Universe, Earth outer space.

Frieza follows Cooler at the top of the spaceship, staring at Earth below, "I think it’s good to destroy the entire planet before they react, oh ho ho... ."

"Although this is a method, don't you think Frieza will be less fun." Cooler said, "Since we are revenge, let them taste it naturally."


"There are 5,000 warriors dispatched this time. When we kill Bruce, Earthling will be completely wiped out." Frieza was confident.

"You don't need to put all of them on, leave some combatants to protect the scientific research personnel." Cooler looked back and glanced at the researchers in the control room.

"Then let Kikono and Berryblue stay behind, stand by with the researchers, and provide support to us in the rear." Cooler made the final judgment.

"Understood, King Cooler."

"We will provide support for King Cooler and King Frieza in the rear."

Kikono and Berryblue provide guarantees, right hand Make a fist against your chest.

This is an action in Frieza Force that expresses compliance.

"Then, four thousand combatants, follow me and Frieza to destroy this obtrusive planet." Cooler growled and moved towards Earth first.

Behind him, Frieza follow closely from behind, and then the combatants rushed out of the spaceship, like soldiers guarding the hive.

Here is very close to Earth, there is loose oxygen floating, and the physical bodies of the Cooler Legion combatants have reached the ability to withstand the low temperature of the universe, at their speed...

Absolutely can enter the atmosphere before hypoxia.

Headed by Cooler and Frieza, both have machines for investigating battle power on their faces, so they are not afraid of not being able to find the target.

The one with the strongest battle power is Bruce.

And their direction is not wrong, and it is indeed Bruce that Earth is showing its strongest battle power. Like Kami and Son Goku, they suppress the Power Level as much as possible.

But Bruce is different. Even if he can precisely control his power, since his body is Legendary Super Saiyan, the displayed battle power is also an astonishing 500,000, just like the base form Frieza.

Earth, the Norman Plains.

Bruce stood on one of the rocks with his hands in his arms, beside him stood Lapis and Lazuli, as well as Jaco who was forcibly pulled over.

It is worth mentioning that Jaco is holding a small video adapter in his hand at the moment.

This is provided by Bulma to him, in order to be able to send back the battlefield image immediately.

With the help of alien building satellites, this technology is a perfect success.

"Waiting for a year, is it finally here."

The battle position is deliberately chosen here in order to avoid accidental injuries in the fight.

This level of battle will destroy a West City with no difficulty.

"What the hell, this value is too much."

Lapis' eye sockets are also equipped with detectors, and a large number of powerful battle powers are rapidly approaching from above.

Perhaps because of Android, it is very difficult for him to follow Lazuli to learn ki. Since Bruce taught him to now, he still hasn't been able to familiarize and detect other people ki.

But what is depressing is that their light skills are called a bells and whistles.

How to look good and how to come.

Moreover, the formidable power is quite impressive.

"Bruce, why don't you bring them together to help."

Bulma's voice came from the infinite Bluetooth of everyone present.

Bruce shook his head. It was clear who Bulma was referring to. Broly was the five pirate officers in Earth.

Actually, Bruce also wanted to take them with him, but he felt too much ki. Bruce was worried about the division of the soldiers, so he would always stay behind some battle power to guard Bulma and them.

And these five pirates are the best choices.

And Bruce is not alone.


The magic carpet appears out of thin air, and Kami jumps off the magic carpet with Piccolo.

"Mr. Popo, it's dangerous here, you just go back to The Lookout and wait for the news." Kami turned around and said after landing.

"Then please Kami you."

Mr. Popo also understands that The Lookout needs someone to guard him, and after leaving, he called incantion to direct the magic carpet to leave.

"Bruce, it is estimated that there are four thousand enemies coming this time, and three thousand remain in space."

After Mr. Popo left, Kami immediately used Earth. The information obtained by the Kami authority is shared with Bruce.

Kami is not every day in the future. As a veteran Earth Kami, he holds the authority far exceed late stage and takes office every day.

The risk factors close to Earth can be detected immediately.

The news of Frieza's attack is that he perceives Bruce, and this location is also his choice.

"Don't worry about the three thousand who stayed behind. Their main force is the four thousand that is coming."

Bruce knows that the warriors who stay behind are probably all logistics personnel who can really fight. It was only four thousand battle power led by Cooler.

"When the time comes, I think of a way to drag out Cooler and Frieza, you will go to get rid of the rest of the combatants, to prevent them from tearing their faces in our battles, and make a move to destroy Earth perish together."

In the face of Cooler and Frieza, Bruce is not afraid.

He was afraid that the heads of the Cooler subordinate would blow up Earth directly.

At that time, he must have not solved Frieza and Cooler. Once Earth explodes, everyone on Earth will not be able to survive.

This is a lore.

Bruce doesn't want to choose Earth at all if he can.

"We know that although there are a large number of them, there are very few that can kill the stars. We will watch them." Kami said, "But this way we can’t quickly kill the remaining enemies. Give you support."

"Support is not needed." Bruce shook his head, then turned to look towards behind him, "Our strong support is here."

Kami's heart moved.

Little Piccolo has a smile on his face.

I saw Bruce looking at the location, several silhouettes approaching from far away.

The clearest person is Son Goku.

Beside him are Raditz and Krillin and others.

Earth Z-Fighters are all here.

"Really didn't expect your response so fast." Kami looked at the crowd of Z-Fighters slightly surprised, but he didn't notify Krillin of them.

Because it was too dangerous, he only notified Bruce and Son Goku.

"Kami, I rushed over as soon as I got your message." Son Goku said, "I met them on the way."

"It's amazing ." Kami admired.

Krillin, they were able to detect Frieza's invasion, they must have gained something from ki's training, and he perceives that the Power Level of each of them has exceeded 10,000.

Tien Shinhan, Yamcha and Krillin battle power are the highest among them.

Because they can hide ki, Kami didn’t know how strong their battle power was for a while.

"Although we know that our power is limited, we have to do our part for homeworld."

Krillin clenched his fists and stood in front of everyone, speaking righteously.

"Yes." Yamcha said loudly.

"This time the number of enemies is huge, we will definitely be able to help you Goku." Tien Shinhan clenching one's teeth and said.

Z-Fighter who has not been notified all perceive the densely packed ki, and they are very conspicuous when gathered together.

In addition, they are all training with each other, so that they can rush over immediately.

Raditz followed Krillin, Krillin followed Tien Shinhan and Yamcha, Chiaotzu.

And Radtz battle power is the strongest, and has faced Frieza once. Although it is learn ki control behind, it does not prevent him from remembering Frieza's Ki.


Bruce's face is heavy, and as his voice has just fallen, the clouds on the white queen are like being shot by a machine gun, but it is not bullets that are spit out , But one after another silhouette.

Densely packed, but one minute covers the entire sky, so many people can block the sun and cause large shadows.

In crowd, Cooler and Frieza both arms across chest. The combatants made room for them, allowing them to be condescending, and the Z-Fighter headed by Son Goku was under King.

Especially when they saw that there were only so few soldiers to greet them, Cooler and Frieza both showed hideous smiles on their faces.

"Bruce, I'll get everything back to me."

Cooler let out a deep roar, his eyes almost narrowed, and only Bruce's figure was included in his sight.

The others have been ignored by him.

"Don't, you say that as if I robbed you of everything." Bruce rolled Cooler's eyes and said flatly, "I just beat you up and killed You daddy, and by the way, before you have time to escape from bombing the planet."

"Others, I don't owe anything." Bruce said this remark very "deserves a beating".

It seems that this kind of revenge of killing the father is considered dispensable, and even the illusion of "I am the victim" is echoed from the tone.

"You!" Cooler's face was gloomy.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, give it to me!" Frieza obviously didn't have much patience, and immediately ordered the whole army to be escorted.

The battle is about to start.

"Be careful, try to fight with Lapis and Lazuli as the center." Bruce told the rest.

Then took the lead in rushing to kill, the right hand fist was tense, and the combatant who rushed in the front was punched into ashes.

"Bruce!" Cooler roared, and a large number of purple backs surged all over his body, and afterimage fluttered, killing Bruce at a swift speed.

"Oh ho ho, now that you have chosen the opponent for Cooler, then I will reluctantly play with these small insects."

Frieza covered her mouth and pointed her fingers at her. Krillin shoots a light beam directly.


Son Goku screamed and reacted quickly. He pushed Krillin away, and then slapped the light beam into the right rock with a slap, causing a violent explosion.

"Allah, I was able to bounce off my attack."

Frieza opened her mouth slightly surprised and looked towards Son Goku below.

Son Goku rushed to Planet Namek later, so Frieza did not know his existence.

And he hasn’t learned to perceive qi, Son Goku hides his Power Level again, Frieza’s scouts show battle power, Son Goku simply isn’t enough to bounce off his attack.

That’s why I was surprised.

"Goku ........"

Krillin looked at the rocks that turned into a fire sea in the distance, if not for Son Goku, he would have died. NS.

"Don't be stunned, Frieza is very strong." Son Goku instructed, staring at Frieza solemnly.

Now the battle has fully broken out.

Everyone in Cooler Legion has all bet on, Lapis and Lazuli are no nonsense, and the advantages of Android are directly used.

Like a never-tiring laser cannon launcher, it is a bombardment to the crowd.

Because of the excessive number of Cooler Legion, facing this kind of large-scale bombing, it is completely impossible to dodge.

Even more how Lapis and Lazuli Power Level far surpasses them, even if they want to avoid, it takes time.

"Everyone pulls away, don't gather together."

There are experienced combatants who give advice.

The combatants obeyed, and immediately dispersed in a large area to prevent them from spreading to Lapis.

Just now, they met with each other, to the effect that they had already lost three hundred companions.

"Listen to Bruce, try to fight around Lapis and the others."

Son Goku finally glanced at Krillin, galloped up, rushed into the crowd, kicked with his fists and kicks, invincible. .

He attracted most of the Cooler Legion.

Raditz and others also started operations, leading the others to use light interference to kill the weaker combat power combatants.

Interference is dominant.

As for protagonist Bruce, he has already faced Cooler with him. Now that thick cloud has been swept away by the sharp fighting force, cut into pieces in four directions, and then shattered.

It disappeared completely.

Bruce adjusted his breathing, the attack became more fierce, and the battle power that the base form could improve has been pulled to the limit by him.

If you want to break through again, you need mood swings or start the next form.

But with the current situation, it is obviously not needed. Bruce's base form is not what it used to be. He is not like Son Gohan in these years, and a little bit of accomplishment will be useless.

He is really training the devil.

Whether it is body instinct or soul spirit, it is now at its best.

pu' sound, swift and sharp, Cooler's cheek was cut open by fist wind, the punch was too fast, and bloodshot appeared immediately.

Bruce is very ruthless and never speaks of temptation.

Just approaching Cooler, he felt a kind of formidable power, and his body's instinct could keep him away.

He didn't have full strength right now, and he wanted to force Cooler's trump card, and he couldn't rule out that Cooler was waiting for his full strength.

Cooler is also very bloody, completely ignoring the blood cut on his face, and hitting Bruce with his backhand in the head is a punch.

The purple light shines, and his initial form skips directly and enters the third form.

"Not good!"

Bruce was frightened, and closed his hands to block his head, but was also forced back by the suddenly transformed Cooler.

Back ten meters continuously before stopping.

"Why, haven't you taken out the original form on Planet Namek!"

Cooler didn't chase, and mocked.

Bruce thought deeply, this guy is really planning something, and now in the third form, he is far better than he was at Planet Namek in terms of speed and strength.


Cooler's strength has increased by at least 10x!

No, the qi in his body seems to be hidden, and he is not the only one to ascend.

Be careful!

"ahhhh!" Bruce roared with left and right hands, and battle power directly amplified 20x.

This is the power of the human body to control the Great Ape.

It is known that only Bruce and Broly can do it, even Son Goku can only pursue Super Saiyan.

"Really disappointed me."

Cooler is indifferent and ruthless, with a surging anger in his chest, he took out an unknown fruit from his pocket, and the fluorescence flickered. Throw the fruit straight to Frieza in the distance.

"This is the fruit I created specially for you. If the situation is not right, eat it."

Frieza saw a fruit burst out of the sky before Frieza had time to answer.

He hurriedly reached out to catch it.

His complexion changes rapidly. Although this is also a real divine fruit, the power it contains is quite different from the past.

Very surging.

One can at least replace the original one hundred.

This period of time, while they moved towards Bruce's approach to Earth, they used the "unexpected" disaster of the universe to absorb the vitality of the planet on the way, and strengthen their own strength.

It can be said that since this period of time.

There are no less than hundreds of life force planets ingested by Cooler.

Because the planet "accidentally" destroyed too much, this information has been noticed by the galaxy training. This is what Jaco wants to report to the Galactic King.

But it's a pity.

Galactic King did not give Jaco a chance.

Send him to Earth without letting him speak.

Because of the intake of too much planet’s life force, Cooler does not blend perfectly, and it blends while storing it.

The essence of this divine fruit for Frieza is the planet life force that he has not yet perfectly integrated.

The planet life force without fusion is simply useless on the body, it is better to release it to Frieza to prevent the occurrence of bad events.

"That's..." Bruce's eyes widened, and he suddenly felt that the fruit was a bit familiar.

Could it be that!

He suddenly thought that Cooler perfectly blends fine divine fruit seeds.

"Do you guys have the ability to create fine divine fruit!"

Bruce knows how terrifying this information is.

This situation has never been the only one.

Suddenly, he felt the hairs standing upright behind him and a dull pain in a certain part, which made his fighting instinct feel intensely uneasy.


He didn't care about thinking, he followed his instinctual thoughts and dodged the dodge sideways, and instantly moved out dozens of meters.



In an instant, a dazzling white laser beam descended from his position, and the ground was instantly covered by the fire sea, and fierce fire and smoke entangled and rushed into the sky.

The rapid turbulence spread, and a very large mushroom cloud appeared in everyone’s sight.

Because Cooler fought with Bruce too fiercely, the battlefield gradually moved away from the others.

Except for some bad luck fighters who were affected, they were devoured.

No one else was injured.

"Who is it!"

"Third-party influence!"

Not only Bruce, almost everyone was shocked by this sudden attack stupid.

Except for Cooler and Frieza, there is simply no character that can make Bruce feel dangerous.

Who the hell is it!

"It seems you have a lot of enemies, Bruce."

Although I don’t understand the current situation, it does not prevent Cooler from ridiculing Bruce. The more I can make Bruce feel uncomfortable, The more excited he is.

"Cooler!" Bruce gnashing teeth.

"Bruce, you have to be careful."

However, just as Bruce was about to do Cooler desperately, Bulma's voice came out of the infinite headphones again.

"This attack is not a third-party influence, and Cooler stays in the outer space spaceship. They launch temporary satellites as a targeting tool, turn on the energy filling cannon, and sniper you from a high level!"

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