I Am Not A Machinist Chapter 179


Chapter 179 New Heiting Barracks (2 in 1)

Dang Dingke, Dongfangque, Yinhe, Zhou Zeyan and the others return.

When the information about psionic weapons was handed over to the Canglan Independent Army, the entire world was boiling with excitement!

"Where's Lin Yuan?"

"I haven't come back, but there shouldn't be any danger."

Dongfang Que reported truthfully.

The locations of the Second Armory and the Third Armory are too far apart, and they cannot stay in the New Black Empire for too long.

Dink had thought about letting Zhou Zeyan or one of the Level 7 powerhouses stay to support Lin Yuan.

But it was rejected by Lin Yuan.

It is true that under the current situation of the New Black Empire, a Level 5 Martial Artist is easy to get out of, but a Level 7 powerhouse is not easy to get out of.

"I see."

The white-haired old man nodded.

Lin Yuan, this young man, indeed has many things that the talented Martial Artist does not have.

It's totally worth cultivating the core figure of the Dove of Peace, just like Zhou Zeyan at the beginning.

But now Lin Yuan has made a great contribution to the world war, but he cannot reveal Lin Yuan's information for the time being.

Otherwise it would increase Lin Yuan's danger within the New Black Empire.

As for the pigeons that survived and returned from the New Black Empire this time, naturally they all received extremely rich resource rewards.

This time mission, the mortality rate exceeds 60%, and everyone is injured.

After witnessing that scene of death, these resources are actually very heavy.


After half a month.

The Frontier Barracks of the Neo-Blacktin Empire.

"Big Brother."

"Where is the recruitment point?"

Chen Lizhao wore a sunny smile and moved towards a man dressed in new black. The guards in the military uniform asked.

The guards glanced at Chen Lizhao and Lin Yuan, pointed to the rear and said:

"The recruitment point is over there."

"If you are qualified, you can Join the army."

The New Black Empire has never had mandatory conscription.

Their belief since childhood was "survival of the fittest, the strong eat the weak".

So generally speaking there is nothing negative about aggression.

More of the new Black Martial Artist instead turns the battlefield into a place to sharpen itself.

On the contrary, I am not so fond of psionic weapons.

Before joining the army, Lin Yuan knew very well that if he wanted to go to the front line, he had to have strong support.

Therefore, when entering the army, you have to show good strength in order to enter the front-line troops.

As for Lin Yuan's disguise, it's hard to tell without the Level 8 powerhouse.

Even in the New Black Empire, there are not many Level 8 powerhouses.

It's hard to meet face to face for the normal new Black Ting warrior.



"Okay! Good fight!"

"Young man If you have a future, enter our ninth battalion!"

Just outside the military camp responsible for recruiting, Lin Yuan and Chen Lizhao heard the cheers from inside the military camp.

The camp is roaring with roars, slams of battle and blasts of energy hedging.

Not only the assessment of new recruits, but also the combat communication of some new Black Ting sergeants.

Using combat to improve one's strength is quite common in military camps.

In the process of registering the information, the guards in charge of recruiting also showed a surprised expression.

These two young people are only in their twenties, and both have reached the level of Level 5 Martial Artist.

If not a genius, it is good enough.

"Chen Lizhao, twenty-eight years old, Level 5 Peak."

"Chen Zhen, twenty-six years old, mid Level 5."

"Follow me Come."

While leading the two of them into the barracks, the guard said:

"Remember, the barracks is the world of the powerhouse, and only strength can convince people. "

"If you want to go to the front line, you can only prove yourself with your strength!"

This is a huge arena, surrounded by countless warriors of the New Black Empire. applauded.

A young man who joined the army on stage was beaten with blood.

In the barracks of New Black Ting, no one will show mercy!

The units directly under the New Black Ting Empire are at least Level 5 Martial Artist realm.

This is why the Peace Dove also requires a Level 5 Martial Artist to perform the mission.

"Ah Zhen, go ahead first."

Chen Lizhao looked at Lin Yuan. He also didn't know that the pigeon in front of him was the one who once dazzled in the world martial arts tournament. .

Lin Yuan nodded slightly, his face was indifferent, and he didn't even say a word.

The character you set for yourself is an emotional killer.

Let's jump straight onto the arena, and the spiritual power in the middle of Level 5 naturally radiates out.


"I'll come, I'll come!"

"I'll come!"

Feel the Lin Yuan Level The spirit of 5's spiritual power, the crowd of new black warriors onlookers instantly became interested.

As long as the battle strength is passed, it is either a garbage Martial Artist or a player who can be directly added to the team.

A tall guard stepped onto the arena with a giant hammer, and the ground shook.

"Start, start!"


The onlookers at the bottom shouted, eager to see what Lin Yuan was. strength.

"Are you ready?"

The tall guard's name is Lothar, a warrior who has just entered the main force.

However, they are brave and good at fighting and extremely ferocious.

Lin Yuan Liu Ding's magic fire gradually broke out.

The whole body exudes a touch of dark rays of light, which is impressive at first glance!

"Liu Ding Demon Fire?"

"Not bad."

The surrounding warriors who felt Lin Yuan's breath brightened their eyes.

Although Liu Ding Demon Fire is only a middle-upper-level fire in Tinder, how can there be so many super geniuses?

Liuding magic fire is not uncommon in the New Black Empire, it depends on how Lin Yuan is used.

The breath of Lothar's whole body erupted, and moved towards Lin Yuan suddenly rushed over!

The powerful imposing manner continues to permeate the same warrior who has truly experienced Life and Death Battle!

Sairui's voice sounded in Lin Yuan's mind:

"The battle value, around 19800."

"Win rate."


Lin Yuan cannot use the Machine Department's psychic abilities or use the flaming Battle Armor.

Battle strength will be greatly reduced.

But Lin Yuan's body is extremely strong, not inferior to Martial Artist who specializes in body refinement.

The speed is faster under the blessing of Liuding Demon Fire!

Feeling the imposing manner of assaults the senses, Lin Yuan's imposing manner suddenly erupted.

Before Lothar could react, Lin Yuan's figure had disappeared without a trace of procrastination!

"What a great speed!"

"Not bad! Such an imposing manner!"

"Body Refinement Martial Artist?"

The eyes of all the warriors on the field are bright, and the imposing manner exuded in the battle will not deceive.

Whether it has been growing up in a greenhouse, or has gone through life and temper deathing, it's easy to see at a glance for the seasoned new Black Ting warriors.

There are many variations on how Spirit Seed is used.

Bingdao Martial Artist focuses on the comprehension of mind, Qidao Martial Artist focuses on the cultivation of spiritual skills, and Body Refinement Martial Artist naturally focuses on the polishing of body functions.

The Body Refinement Martial Artist of Liu Ding Mo Tinder is really rare.


The giant Warhammer slammed into the ring with terrifying blood energy.

With a loud bang, the spiritual power churned, and an astonishing blood energy moved towards Lin Yuan blasted away!

"Fighting against opponents of lower level than oneself."

"It's really rare."

Such a single thought flashed through Lin Yuan's mind.

Since his rise, almost every battle is skipping grades to battle because of the level and the powerful battle strength of the Machine Department.

Rarely face opponents lower than you.

It's hard to come across this time, even if I can't use my first Spirit Seed.

Taking this Lothar with Lin Yuan's battle strength is still no problem.



With SteelSeries, Lin Yuan's ability to judge battles is extremely strong.

Lin Yuan body flashed after flashing through Lothar's two strikes at high speed.

Leaping high, a violent kick moved towards Lothar's head crashing down!

Under the enormous pressure, Lothar was forced to swing the hammer to resist the kick.

But he far underestimated the formidable power of this kick!

The ghost of black seemed to emerge behind Lin Yuan.

With a loud explosion sound, the violent shock wave moved towards all around crazy swept away!

At the same time, Lothar's skeleton was also broken.

It's really hard for Lin Yuan to pretend to be a pure martial art Martial Artist or an air way Martial Artist.

But disguised as a Body Refinement Martial Artist is more than enough!


Lothar spit a mouthful of blood in the ring, the whole person flew out like a kite with a broken string, and smashed heavily on the ring!

"Interesting! Interesting!"


Seeing Lin Yuan defeat Lothar cleanly, the surrounding warriors There were loud cheers!

In the New Black Ting Empire, strength is above everything else, no matter how high the status is like the previous Mu Third Master, many people look down on it.

No one cared about Lothar's injury, and immediately a middle-aged Martial Artist stepped into the ring.

Judging from the aura emanating from his body, at least above Lin Yuan!

There wasn't much communication in the ring at all.

However, Chen Lizhao in the audience was a little puzzled.

He grew up in the New Black Empire, although he had never played pigeons before.

However, in his impression, pigeons are more than just this kind of strength.

Although Lin Yuan's strength is not weak, it still falls far short of Chen Lizhao's expectations.

Could it be that Lin Yuan is only good at reconnaissance and disguise?

Or is it hiding its power?


Amid the cheers of the surrounding warriors, the Earth Element spiritual power flashed on the middle-aged Martial Artist.

The skin began to thicken, and it looked like wearing a piece of armor, and the defensive power was amazing at first glance.

There was a bang at the foot, and it rushed towards Lin Yuan like a meteorite!


There was a loud noise from the ring, and the two figures were separated.

"This battle is very important."

Lin Yuan's face was solemn.

Without being afraid to use the Machine Department Spirit Seed, he must spare no effort to defeat his opponent!

At the moment of landing, Lin Yuan slammed his right foot on the ground, and with the help of the force from the ground, his body was like a cannonball, and he moved towards the opponent and shot away!

The two figures are staggered together, and each blow attracts the cheers of the surrounding warriors!

In their opinion, Lin Yuan is already an excellent recruit.

After all, the real new black court genius Martial Artist will definitely not come to them and start as a recruit.

In the fierce battle, Lin Yuan's battle judgment ability showed vividly and thoroughly.

Even though there are not many spiritual skills that can be used, Lin Yuan also relies on his own speed and the increase of Liu Ding Demon Fire to suppress his opponent!

The surrounding warriors shouted wildly:

"This battle judgment ability!"

"We want this person from the 9th Battalion!"

This battle lasted for twenty minutes before Lin Yuan defeated his opponent with a kick that finally broke out!



Lin Yuan took a breath.

It was definitely the toughest fight he'd ever fought.

Mainly because I didn't dare to use the Machine Department magic skills.

He wants to use the Machine Department magic skill. It is estimated that the warriors who have seen the world martial arts tournament know that he is the Lin Yuan who defeated Jun Jinyu.

In the New Black Empire, Lin Yuan's popularity should be okay.

There is no problem with the use of the Liu Ding Magic Fire, but there are still some differences between the usual use and the current stage.

And there are fewer magic tricks.


"That's good kid! Let's go to Camp Nine!"

"My skills are still a little less, but I'm still young. Come to Eighth Camp and I'll teach you."

Lin Yuan is not too old, and the world war is absolutely It's the rise of a grade Martial Artist where anything is possible.

It's just that their invitation is an invitation, and it's still Lin Yuan's own will.

Chen Lizhao had already asked when he was going to the arena.

The ninth battalion is the fastest battalion to support the front line, about 1 month later.

Next, Chen Lizhao also played against these new black court warriors.

Also not as outstanding as those top geniuses, but still able to reach an excellent level.

These two outstanding recruits with great potential were taken directly to the 9th Battalion's tent for registration after passing the assessment.


After the registration was completed and the information was confirmed to be correct, a middle-aged man entered the tent.

The warrior who brought Lin Yuan and the others into the ninth battalion immediately said:

"This is our Captain."

"Zhanxiong, show Captain."

The imposing manner of Zhanxiong is majestic, and the spiritual power level is probably around the middle of Level 6.

This strength is considered a top powerhouse in Tianshui Kingdom.

But he is only a Captain in the army of the New Black Empire.

It is conceivable how big the gap is between small countries and super empires.

Zhanxiong nodded, they had come back from the front line and had three months of recuperation.

Squad lost some warriors in the last battle.

So this time I'll be back with a little more recruits.

Zhanxiong nodded.

I just heard about the battle strength of these two recruits, one is Level 5 Peak, and the other is Mid-Level 5, both of which are good.

As Captain, Zhanxiong introduced to Chen Lizhao and Lin Yuan:

"The nine camps plus you two have a total of 716 people."

"We are the ninth There are 48 people in the squad, including you."

"It's fine if you haven't been on the battlefield. When you get to the battlefield, follow the team and you'll have two games."

"If not Bad luck, there shouldn't be any danger to encounter Bai Jing's main force or the damn pigeons."

"The frequency of wars may be a bit high recently, so be prepared."

Why the frequency of wars has been high recently, the entire New Black Empire is very clear.

Because more than a month ago, the information on the psionic weapons in the arsenal was stolen.

In this way, the Canglan Independence Army also has the ability to create psionic weapons!

However, psionic weapons want to form a complete industrial chain, including raw materials, Artifact Refinement Master, mass production, etc.

The Canglan Independence Army also needs a certain amount of time.

So at least in the past three months, the entire New Black Empire is still in a technologically dominant position.

Now all the Artifact Refinement Masters in the major arsenals in the New Black Empire are frantically producing psionic weapons.

If you want to get enough war advantage in the last three months, stop your losses in time.


"Well, let's go get a resource cultivation."

"I'll call you when I go out."

Zhanxiong nodded, these two newcomers don't look like greenhouse flowers.

Especially Chen Zhen, who was standing behind and taciturn, had a familiar blood in his body.

Even if this Martial Artist is a little weaker at the current stage, there is still a bright future for future development.

Besides, Chen Zhenliuding Mohuo's innate talent is already good, it's rare to have two good newcomers to see their performance on the battlefield. Besides, promotion when the time comes is not impossible.

Zhanxiong looked at Lin Yuan with satisfaction, but unfortunately he simply couldn't think of what was going on in Lin Yuan's mind now.


Lin Yuan's face was expressionless and he thought to himself:

"Do I have a chance to kill this entire team?"

Only fifty people, if there are not many Level 6 Martial Artists, there may really be a great chance!

SteelSeries' voice immediately came:

"We need the information of all members of the team."

"There is probability if you rely on talisman."


Before performing the task, there was a lot of consumption talisman in the resources given to Lin Yuan by the top of the Peace Dove.

Add your own five tiger generals and Chen Lizhao.

They have about seven people's battle strength.

If you can find a good opportunity to make a sudden shot, you may have a chance to destroy this five Ten Men Squad team.

However, Lin Yuan is just thinking about it for the time being.

obediently and honestly return to the Dove of Peace, manufacture their own mechanical Legion, and solve the foreign troubles of Tianshui first.

Any warrior who enters the New Black Ting Army can receive a batch of resources to provide cultivation.

From the perspective of resource supply, it is much richer than the Canglan Independent Army.

A complete set of Level 5 equipment, including Battle Armor, weapons, to maximize the battle strength of the new Black Ting warrior.

Lin Yuan and Chen Lizhao looked at each other and didn't communicate much.

No matter how safe it is in the barracks, it is the enemy's barracks.

If something is said that shouldn't be said, it's completely helpless.

Anyway, Chen Lizhao just followed Lin Yuan and acted as he saw fit.

After obtaining the cultivation resources, Lin Yuan lived obediently and honestly in the barracks for cultivation.

A month later, the Nine Battalions will leave the New Black Ting Empire and head to the main battlefield of Baijing.


The Kingdom of Tianshui.

It has been more than two years since Lin Yuan entered the Peace Dove after the world martial arts tournament ended.

The past two years have been a very difficult time for Tianshui Kingdom.

The frontier is under constant pressure from southern enemy nations, and most recently undercurrents.

According to reliable news, the New Black Empire and other enemy countries are about to launch a fierce attack!

The Dawn Corps of Tianshui Kingdom has also been transferred back.

"Old Mo! I'm finally back!"

"How's the situation?"

Mo Wenhan quickly threw himself into the meeting as soon as he returned to Border City , this time it's not just Tianshui Kingdom.

The Five Kingdoms in the South, Tianjin, Tianmu, Tianshui, Heavenly Fire, Tiantu, and the Five Kingdoms Conference.

Discuss how to do border defense!

The members from the Dawning Corps are all working hard for cultivation.

About three months ago, the Baijing Republic gave them a lot of resources.

After information on psionic weapons is available in each Great Empire.

The Baijing Republic has given them another batch of more abundant resources!

Including Mo Wenhan was stunned and had no idea what was going on.

After all, the news that Lin Yuan joined the Peace Dove did not spread.

Beicang, the ruler of Tianshui Kingdom, was also at first not sure what was going on.

However, after the communication with Mo Wenhan, combined with this sensitive time point, it is not difficult to guess that Lin Yuan may have played an important role in the process of obtaining the psionic weapon information.

Otherwise, the Baijing Republic would impossible give the Dawning Corps such rich resources for no reason!

Finally, Bei Cang also confirmed this.

However, to his surprise, Lin Yuan didn't just recover from his injuries within three years.

And maybe even stronger than he thought.

The credit of Lin Yuan in this mission is too important.

If Lin Yuan died, maybe the Peace Dove wouldn't take care of Tianshui Kingdom like that.

The most important thing is that Lin Yuan is not dead.

And with his ability, it is estimated that he will not die. Peace Dove and the two super empires will definitely do their best to help Lin Yuan protect Tianshui Kingdom!

Otherwise, when Lin Yuan returns, they find that the borders of Tianshui Kingdom have been lost.


"Why did the pigeon come?"

At this time, over the border of Tianshui Kingdom, nine with white The masked pigeon slowly fell!

Also at 12pm.

(end of this chapter)

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