"What's this TM!"

Bruce was stunned. The pupils were bigger than the entire glass window. What I saw right now was just a Only pupils.

The students in the classroom, without exception, all screamed horribly.

At the same time, the entire building was filled with student screams.

Some were more timid, and they shrank directly under the table, seeking a little bit of comfort in their hearts.

Ye Gang was so frightened that the soul flew away and scattered, but unexpectedly, he reacted in the next second and ran outside the door.

It's just that he seemed to think of something when he just ran into the classroom, and he rushed back and took Bruce by the arm and ran wildly.

This moved Bruce for a while.

It's just that Bruce didn't run with him. Instead, he chose to stay where he was and follow the huge pupils look at each other.

As Saiyan, he can even do a planet explosion. Trivial is terrifying to an unknown monster.

But Bruce's failure to run does not mean that the rest of the people will not run. Some of the students who had the courage to react slammed open the table and stumbled out the door, one by one.

Soon, a large number of students came out of the school.

At this time, Bruce noticed that the pupils seemed to be looking for something, moved left and right to scan everyone in the classroom, and finally his eyes fell on Bruce.

Bruce quickly reduced ki to an ordinary person.

Try to make yourself act like a frightened student, staying still.

He wants to see what it is.

It seems that no one can be found, or the eyes are opened too long, the pupils cover the purple black eyelids, and it begins to move forward, and the square scales pass by at an extremely fast speed.

Finally disappeared.

Bruce knew that, in fact, it didn't disappear, but jumped into the sky.

He can still perceive the other side's ki.

The haze, heavy, as filthy and dirty as the mud of Dark Abyss.

It is disgusting.


A few seconds later, a sound similar to the roar of ox roar swept from a height.

Sound waves spread through the entire school in an instant.

At the entrance of the school, a large number of students trembled because of the sudden roar, their legs were soft, and yellow liquid was spilled.

But this is not just the beginning. Needless to say what it means to fall in the crowd, I will soon be knocked down by the runaway crowd.

"Mo Qi, what on earth are you thinking, run away with me!"

Monster left, and the panicked Ye Gang immediately yelled at Bruce.

Actually, he didn't want this, he just thought that the loud voice could cover up his inner panic and avoid making unfavorable decisions.

"This is the safest place."

Bruce hid on the edge of the window, squinting at the sky from the window, finally seeing the whole picture of the monster clearly.


A Shadow Dragon whose whole body is pitch black, and its scales are glowing with purple brilliance.

Different from the appearance of Earth Shenron, the Shenron who appeared in front of him was even more brutal in appearance. Whether it was a sharp claw, a dragon horn, or the fangs in the bloody mouth, all of them shone sharply. .

This is an evil dragon that can be judged from the image.

"What the hell is going on, Shenron needs a Dragon Ball if he appears, but there is no sign here."

Bruce thought deeply and found these to be very unusual.

"Is it because of the dark night that the rays of light that Shenron appeared was covered up?"

"But it shouldn’t be, no matter what kind of Shenron appeared, it’s in summoned There will be rays of light blooming at that moment, but this Black Dragon does not have that obvious rays of light on its body. Instead, it is somewhat similar to the image of the evil dragon in the myth."

Can’t figure it out.


There was another scream of female voice in the classroom. The dragon that rushed into the sky seemed to recognize this classroom, and it was approaching again at this moment, but this This time, it was not Bruce's window where his eyes were close, but Bruce's front window.

"Are you staring at me?"

Bruce in the heart questioned.

What can make the dragon feel threatened, he is probably the only one present.

Killing a dragon that is not enough to destroy the planet is simply with no difficulty for him who can already become Super Saiyan.

"You guys squat down!"

Standing on the spot, Bruce and Ye Gang noticed that someone was pulling themselves at the same time. Bruce was attracted by the timid and small voice. , Did not react for a while and was pulled down together.


Liu Jie put her middle finger and index finger close to her mouth, her face still has the panic of following the others exactly the same, but she is surprisingly warm.

"Don't talk, we will be fine."

This delicate girl is surprisingly strong, and apparently the catastrophe is about to take care of other people.

Bruce actually wanted to continue observing and pulling, but at this moment, the three people with Liu Jie and the others shrank together, and they stood up again sorry, so they could only shrink under the table with them.


The roar of the mad Tyrant Dragon escalated again, and the sound of the shell was even higher. Liu Jie followed her tablemate and covered her ears desperately. Face pale.

The evil dragon seems to be scrupulous, and instead of destroying the building, it roars to vent its inner dissatisfaction.

"Could it be that...I can't cross again with my original body?"

Bruce's thoughts flashed through his mind.

In the beginning, it was the soul wear, but now it is the wear. It is really complete.

If this is not the result, then how to explain the identity of this Mo Qi, the appearance of this Black Dragon but no Dragon Ball?

"This damn, Laozi just got engaged!"

Bruce in the heart foul-mouthed, very unhappy.

Even if it's crossing, he has to wait for him to get married. This is just to confirm the relationship with Bulma, and he did this without taking a practical step, and he didn't treat him as a human being.

The four people shrank and were very close, with their four heads facing each other, Liu Jie blushed shyly at the same table with her.

---roar roar roar!

"Look, there is another dragon!"

Suddenly, the students squatting in the corridor screamed.

Bruce hearing this, stood up decisively from the ground.

Looking out from the window, as the student said, a new dragon appeared in the sky.

And this dragon Bruce is no stranger.

The appearance and shape are exactly the same as the Earth Shenron. The only difference is that this Shenron is not shrouded in radiance following the evil dragon-like, and the body just emits a faint green light.

As Bruce stood up, more students became courageous and crawled to the window, looking towards the night sky along the window.

One black and one green, the two dragons are now facing each other in the night sky.

"What the hell is going on!"

It turned out that the brain is really not enough, whether he is wearing it or not.

If you wear it, why does this newly appeared Shenron follow the Earth Shenron exactly the same, it is simply the same template.

"Very good, that Green Dragon must have come to save us."

Ye Gang clenched his fists and said excitedly.

The face of Liu Jie who followed her at the table also improved slightly, but there was deep concern in her eyes looking at the night sky.

Bruce hugged his hands against the wall, looked towards the night sky slantingly, and squatted him really unaccustomed.

"Take advantage of this opportunity, let's run quickly."

Ye Gang suddenly said to Bruce, until this moment he did not give up running away.

Bruce shook his head and said: "I don't think about running away for the time being. Let's see if this new Shenron can win."

"We will definitely win." Liu Jie The tablemate is determined.

Bruce took another look at her, the girl who bowed her head and couldn't see her toes.

She is called Xiaozi.

"But...Don't take advantage of the time that Black Dragon was dragged that day to escape, in case it finally wins and destroys the teaching building..."

Ye Gang insisted on his thoughts, "Let’s leave school quickly, it’s too dangerous here."

"It shouldn’t be destroyed the teaching building, if it wants to destroy it just now It can be done, but it doesn’t."

Bruce was silent for a while, and said, "But what you said makes sense. As long as the Black Dragon’s goal is not us, then it’s the clearest thing that we leave school. Do it."

"But not."

Ye Gang looked dumbfounded, "Why?"

Bruce sighed slightly and watched the setting. The best friend said: "You can think of running away, and others can naturally think of running away, and can you hear floor vibrations and screams from just now?"

"Yes." Ye Gangmi Confused and nodded.

"I guess there was an accident. The students who followed your thoughts crowded and fled in the corridor. In case of an accident..." Bruce said, "We may stay here. There is also a line of life force, but if there is an accident in the corridor, then we really will be finished."

Even if there is an accident, Bruce is fine.

Anyway, his physical body is hard enough, this point of damage is completely tickling him.

But Ye Gang and their four-people are different.

They are really ordinary physical bodies.

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