The two dragons in the night sky seemed to be jealous of each other, and there was no fierce battle when they faced each other for several minutes.

----Ao hǒu!

After the low roar, Black Dragon speeds up and sprints, and finally disappears in the night.

Perhaps thinking that there is no 100% chance of winning the conflict with Earth Shenron, it chose to retreat.

After Black Dragon left, Earth Shenron, who was stuck in the air, also followed him away.

But before leaving, Bruce keenly caught Earth Shenron as if moved towards himself and glanced in this direction.

Finally jumped up to the night sky and disappeared.

"We...are we saved?"

Little Zixin has lingering fears, but the frightened expression on her face has not completely faded.


Bruce walked back to his seat and sat down again.

"Your performance is too calm, Mo Qi."

Ye Gang sat next to Bruce, moist behind him, his legs still trembling.

"By the way, the difference between you before and after is too obvious. Obviously so scared, why did you show a brave appearance just now?"

Bruce asked.

"What if I am afraid of you?"

Ye Gang opened his mouth and mouthed gasp for breath, as if he had been regenerated.

"You have been a bad physique since you were a kid. If you don't even care about you, don't you really want to die, you are my best friend, even if you give up yourself, I can't give up on you."

Bruce stared at Ye Gang blankly. Although this young man with an inch head seemed to be not much stronger than Bruce, he was very moved by what he said, if it were not a dream...

This guy named Mo Qi is really lucky.

Unfortunately, I am not Mo Qi, I am Bruce, the legendary Saiyan Bruce.

"I was really scared to death just now."

"Me too."

Xiao Zi and Liu Jie also returned to their seats, look Facing Bruce and Ye Gang at the table, her delicate little face has not completely recovered from her paleness.

"But we are very lucky. A good dragon will come out to help at a critical time."

Xiao Zi said thankfully.

Liu Jie was nodded, her eyes flashed with a trace of complex emotions, "But will the Black Dragon come again?"

When she said this, the faces of the nearby classmates immediately Changed.

This time, they were scared to death. If they come again, wouldn’t they really be going to die?

"What should we do if we come again, or we should just ask for leave and stay at home."

Ye Gang made suggestions, a little eager.

"I don't think there should be a need to ask for leave." Bruce said.

"No need to ask for leave, Mo Qi, do you want to be absent from class at home?" Ye Gang shook his head again and again, with a look of irritation, "Although your family is alone, to avoid the possibility of being invited to parents, You can’t take your own future to make a bet."

"You will be fired."

"You are really stupid." Bruce was helpless, and then knocked on the table. , "Listen carefully, the voice of the police car has already rang. Obviously this is not a simple commotion."

"We will be notified by the school soon."

It was not Bruce who said this, but Liu Jie, the girl with purple hair.

"You mean?" Ye Gang suddenly.

Bruce nodded, said: "You sit in your seat now, don’t get close to the corridor or crowded places."

Bruce has just finished talking, inside the teaching building There began to cry.

The expressions of Xiao Zi and Liu Jie who had just improved, are now pale again.


The school and the police handled it very quickly. Bruce found no abnormalities when he went downstairs. The only thing that felt uncomfortable was the corridors and the school entrance. With a strong smell of disinfectant water.

The notification was not delivered.

Bruce wandered on the street, not knowing where to go for a while.

He simply has no memory of his own family. Ye Gang was picked up by his family who was worried about him, leaving Bruce alone.

As we gradually learned more, Bruce understood.

This city is not a city he is familiar with, because it is not called West City, nor is it the name of any city in Dragon Ball.

It's called [Qizhu].

Where did the meaning of the name come from? Bruce wanted to know, but suddenly he saw a familiar silhouette walking past him.

purple hair.......

It's Liu Jie.

Bruce was not surprised, because Liu Jie followed Bruce and was alone.

But what puzzled Bruce was that Liu Jie exuded a slightly stronger air than the ordinary person at this moment.

If Bruce hadn't perceived it a year ago, but at this moment, he could make Legendary Super Saiyan Form a base form. He was very keen to capture Liu Jie's mutation, and he followed along.

Go around.

The two of them threw away the crowd, left the busy neighborhood, and finally came to an open park.

"What is she doing here, shouldn't a girl have to go home in the middle of the night?"

Liu Jie goes deeper, this is a park full of gardenias .

Unfortunately, this is not the time for blooming.

"What is it?"

Bruce suddenly raised his head, and suddenly felt a huge ki flash past his head.

When he looked up, but disappeared without a trace, there was no ki at all.

"Where is the person?"

When Bruce lowered his head, he found that Liu Jie, who was in front of him, had disappeared.

Ki did not stay, just like Son Goku's Instant Transmission, disappeared out of thin air.

This makes Bruce very depressed. He didn't expect that he could follow an ordinary person and be lost.

Really shameful.

The night passed, and the day arrived. Bruce walked out of a house where no one lived, put on his school uniform jacket again, and galloped in the direction of the school while the morning light moved.

He randomly found a place with no one to land, naturally walked out and returned to the classroom.

In today's course, the students and teachers were absent-minded, thinking about the two Shenrons that appeared last night.

In the afternoon, the campus broadcast announced the temporary suspension of classes.

Students return home, and the specific return time will be determined.

However, just after the broadcast, a Black Dragon swooped down from the white cloud, bringing a terrifying wind pressure.

sa sa sa 飒......

Because of the wind pressure, all windows rustled, and some glass windows could not bear it, and they shattered directly near the windows. The student of ”was hit immediately. Bruce pretended to be flustered and slumped by the window, and the internal Ki quietly reinforced the window, at least not cracking.

----Aoao roar roar roar!

Black Dragon kept roaring loudly and fiercely. This time it was more brutal than yesterday. It landed on the playground behind the school building, sharp claw fiercely flipping the basketball hoop.

"Come out!"

Everyone trembled, this Black Dragon could speak human's words unexpectedly. Unpredictable, I thought it was just an ominous beast, but didn't expect is a creature that can communicate with each other.

"Come out!"

It spoke again, and the sound of each time was increasing. And it seems to use a special power, and this sound also carries the effect of shocking the soul.

pā ​​pā pā ......

In just a few seconds, some students fainted in the classroom.

"Bring me out ahhhhhhhhhhh!"

Black Dragon seems to have no patience, the roar becomes more intense, and the playground where he descends is lifted by pieces of plastic, basketball The frames were shaken off and crashed into the teaching buildings on both sides.

The students on the first floor suffered heavy losses.

"Is he challenging the dragon last night?" Ye Gangya asked tremblingly.

Bruce shook his head for a while and analyzed: "It should not be, otherwise, the two of them should fight last night instead of Black Dragon retreating first, so I think he is looking for someone else."

I won’t be the one looking for...

The only person who follows this world is himself. This Black Dragon is very likely to be looking for himself.

"ao roar!"

While Bruce was thinking, another high-pitched dragon roar came from high above, and the Earth Shenron that appeared last night once again emerged from the clouds.

"Don't get in the way!"

Black Dragon roared, its body contracted like a spring, and then shot like a sharp sword toward the Earth Shenron straight in the sky.

The ferocious fangs bit into the Earth Shenron dragon body, the latter wailed in pain, the red eyes flashed fiercely, and the dragon body quickly entangled like a snake, curling up the Black Dragon.

Black Dragon loosened, and opened its mouth to spray out a dragon's breath that can melt rocks.

Earth Shenron was caught off guard, and hurriedly turned his head, but the dragon horn on the right was affected and burnt black, and finally dissipated like charcoal.

"Fuck, this Black Dragon is so fierce."

Ye Gang couldn't help but exclaimed. This was just a face-to-face, this Green Dragon fell into a disadvantage, obviously yesterday In the evening, Black Dragon will retreat in defeat first.

"This power..."

Bruce eyes narrowed, Black Dragon appeared in pupils and followed Earth Shenron to fight each other.

"Black Dragon's ki is stronger and more cruel than last night's."

He said in the heart.


"Lyme, what are you doing with these seven dragon balls."

Android number three is a little depressed He looked at Lyme, who was constantly pouring power into the seven Shenrons.

After they left the planet, they have been wandering in the universe. In addition to landing at a specific time to supplement energy and food, Lyme has been fiddling with the seven dragon balls he got.

Since a few days ago, I have been continuously injecting my own strength into seven dragon balls.

"I'm injecting strength into it. You quickly followed me. You couldn't find the star dragon in the six planets. You simply killed the obstructive Earth Shenron, and then looked for it slowly. "

"I don't understand, what does this have to do with your infusion of strength?" asked number three.

"Stop talking nonsense, come and help me quickly."

Lyme obviously didn't want to explain, but when he thought that he needed the power of No.3, he could only endure patiently. She explained.

"I have no way of knowing what happened in the virtual dragon world, so I can only continuously enhance the black star Shenron's power to ensure that its power is enough to defeat the rest of Shenron and capture the star dragons hidden in the Dragon Ball. "

"It turned out to be like this." No.3 suddenly realizes, a fierce flash flashes under his eyes, but it fades quickly, sits down next to Lyme, stretches out a take action and injects his strength into the Dragon Ball .

"As long as we can open the gap through the weakest six planets, the loot behind will be much easier. Don't inject too much power under control. There are still some flaws in the channel I built, and the power is too strong at once. If you do, it will collapse."

Lyme reminded him to separate out another force to hold the force of No. 3 and make adjustments for her.

It took her a year to fully control the Black Star Dragon Balls, and successfully followed it to establish a link, but she couldn't fail.

"It's useless to resist meaninglessly, you should obediently and honestly give your strength!"

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