Galactic Patrol Headquarters.

In the office where Galactic King is located, Jaco the Galactic Patrolman is reporting on this year's work.

"The pirate group headed by Broly is now getting stronger and stronger. They not only began to involve the underground world, they even openly conquered the surroundings area, bordering the edge of the West Area, and now they have all become their territory."

"I remember, Broly seems to be Bruce's big brother."

"What?" Jaco regaining composure, "Yes."

Galactic King gazes Stare at the screen in front of you, then turn it to face Jaco.

"This is?" Jaco's eyes widened.

On the screen aimed at him, the information of Bruce and Broly is displayed at the moment.

The time covers from their appearance to the present.

"The only one with ambitions is Paragus."

Galactic King looked towards Jaco, pointing to the notes of Bruce and Broly on the top of the screen.

"According to the above information, Bruce is now pursuing martial arts with all his heart, and he doesn't look forward to that kind of life where power is in control."

I remembered the time I spent with Bruce, Jaco agreed: "It's true."

Compared to rights, Bruce is more keen to improve his own strength.

Galactic King rubbed his temples: "So, I hope Jaco, you can find a way to get Bruce to call Broly to Earth."

"Do you want to?" Jaco gave a sharp shock. .

"Yes, I hope Bruce can control Broly."

Galactic King said his thoughts.

The backbone of the pirate Legion is Broly, and they are the Legion formed around Broly.

As long as there is no Broly, with Paragus's inability to go on the stage, the impossible deterrences the powerhouse attached to them.

Then there will be only one at the end...


"With Bruce's temperer, I think he It shouldn't be hope that the second Frieza will appear."

Jaco's heart screamed, Galactic King, you really are Guessed wrong, Bruce is the kind of person who can tolerate the second Frieza. As long as his safety and the safety of those around him are not endangered, the entire galaxy blows up Bruce indifferent.

It's just that Jaco didn't say what he was thinking, but followed the words of Galactic King.

"Then what Lord Galactic King wants to do, Bruce is not the kind of person who will interfere with other choices."

Galactic King smiled at Jaco and blinked at the latter. Focusing on, "It's up to you."

"Look at me, what can I do."

Jaco was so shocked that he took two steps back, almost silly.

"I don't care about this. Anyway, I have handed this task to you. As for how to complete it, this is not something I care about."

Galactic King simply played a rogue, even In order not to give Jaco a chance to speak, he disappeared in the office.

Leave a person in a daze.

What is this?

Are you forced to buy and sell?

Would you like to be so excessive?

You are the Galactic King, can you please point your face?

Jaco was almost crying, because he was so angry that he even abused Galactic King in his heart.

Moreover, he has other things that he has not reported yet.


When Jaco arrived in Earth and found Bruce, the light "eyes" almost didn't explode.

What did he see?

The dignified cosmic strongest in name, the body in meditation is being climbed up and down by a brat from unknown origin.

The most important thing is.

Bruce turned out to be indifferent and continued to conduct meditation training.

Is this...

"Bruce, is this your child?" Approaching Bruce, Jaco asked hesitantly.

Although he knew Bruce's relationship with Bulma, he was shocked to see a brat appear.

I heard that Bruce has been engaged to Bulma for a long time, so it’s normal to have a gun and a fire accident. A brat doesn’t seem to be acceptable. Will grow up.

It is normal to have a child.

"This brat is my teacher's child, and I live here temporarily for some reason."

Bruce glanced at Jaco and said softly.

Saiyan's child really terrifying, he is only a few months old, and he is already able to crawl around.

"teacher?" Jaco still couldn't understand.

There is a tail on this child’s ass, but Bruce’s teacher seems to be Earth Kami.

But Earth Kami is Namekian.

"It’s not the teacher of martial arts. It’s quite troublesome to explain this. You can treat this brat as a friend’s child."

Bruce didn’t intend to explain it either. The baby's thigh is lifted up.

Despite being carried upside down by Bruce, the "bad guy", the baby did not cry, but waved his little hand vigorously at midair.

baring fangs and brandishing claws.

It was like Bruce venting his dissatisfaction.

"Bruce, are you not afraid of a child's leg problem!" Jaco was shocked, terrified of Bruce's "violence".

"There was a fart problem. This brat had a 30-point battle power from the very first birth, all equal to three powerful ordinary persons."

"Thirty points ........"

Jaco twitched his lips, suddenly remembering that this brat has a tail, and Saiyan are a group of races that cannot be understood by common sense.

"It really can not be underestimated."

"In short you Never mind the little son of a bitch, Bulma in the laboratory, you're looking for Bulma, then went to a second laboratory Find her."

Bruce pointed out the location to Jaco with his eyes. Since Bulma is currently researching multiple fields, in order to avoid confusion, multiple laboratories are used to distinguish them.

The second laboratory is specialized in the field of gene medicine. And now Bulma is doing a physical examination for Rebecca.

The birth of Saiyan's baby is still normal, and there will be no danger of tearing the mother's belly.

But because this child is not conceived normally, it is a late stage surgical surrogacy, so in order to avoid any fatal problems, Rebecca will be checked every month for one year.

"I'm not here to find Bulma." Jaco looked at Bruce blankly.

"Look for me?" Bruce quickly understood, "What's the matter?"

"I think we can find a place to sit down and have a cup of tea to talk slowly "Jaco was guilty, and at the same time couldn't help but scold Galactic King taking advantage of one's position to bully people.

"Drink tea? Chat?" Bruce realized something was wrong. "Alright, then follow me to the small pavilion in front. Cyborg will send afternoon tea later."

While speaking, he gave the satellite an order to prepare afternoon tea.

Jaco can't do anything about it object, can only follow Bruce.

As for Bruce, he still carried a certain brat's thigh and threw it directly to the ground after reaching the pavilion.

Don't care about it.

I don’t worry about getting hurt at all.

cracking a joke, battle power at thirty, physique for three adults, unless it is dropped from a height or thrown into the water.

Otherwise, there is nothing in this backyard that can cause fatal injuries.

"Let's talk, what are you doing with me." Bruce glanced at Jaco, slightly cracking a joke, "It won't be Merus who told you to come to me. It's always impossible that Taisi ask you to talk. "

"This..." Jaco stopped talking.

"This is not your usual you, what's the matter with me." Bruce narrowed his eyes.

"Just...that's..." Jaco was had a scare and said quickly, "Can you call Broly to Earth."

" Looking for Broly?"

Bruce was surprised, and didn't understand for a while.

What did Jaco ask Broly for? There doesn't seem to be much communication between the two of them.

Unless, it is Paragus and they have a conflict with Galactic Patrol, and then Broly takes action because of Paragus.

In my heart, Bruce probed: "Is it because of the pirate Legion of Paragus?"

" do you know!"

"Sure enough ." Bruce had a dazed expression on his face, and things seemed to be as he had guessed, "Broly, how much did they lose to you?"

"Not much... That is, they exploded a few disobedient planets in their area." Jaco murmured.

"It's really..."

Bruce's face is muddled, and it really is because of the expansion of influence.

This kind of power struggle is really disgusting, but I can't stay out of it.

And Bruce had to admit that Broly helped Bulma many resources this year, and the materials and energy that Earth couldn't find could be obtained from Legion.

Provides great convenience for Bulma research.

Furthermore, in the work of extracting energy, there is also the help of Kaiqi, using Legion personnel to transport.

The first few pirate cadres have now become Bulma's exclusive guards, specializing in transporting Bulma various advanced energy sources developed by her and Kaiqi.

It is worth mentioning that the strongest pirate's battle power reached 28.

The weakest one has a level of 150,000.

Their gains this year are tremendous.

In fact, this battle power improvement is also normal, after all, they initially relied on fighting on the battlefield to improve their strength.

I didn't realize this thing at all. After Bruce taught them and explained them from time to time, they had the basics of fighting, fusing through nature with no difficulty.

After understanding the use of ki and deriving your own moves, battle power will naturally increase.

The spaceship they took has also been improved, adding a gravity device.

Allow them to keep their bodies in a training state even during the transportation process.

And most importantly, Bulma dilutes the genetic medicine that Saiyan can use. Together with Kaiqi, he successfully developed a second-generation genetic medicine suitable for combatants.

And it's still being updated.

Kaiki proposed a plan to integrate her research on divine fruit, and is now working with Bulma to improve the effect of divine fruit.

It is said that there has been a lot of progress.

Unconsciously, Bulma has been successfully led by Kaiqi and indirectly joined Broly's pirate Legion.

"It’s really a headache. I thought they would be very honest."

"That’s why I have to come over to discuss with you. You also know that none of us belong to Broly. Opponent and Merus don’t care about this. If it’s not for the headquarters to be attacked..." Jaco said bitterly, "Otherwise he would not take action."

"I understand, but Broly may not listen to me." Bruce rubbed his forehead. "As you know, I never impose my will on others."

"But if you don't help, there will be no People can restrain Broly........"

Jaco is anxious, even though he knows Bruce's character is like this, he can't do anything about it.

Who told Galactic King to throw this drudgery directly at him.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhah climb.


Running directly on top of Bruce's head, her little hand gripped her hair tightly, and two clean eyes that looked like a calm lake were looking at Jaco.

"Smelly brat, don't give me unsatisfied."

Maybe Rebecca hypnotized this brat, which caused this brat to be too arrogant to Bruce, and as long as Rebecca came Check the body, this brat will always be thrown by her.

Although he is very upset, he does it too.

Dr. Brief is busy with his own affairs, Mrs. Brief is out to play again, everyone has their own work, and Bruce is the only one training here.

Although he is unwilling, he can only take it temporarily.

And it is said that Satan's daughter has also been born, just one month younger than this brat.

And the name remains the same, it is still called Biridi.

As for how Bruce knows, it's because Rebecca has been talking about him and Bulma.

He remembered some useful information while he was bored.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhah The tail behind him directly wrapped Bruce's neck.

It's just like a posture that can't be beaten to death.

Jaco was not born, and looked at the brat head in front of him strangely.

Looking at it, I suddenly felt that his hair style seemed a bit familiar, where I seemed to have seen this "crab" hairstyle.

Yes, remember it!

Isn’t this just Son Goku’s hairstyle? No wonder it feels so familiar!

Is this brat...

"Bruce, can this brat be Son Goku's son?" Jaco called out.

Crab hairstyle with tail.

Isn't it consistent with the characteristics of Son Goku, and it can be wild here with Bruce, only this explanation can make sense.

"No." Bruce denied, "This is the younger brother of Son Goku. As for Son Goku's son, he should be born in half a year."

In his own meal, he hinted, Son Goku was barely outstanding.

The last time I used Super Saiyan Form Full Power to fight myself, I mentioned that Chi-Chi has gained a lot of weight recently.

Uncle Ox-King said that he was going to be father.

"Son Goku's younger brother?" Jaco startled, "Son Goku's father is still alive?"

"Not alive, it was through some special scientific means to make this little son of a bitch was born, in short, to explain very troublesome, you know a ballpark on the line. "Bruce while speaking, very depressed will brat head Jiuxia Lai from his head.

Fortunately, I have good hair quality, so I didn't suffer from it.

"Then...Why the younger brother of Son Goku..."

"I said that this is my teacher’s cub, so here I am Of course it's normal, and that's, Son Goku didn't know that this was his younger brother, I haven't found a chance to tell him."

Bruce interrupted Jaco and explained a series of part of the reasons.

After all, Son Goku and Raditz did not agree, so Bruce thought it was better to conceal this matter.

Wait until the time is ripe, then speak out.

"That's it..."

"That's it."

"Then Bruce can figure out a way to get Broly."


"Can't think of it, should I find a chance to beat Broly and beat him half to death?"

"It doesn't work."

" I can't do anything about it. I can’t let me slaughter Broly’s pirate Legion, and they didn’t provoke me." Bruce really feels distressed, it’s a terrible thing, "even more how. You can't kill Broly like you killed Frieza."

paused, Bruce added: "Oh, I almost forgot, Frieza is not dead."

"What, Frieza is not dead yet?"

Jaco was shocked by the news again, why they didn't notice Galactic Patrol at all.

Although Frieza Force still has a remnant party, it is not led by Frieza, and the names are Kikono and Berryblue.

The two of them are now the leaders of the remnants of Frieza and Cooler Legion.

"Yes, Frieza and Cooler didn't die in the explosion." Bruce looked at Jaco, who had almost fallen because of shock, and was speechless. "Could it be that you Galactic Patrol never knew?"

Bruce said in a regretful tone: "I thought you already knew it, so I didn't contact you."

" could it be possible?"

!" Jaco caught in a panic, "Is it just for hiding, that Frieza Force will launch Kikono and Berryblue?"

"Kikono and Berryblue, who is it?" Bruce didn't hear either of them. I've heard it, but it's normal, and everyone with Frieza is finished.

"They are the new leader of Frieza Force. They are now wandering in the universe, and it is said that Vegeta Legion is preparing to do something with them."

"Vegeta Legion?" Bruce's eyes narrowed slightly. "You just said Vegeta Legion?"

"Yes, Vegeta Legion has risen recently during this period of time." Jaco said, "And it is said that Vegeta’s Power Level has approached one million, and the subordinate is more There is a special team that is no weaker than Cooler and Frieza. The battle power is between 100,000."


This is really surprising. I thought Vegeta. Will always be hidden.

Didn't expect gave people such a big surprise as soon as he appeared, but his squad member shouldn't be a betrayal of cabbage and eggplant.

Otherwise, in such a short time, how could Vegeta gather 100,000 battle power fighters.

After all, Vegeta did not have the help of Bulma and Kaiqi to create a potion with constant breakthrough limits.

Speaking of which Nappa, who used to follow Vegeta, was transferred by Broly to Kaiqi's side. With Kaiqi's help, battle power now seems to be Legion second in command.

Of course, Bruce didn't count Towa and himself in here.

But the growth is indeed amazing enough.

But what surprised Bruce more is that Vegeta!

Battle power is approaching one million, which is really shocking news.

Be aware that the current Vegeta, without the help of Bulma's gravity chamber, without knowing the so-called qi, and without experiencing the Planet Namek battle, can achieve a million battle power with its own strength.

I have to say, his talent is good.

worthíly is a fierce person who was born in battle power only under Broly.

"Don't worry about them. I believe that Paragus is already in a hurry. He is eager to kill Vegeta than anyone else."

"Paragus?" Jaco was a little surprised, Bruce called out. Your father's name?

"Yes, in short, I will warn Broly that bastard is not too much."

Although my warning may not be useful.

"Can't you call Broly to Earth." Jaco still has extravagant hopes.

"Well, it's not impossible, but I have no reason."

Bruce "Pa" slapped Brat's head and butt, and this bastard wanted to grab himself again. hair.

Slapped by Bruce, this brat doesn't cry, just curls his hands and follows Bruce look at each other.

"Can you..."

"No." Although he didn't know what Jaco wanted to say, Bruce always felt that he was right to refuse first.

"You can't wait for me to say..."

"Jaco." Bruce jerked up from the stool.

"What?" Jaco was interrupted again, looking a little unhappy.

It's just that, seeing Bruce's more solemn expression, he shut his mouth sensibly.

"A guest is here."

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