Son Goku was furious, and the anger in his heart instantly dyed his eyes white.

In Earth, when his relatives and friends survived, he finally chose to completely release the wildness that belonged to Saiyan in his heart.

"die for me!"

angrily roared, shocked, Frieza was in a daze, and with a "tear", his arms were directly torn off.

Blood, tears and tears, crazily gushing out.

"pa ta, dā!"

Son Goku fiercely with pure white eyes stepped on Frieza's chest by throwing off the two arms that were still dripping with blood.

"pēng pēng pēng", The earth shook and the mountain quivered because of the impact of the body.

One heel and one foot, the earth caves in dozens of centimeters downward with each stepping on it.

It was only a while, and there was a difference of five or six meters from the height of the plane.

"cough cough..."

Frieza gulped blood and felt that no part of the whole body was painless, as if all the bones were trampled on broken.

Especially the chest position, badly mangled or mutilated.

But even so, he still did not die.

"...Even can kill me, so must be in order to my funeral in the end!"

Intermittently, Frieza exhausted her whole body strength and shouted the last sentence.

face looks sinister.

But, despite this, his heart began to feel uneasy.

With his energy blast formidable power, Earth should have been destroyed long ago.

Why hasn't there been any movement until now?

Even the most basic explosion did not appear. Is the energy blast emitted by Frieza a dud?

In fact, not only Frieza was puzzled, Son Goku was also gradually regaining his senses.

His eyes gradually returned to their normal colors, and Son Goku looked at Frieza who was blurry on his chest under his feet, staggering and taking a few steps back in horror.

"I...I..." He lowered his head in a daze, looking at the Frieza blood stained by the boots under his feet, the complexion was ugly terrifying.

Is this really done by myself?

Why did I become the way I was just now?

Although Frieza is indeed an enemy, as long as he is killed, it will be over. Why do you want to torture him so dying?

What the hell is wrong with me?

"pu puff..."

However, at this time, a hand suddenly stretched out from the ground, and it was still a palm with sharp nails.


No one noticed anything here, because of Chiaotzu's death, Tien Shinhan and others finally understood the cruelty of the battle.

Although the psychological endurance is still a bit jerky, it's not just knocked unconscious enemies like just now, instead of killing them.

They regrouped into a group of three people.

Under the cover of Lapis and Lazuli’s gunfire, start a repair to the survivors.

In Cooler Legion, simply does not exist that can directly resist the existence of the Lapis sister and brother.

They are all waiting at the moment, waiting for Lapis and their stamina to run out.

Using the method of wheel warfare, the opponent that could not be defeated was finally gnawed away.

Unfortunately, their calculations fell through. Lapis and the others did not show signs of fatigue at all. Instead, their attacks became more and more fierce.

Originally, the shrouded area was only about kilometers, but now it spreads directly to thousands of meters.

The topography of this plain was completely changed, large tracts of plants were burned to ashes, and one after another deep pit kept appearing.

"Lapis, don't bomb you to the north."

Kami hastened to remind me that Lapis' attack range is too terrifying.

"Why, most of Cooler Legion's people are gathered there."

Lapis looked towards Kami in confusion, and one after another compressed energy blast continued to gush out from his palm.

Rapid ejection, blowing the Cooler Legion people into ashes.

If an enemy emits light waves, then they will blow up with the waves.

direct and efficient.

"Mr. Popo is over there, he is using the power he got from Bruce to deploy the fetal movement shield, so that we can fight without scruples, without worrying about ruining Earth."

Kami can only answer honestly.

Mr. Popo's connection with Bruce is still done by him, and Bruce's power is also transferred into Mr. Popo's body through him.

When Bruce adapts to the Super Saiyan posture in The Lookout, Mr. Popo is pulled by Bruce as a duel exercise from time to time.

So apart from Broly, Mr. Popo is the person who is most familiar with Bruce ki in Earth.

Only he can pay a price to control Bruce's power.

If you let Kami come, you might be torn to pieces by Bruce's power in the next second.

"Mr. Popo?" Lapis was startled.

"Listen to Kami, you continue to use firepower to suppress other people. I will go to Mr. Popo and wipe out that piece of Cooler Legion."

Lazuli stopped bombing, yes Following Lapis's instructions, he moved towards the north and whizzed towards the Cooler Legion over there.

It's really a woman not conceding to men.

In the huge Cooler Legion, no one can go through a round in the hands of Lazuli.

Either he was blown out by a punch, or he was cut into two pieces by a lazy foot.

This attack method is of course terrifying.

The Z-Fighters present were stunned, especially Krillin.

"Oh my God, I can only rely on Ki Slash to do it. She can easily break through the enemy's defenses with her hands and feet."

Krillin's eyes are different. Gradually, watching Lazuli's eyes gradually attracted.

"little baldy." Lapis noticed this point, glanced at Krillin, and warned: "You'd better not think of Lazuli's idea, she has been sold to Bruce by me."




"What's the matter?"

Yamcha, Tien Shinhan, Krillin directly forced , Although it is the danger at the moment, but still unable to control the inner surprise.

At this moment, there was a simultaneously question in their hearts.

Isn't Bruce's fiancee Bulma?

Piccolo and Kami didn't care. They knew that Lapis was cracking a joke.

Although the jokes are suspected of damaging Lazuli’s reputation, even the person involved, Lazuli, did not express any opinions. They would naturally think that being honest is the safest.

Following these groups looking for the refuge of Lapis, Raditz even played Saiyan's character vividly and thoroughly.

He seems to have entered a state of extreme excitement at this moment, enjoying the pleasure of fighting.

Even if the strengths are very different, he still tastes unprecedented pleasure from this group of Cooler Legion.

This is completely different from the nature of his aggression against the planet, and he never expected that his Raditz would one day fight bloody battles for protecting a certain planet.

What a conversion this is.

"Don't focus, use light bombs to disperse them." Someone shouted again.

It is a certain cadre of the Cooler Army.

He followed the rest of the cadres and led a part of them to disperse, divided into teams and teams, encircling Radtz from the four sides of East, West, North, and South.

This is indeed a good way.

No matter how strong Raditz is, it is only a singlehanded person.

It's good to be able to cope with an attack from one side, and naturally you can't worry about other directions.


Soon, Radtz, who could not evade, was hit by one of the energy blasts.

He desperately moved towards the sky and rushed up, with purple black blood on the right side of his body.

"die for me!"

He is angrily roared, and his hands are folded to aim at the Cooler Legion below, the air buzzes, and the incandescent light illuminates the sky.

"No, you can’t just bomb it directly. The ground below is the ground. This formidable power can kill this group of bastard and also blow up Earth!"

Raditz's heart is changing rapidly, and finally Only able to disperse the attacks that have been completed.

Instead, rush into the crowd again and start a hand-to-hand fight.

"As long as they rush into the crowd, they can only fight in the middle, and can no longer use energy blast rain like they did before."

The palm of one of the combatants squeezed into the head. , Radtz's back was bombed by energy blast again.

But the effect is not great, it just blows up the clothes.

The physical body inside was not harmed.

Raditz turned his head and looked towards the enemy who emitted the energy blast. It was a short and dark red-skinned combatant.

The guy who used to have a short Time Stop in Ginyu Force is very similar.

This immediately made Radtz cautious.

"Don't let him gasp for breath, go on!" someone shouted again.

After that, more combatants rushed up. Four thousand elites were not cracking a joke. Even if their comment on Power Level is less than 10,000, the number of 4,000 is enough to change the direction.

Even more how strongest Bruce and Son Goku have been dragged.



"Kakarot!" Radtz violently moved towards Son Goku's location and roared, "What are you rubbing, don't hurry up and get rid of Frieza!"

Raditz is the first to know Son Goku can do Super Saiyan a Full Power, and Son Goku usually plays with him.

So Radtz knows better than everyone how strong his younger brother Kakarot is.

As far as Frieza is breaking out of ki, it is simply not the opponent of the younger brother Kakarot.

However, Radtz was calm without shouting.

But as soon as he roared, a certain orange red silhouette burst out from the ground.

It’s Son Goku!

His martial arts uniform is ragged, and his pants have been cut and chipped.


Raditz sped up, appeared behind Son Goku, stretched out a take action to catch him.

"Kakarot, what the hell are you doing!"

Hugging Son Goku, Radtz took a deep breath and adjusted his internal Ki breath. After such a long battle, his consumption was also very high. Big.

"Frieza...Frieza was someone!" Son Goku gasp for breath violently, and his hair returned from golden to black.

He was so weak that he couldn't even maintain Super Saiyan.

"Frieza was swallowed?" Radtz startled, and continued to take Son Goku to avoid the rest of the Cooler Legion that rushed up.

Retreating while fighting.

At this time, a dazzling spark suddenly fell from the sky.

Cooler fell straight like a meteorite, smashing the ground and cracking the surface layers, making the terrain more severe.

There are two legs inserted there, and both are armored.

"worthíly is Bruce, really amazing." Radtz exclaimed.

"Cooler King!"

"Cooler King!"

This sudden change directly shakes the Cooler Legion army's heart. Everyone stops attacking and retreats. Cooler surrounded.

They all faced the Raditz people and made a gesture of guarding Cooler.

A few combatants stepped forward, trying to pull Cooler out of the ground.

"Buzz bang!"

A burst of loud noise, the ground cracked completely, Cooler's legs pushed downwards, pulling out the inverted head, and his body slowly floating.

"pu click!"

But he took the initiative to embed his legs into the ground, and the entire soles of the feet were submerged, leaving only the thighs.

"huhuhu ......."

He exhales loudly, but his hands make a look of "all in control", embracing his chest , Both eyes look straight ahead.

"Cooler, are you okay?" Someone cares.

"Don't care, I'm just a little careless, and that guy is not much better."

Cooler sneered, and his gaze fell on Son Goku.

"It seems that Frieza still has some effect, but I saw this guy above seems to be able to do Super Saiyan."

"King Frieza?"

Listening to Cooler's sudden mention, the combatants on the scene were all subconscious moved towards a certain direction and looked over.

There is a battlefield between Son Goku and Frieza.

Following Cooler's battle with Bruce, in order to avoid being affected by the battle, they all chose to avoid and take the initiative to open the battlefield.

"Where is Frieza, I won’t be killed anymore!" Cooler glanced at the several cadres in front of him, "That guy has the fine divine fruit I gave. After my improvement, it shouldn’t be so easy to be killed. Kill it."

During the words, a violent purple black light flashed from his feet, constantly moving towards his body everywhere.


However, at this time, the re-gathering clouds were slowly cut open, and a figure bathed in pure gold aura appeared.

Super Saiyan Bruce.

The posture of Super Saiyan in the legend of Green Gold is different, and Bruce now follows Son Goku’s Super Saiyan Form exactly the same, both golden-haired and green-eyed.

He landed in front of Radtz.

A faint glance at Raditz who called him, Bruce noticed Son Goku who was weak at the moment.

"What's the matter, Frieza impossible won you with your strength."

Bruce quickly approached Son Goku, and at the same time took out the gray cloth bag from the jeans pocket and quickly took it out from the inside. A senzu bean.

"Eat it."

Suck the senzu bean directly into Son Goku's mouth, until he noticed that he gradually separated from the weak state, and then Bruce continued to ask:

"To answer the question I just asked, you are Super Saiyan with Full Power. Impossible to lose to Frieza."

"It's not Frieza, but someone else." Son Goku swallowed senzu bean, stamina Restored the peak, "He not only swallowed Frieza, but also ate the divine fruit that Frieza carried."

"Other people?" Bruce pupils shrank, the news was not very friendly.

There should be only Cooler Legion besides the people on his side.

Where is the other person?

"Originally, I was able to split equally with him, but after he ate that special fruit, I was not his opponent." Son Goku said, "He is very strange, his body seems to have been Evolution, each part has been anthropomorphic and enhanced."


It won't be Cell yet!

Bruce set off a heaven overflowing giant wave in his heart, and he did not say the last sentence.

In his perception, the only person who can absorb the ability to swallow others is the strongest Android made by Dr. Gero.


"But the instrument that made that guy, I remember it was destroyed by me."

Bruce can't figure out which part is wrong.

Even if it is a future space-time, it should be a few years later, how come it appears now.

And most importantly, future events should develop on their own.

The destroyed Cell impossible appears.

"I don't know who he is, and I haven't seen that guy, but he has the skin of Frieza and the others. Even ki follows Frieza, and Cooler is very close."

Son Goku is puzzled, even entangled.

"He is really very strong, but I am confident that I will be able to defeat him this time."


You recover from a weak state, even if you are not dying, you will add a little Power Level.

It is even possible to break through and reach the form of Super Saiyan II.

Bruce brows tightly frowns, he really noticed a familiar and unfamiliar ki on the ground.

Actually, as Son Goku said, the ki is very similar to Frieza and Cooler, and the ki is very large.

More powerful than the current Cooler.


"How come, Cooler guy's ki is gradually increasing!" Bruce lost self-control and broke.

"Bruce, pay attention to the surrounding environment. The ground is inexplicably broken, and there are more and more gullies."

Kami's voice appeared in Bruce's ears.

Bruce hurriedly scanned, condescending to see far away.

Sure enough, as Kami said, in the environment that was not originally affected, the plants withered rapidly, turning to ashes in a short period of time, and then the ground began to crack and turn into hard rocks.

"Cooler is extracting the life force of Earth!"

Bruce finally understands why Cooler's ki is recovering rapidly, this guy can not only produce fine divine fruit... ..

You can even extract the life force of the planet!

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