything in the entire scene exclaimed.

"I'll help you!"

Because of senzu bean and regaining stamina, Son Goku can easily enter the Super Saiyan posture, and the meteorite moved towards Cooler directly.

"Good come!"

Cooler is not afraid, the roots of Tree of Might grow rapidly in the chest, and the roots are constantly pierced from under the skin and flesh everywhere in the body.

The form is extremely hideous.

Like a mutant withered treant.

No, it should be said that he is a luminous mutant withered treant.

Because the roots that pierced Bruce's hands continuously pulled the moving light spot from the former, and then converted and sent it to Cooler.

From a distance, it looks like countless stars twinkle.

"Don't come here!" Bruce yelled at Son Goku in the sky.

The guy Cooler is obviously ready. Once Son Goku comes over, he will definitely follow him.


Son Goku forcibly stopped the figure at midair, very anxious. He knew very well that there must be a reason for Bruce not to let him approach.

"Are they the roots!"

"Don't come close, you go to solve other people first, I will solve it here!" Bruce who was bound can only reply like this.

In fact, not only him, Cooler can only passively defend in this situation.

The roots of Tree of Might draw out Bruce's power, but the consumption of absorb can only rely on Cooler himself.

And Bruce's power is very overbearing, Cooler simply can't do anything about it and then make another counterattack.

But his defense is also absolute, as long as Son Goku launches an attack and contacts his physical body, the end will follow him.

The Qi in Son Goku's body is very gentle.

Once caught by Cooler, it will become a power bank that continuously provides power to Cooler.

When the time comes Cooler absorb Bruce's power will be smoother, unless Cooler absorb is not Son Goku, but Bruce, the same as the legendary Super Saiyan Broly.

"It's a shame." Cooler said regretfully, "Bruce, do you know how much I paid to control this power!"

"I was almost caught by this Damn something to absorb!"

"But based on the current situation, my efforts are rewarded."

"You're done, Bruce!" Cooler was crazy. , Even more excited, "But as an opponent, I admit you!"

"Then I really appreciate you, but I think you have to follow me to play Hell." Bruce said sarcastically.

"Still stubbornly, in this situation, you are simply impossible to have a chance to fight back."

Cooler doesn't care about Bruce's words, only that he is proud of his dying .

For this, Bruce just sneered.

Without learn ki sense, it will be your biggest mistake.

At this moment, he clearly perceives that a ki that is slightly weaker than Cooler's has quietly reached the soles of their feet at this moment.

This power was originally stronger than Cooler, but because Bruce's power is absorbed at this moment, Cooler's power expands upward again.

But still can't compare with Bruce.

Although power has been drawn, Bruce's ki is still in peak state.

Bruce, who has perfect control of the legendary Super Saiyan Form, has long been able to be comparable with Super Saiyan II, and can even be fully comparable with Super Saiyan II.

And the ki meditation training in the past few years has made Bruce more masterful of ki control.

Even if the power is drawn, Bruce can control the amount drawn in a short time.

But according to Cooler, Bruce is really hard-mouthed now.

If it takes a long time, he really can't stand it.

So he was waiting, waiting for the creature that sneaked into their feet.

Since Son Goku said that he can swallow Frieza, then power increase, and then swallow divine fruit to achieve evolution.

So it must be able to have a certain effect.


Bruce is calm now, but Bulma in West City is very restless.

"Lapis, Lazuli, Kami, and Bruce were caught by Cooler. You guys should find a way to help."

Bulma was so anxious that he wanted to heat the ants on the pan, facing The walkie-talkie in front of the screen screamed frantically.

Because of the emotional excitement, one of the feet has already stepped on the keyboard, and one hand forcibly pulled the walkie-talkie out of the ground.

There was a roar.

"Hurry up and find a way to help, Bruce can't hold it!"

"Bulma, calm down, calm down!"

Rebecca Holding the child comforting, the child in her arms also yelled "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh".

The child is only a few months now. Naturally, he will not be able to speak when he is born in anime, but he still has to follow the growth rules.

Learn the language from the voice.

"Bruce Sir's current situation is very bad, I'm already suggesting Kaiqi doctor." Next to Nanru, the boarder 123 called Kaiqi's cosmic communication channel frantically.

But unfortunately, it has not been connected.

This is no wonder, after all, the status of boarding body 123 is not high, and communication can only be unilaterally called by Kaiqi.

For active calls like it, Kaiqi also depends on whether she is in the mood to get through.

But it is also a bit stupid. Since you know you can't do anything about it connected, why not let Bulma call Kaiqi doctor.

If Bulma is allowed to come, it will definitely be connected instantly.

But it is a pity that everyone present did not think of this problem.

They are all affected by the current scene.

In other words, the intelligence that they should be thinking about is not online.

In fact, this is no wonder, after all, Bulma is still very young now.

I am still very immature when things are not chaotic.

"Weapons, yes, I still have weapons!"

Bulma gave a violent shock, like finding some life-saving straw.

"Weapons?" Rebecca was a little confused and didn't understand for a while, "Bulma, even if we have weapons, we can't do anything about it. We are so far away from them, can' t do anything about it ......."

Bulma doesn't take it seriously, instead, he goes directly to the keyboard and presses down the red button above.

"ka ka ka ......."

I saw the platform where the keyboard was placed cracked, and then reversed backwards, swapping out a new one. Steel keyboard.

"I am not holding it in my hand, but launching it through satellites."

Bulma said, typing instructions on the top to unlock the restrictions on weapons. .

"This thing is the inspiration I got in online novels, anti-aircraft strikes!"

"Using the satellite's vision to lock the target, and then launch a strike from space, although this follows the front The Cooler Legion guys are a bit similar, but the weapon that I modified has a stronger formidable power."

"Bulma...you even researched privately..." Rebecca I was so surprised that I couldn't describe it. I thought that Bulma was just researching genetic breakthrough medicine. Didn't expect even had weapons.

"What are you talking about, Rebecca teacher."

Bulma looked back at the person in front of him, and said in a sure tone.

"Isn’t it normal for researchers to make weapons? Researchers like us who are constantly researching new fields without powerful self-protection weapons have long been banned by criminals and will always become specialized The puppet studied for them."

"Yes.....Is that so......"

These things Rebecca can’t get rid of this level. , But listening to Bulma's explanation, she didn't think it was so difficult to accept.

"For example, my father, don’t look at his current harmless appearance. In fact, the things he invented and created are crazy." Bulma said, "Originally, I only needed to help detectives repair damaged vehicles, but He directly improved the performance of the vehicle, and the speed was increased by at least 10x compared to the original."

"If time is not limited, I would not be surprised that he installed a light missile on that car."

"Uh..." Rebecca's mouth twitched.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) Brat's head does not understand, but also cooperates with the sound.

The tail swayed even more, stroking Rebecca's face, making her itchy.

After about one minute, Bulma has finally finished its preparations.

At this moment in Earth’s outer space, two artificial satellites are changing their original trajectories.

It seems that they received an order from the ground, and they began to change their forms, and the wings on both sides were creeping and extending from the inside out.

After that, a faint muzzle came out slowly.

[Form conversion completed]

[Energy storage completed]

[Target confirmed, start locking]

[Target locked

[Ready to start shelling at any time]

After a series of electronic and mechanical sounds, the two artificial satellites enter the attack form.

The ground battlefield is here.

Bruce, who was imprisoned by Cooler, broke out in a cold sweat.

He wears small infinite headphones in his ears, and Bulma did not close the contact, so she followed Rebecca's conversation, and everyone who was qualified to wear the headphones heard them all.

"Does this girl want to kill me!" Bruce thought.

As a wolf who lives with Bulma, he knows that Bulma made a weapon, Bruce.

And he also gave some suggestions, such as compressing to increase the temperature, and launching a blow that is comparable with the surface temperature of the sun.

This inspiration comes from a certain Angel's [Judgement].

Perhaps Bruce is not afraid in his normal form, but now he is imprisoned, no matter how powerful his physical body is, he faces the [trial] blow that is comparable with the sun's temperature.

I am afraid it will definitely be burned to ashes.

There are no defensive measures, not even a cohesive protective cover.

Impossible to resist.

Bulma, this crazy girl, really wants to murder her husband!

Of course, Bruce didn't say what was in his heart. Now he is very close to Cooler. Once he speaks, he can hear him.

But the lunatic Bulma...

"Bulma, you can’t do this. Bruce is very close to Cooler now and will be affected."

In the headset, Lazuli said something fair.

Bruce instantly cheeks streaming with tears in his heart, not saving you in vain.

"It's okay. I tested the formidable power of this weapon. I made it with Bruce as the target. As long as he opens the protective cover, this damage simply cannot hurt him."

Bulma said confidently in the headset.


You also know that you need to open the protective cover. The problem is that I can't do it now for your future husband.

Bruce really wanted to grab Bulma in the face and fiercely asked what was going on in her head.

Although I am very moved to have such confidence in him, you still have to formulate a strategy based on the actual situation, so reckless...

Isn't the consequences considered?

"What are you thinking?" Cooler sneered and mocked when he noticed the rapid change of Bruce expression. "No matter what sly plan you have in your heart, there is only dead end now."

" Huh..."

Bruce just glanced at this contemptuously, and then continued to focus on the ground.

The ki is getting closer, now it should be no more than five meters away from them.

His speed is very cautious, so he should be considered an excellent hunter.

In order to increase the success rate, he even lowered the ki intensity.

If Bruce is familiar with this aspect, at first he will discover his existence, maybe he can't do anything about it.

But Cooler, the second fool, seems to think that the victory is in hand, and there is no danger at all.

It's really stupid.

"Liu Jie, when the guy rushes out, you will control the strength of Dragon and cut the roots of the Tree of Might."

At this time, Bruce quietly faced his neck in his heart Reminder of the six planet.

"The Tree of Might roots are very hard. I still need one minute to condense the strength of Dragon that can cut them off."

Given by Liu Jie in Six Planet Response.

"I'll fight for you."

Cooler never thought that he was not only facing Bruce alone, but they were a duo.

And it's not just him, Son Goku is actually a duo.

In fact, when feeding the Son Goku senzu bean, Bruce noticed that there was a residual strength of Dragon on Son Goku, so the four-star dragon should have taken action when Son Goku was heavily injured just now.

Use strength of Dragon to unload some strength.

Judging from how spicy the opponent swallowed Frieza, that guy would never start off leniently.

It is very possible that this blow can actually kill Son Goku, but because of the help of the four-star dragon, this is only a serious injury and weakness.

And Bruce ki can continue to maintain, but also because of the strength of Dragon in the body.

Tree of Might seems to repel the strength of Dragon, so absorb just does not contain the power of strength of Dragon, but because Bruce has been able to produce strength of Dragon in his body for a long time, so this has to Passive, the amount of absorb is dominated by Bruce.

Otherwise, at the speed of easily draining a planet's life in a few minutes, how could it be possible to drain Bruce for so long in the past.

"Cooler, you are in danger." Bruce sneered.

At this time, Cooler suddenly felt a chill surge from the soles of his feet.

An unprecedented crisis broke out. He wanted to dodge and leave here, but it was obviously too late.

The sound of "peng".

One silhouette jumped out from the soles of his feet. At this moment, a Shenron phantom burst out of Bruce's body. The "ka ka ka" arms pierced by the roots of the Tree of Might condensed dragon scales. General ability block.

Their appearance directly blocks the roots of Tree of Might, cuts off and releases Bruce's constraints.

"roar roar roar!"

"wish you good luck."

Leave this sentence, Bruce figure disappears with dragon roar.


At the same time, the roots were cut off by the strength of Dragon, and Cooler was stupefied, and his body was pierced by a sharp object.

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