I Am Not A Machinist Chapter 178


Chapter 178 Veterans Don't Die

From plan formulation, to coalition team selection, to entry route formulation, New Black Ting The various deployments within the Empire, the Dove of Peace and the Two Great Empires are laid out very clearly.

In this plan, the most critical is Lin Yuan.

Because once there is a problem in Lin Yuan's mission process, the chain reaction is extremely terrifying.

Not only may this group of coalition troops be wiped out, but it is even more likely that they will completely lose the space to infiltrate the New Black Ting Arsenal.

Technological equipment is just a weight in war.

Although it cannot be said that it will directly determine the outcome of the war, it will undoubtedly make more independent soldiers lose their lives.

Lin Yuan changed his face according to the identity he had prepared before, and then swaggered into Chengluo City.


Lin Yuan took a deep breath and was basically safe after entering Chengluo City.

It seems that the New Black Empire is now chasing the coalition troops, and simply has no time to control him.

And the enemy doesn't even know what Lin Yuan looks like, so it's no doubt looking for a needle in a haystack.

On the top floor of a high-end clubhouse in Chengluo City, several people in charge of reception kept scanning the people entering the street.

They just received the news that the secret mission of "Pigeon" has been completed, and they must ensure the safety of "Pigeon"!

"Come on!"


A moment later, inside the clubhouse.

Several people in charge of the response looked at Lin Yuan excitedly.

They never imagined that such a daunting task could be accomplished by pigeons!

They didn't know Lin Yuan's name and appearance, only that he was a pigeon.

“What’s the situation now?”

Lin Yuan took out a medicine pill from the space ring and took it, restoring the spiritual power state as soon as possible.

One of the young people looked at Lin Yuan frantically and said:

"The coalition forces have obtained the information and are retreating."

"Chengluo City has no What's going on."

"It should be giving up the pursuit."

Lin Yuan nodded slightly, and Xin Heiting's actions were not unexpected.

People run away, even if they are caught, it is meaningless.

With the preparation and comprehensive strength of the coalition forces, if you want to withdraw from the New Black Empire, it should not be a big problem to bring the data back through Danger Land again, just to see how many casualties are.

His mission is completely over, and he only needs to think about how to go back.

The New Black Empire has sealed its borders.

Lin Yuan really will not be in any danger to stay in the New Black Empire for twenty years.

But obviously Lin Yuan won't be obediently and honestly staying in the New Black Empire.

He has nothing in the New Black Empire.

As long as you return to the Peace Dove, you should have status and status, and resources and resources.

When the time comes, as long as you ask the Great Empire for a batch of psionic bullets, most of the defense problems of Tianshui Kingdom should be solved.

Or if you try to destroy the Sunset Empire in recent years, then Lin Yuan is the national hero of Tianshui Kingdom!

Lin Yuan's feelings for the motherland are beyond doubt.

How to say, I have also lived in Tianshui for twenty years.

Coming to this world, Tianshui Kingdom is Lin Yuan's motherland.

Most of the responders were not clear about the follow-up plans.

But Lin Yuan and Dink had specific communication.

As long as when the time comes Lin Yuan joins the forces of the New Black Empire and goes to the front line to take action, there is a chance to go back.

"You are Chen Lizhao, right?"

Lin Yuan looked at the twenty-five-year-old young man in front of him. This should be the person Dink arranged for him.

Chen Lizhao nodded and said:

"en. ”

"I am Chen Lizhao."

Chen Lizhao's appearance is relatively relatively Ordinary, a type that will not be noticed when thrown into the crowd, a speed-type Thunder Element Martial Artist of Level 5 Peak, who grew up in the New Black Empire. Lin Yuan slightly>nods, "Okay."

"My name is Chen Zhen now, and I'm your young brother." "Make arrangements, when the time comes to join the army with me."

Hearing the word join the army, the support staff around quickly understood what Lin Yuan meant.

Chen Lizhao immediately nodded and said:


Because Lin Yuan himself is not a resident of the New Black Emperor Empire, whether it is in speaking habits or other It is easy to reveal weak spots in all aspects.

So it needs someone who is familiar with the New Dark Empire to bring it.

Speak as little as possible to create a more indifferent character.

"en. ”

"You guys just wait here for a while, I'll find a way to arrange your identity."

The receptionist on the side said immediately.

The New Black Ting Empire's entry into the army is not so scrutinized.

But just in case, they still have to do the whole set.

Otherwise it's more than worth the loss.


Dawn Danger Land has completely evolved into a three-way melee.

The deafening sound roared between Heaven and Earth, and the terrifying spiritual power fluctuation was like a storm, spreading continuously in the center Sea Territory, stirring several hundred li!

Fleeing coalition troops.

The pursuit of the new Black Ting army.

There is also the peerless ominous beast that was originally in the Danger Land of Dawn, and the three-way melee of the alien tribes.

But compared to the coalition troops, the New Black Ting Army is obviously more hated.

After all, they had tried to invade the Danger Land of the Dawn Kingdom before, wanting to use all the alien races for them, but unfortunately they were forcibly repelled by the alien races in Danger Land.

This time the news of the New Black Ting Army's re-entry into the Danger Land of Dawn quickly spread throughout the alien race.

The major alien races at sea have joined hands to make a move.

The rumbling sound on the battlefield kept ringing——

This battle was extremely tragic.

There were less than 1,200 coalition troops left, and after the First Battle of the Arsenal and the chaos in Danger Land, casualties occurred one after another!

But at this time, the veterans from Baijing and the Tianchu Federation stood up and took the initiative to take up the task of the rear of the palace.

"You go first!"

"Bai Jing's! Queen!"

"Tianchu's! Queen!"

"I have no regrets in my life to enter Baijing!"


As veterans, they have old bones, and most of them have even retired.

I thought my Legendary life would end here.

I didn't expect that at the last stage of my life, I would be involved in an important task that was enough to go down in history.

"No regrets in this life!"

"No regrets in this life! hahahahaha!"

Countless veterans laughed and used the rest of their lives for these doves of peace The young martial artists broke after.

These young Martial Artists of Dove of Peace grit their teeth and fight back the pain in their hearts.

They are also from the Great Empire, and these veterans are their seniors!

But now they can only go home with the expectations of the veterans.

The road to war that belongs to them has just begun.

"several brothers!"

"Final battle, kill it!"


See The Martial Artist who arrived at the Dove of Peace reluctantly retreated, and there were tears in the eyes of countless veterans.

When they are ordered by the state and know that the state needs them.

They simply didn't hesitate, even excited.

spare no effort, draining their last drop of blood, is the only one thing they can do for the country.

They also miss this world.

They want to see world peace, and they want to see the New Black Empire finally perish.

It's a pity they can't see the day.

Fortunately, each of their names will be remembered forever by the younger generation.



One after another firm roar resounded within the Sea Territory!

This melee lasted three days and three nights.

The New Black Ting Army chose to retreat after encountering the stubborn resistance of the alien troops.

As the remaining coalition troops dragged their heavy bodies out of Danger Land at dawn.

1,500 people, only more than 500 people are left!

However, they brought a vital piece of information to the entire Canglan Independence Army and the Great Empires of the world!

A little bit earlier.

(end of this chapter)

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