I Am Not A Machinist Chapter 126


Chapter 126 Lottery Ceremony! (Please subscribe! Monthly ticket!)

Even though the media of various countries are very interested in Tianshui Kingdom, the other 15 national teams that advance to the final stage do not pay much attention to Tianshui .

Especially the Imperial teams.

In the past few days, the media have ranked the strength of the sixteen teams at this stage, and the strength of Tianshui Kingdom is about 13th-15th.

The qualifiers were really good, but it was largely due to some tactical reasons, like that big explosion in the river valley.

The final stage, the five-person wheel battle, tests the absolute personal battle strength.

Li Han is indeed strong, but he is only one person.

Lin Yuan doesn't have as much room to play in the arena as he does in the wild, so it's normal to underestimate Tianshui Kingdom.


The Tianshui Kingdom is just behind the Baijing Republic.

Lin Yuan had just sat down when a young man in the Baijing delegation who was chewing gum turned his head.

Lin Yuan and Lin Yuan looked at each other, and then showed a bright smile.

The two nodded slightly, and the young man turned his head again, quietly waiting for the start of the lottery ceremony.

Baijing Republic, talented Martial Artist "Lu Xinghuo".

According to the only information in Tianshui, this Lu Xinghuo is a genius Martial Artist with more than three departments.

Breakthrough Level 5 at the age of eighteen.

Sitting beside Bai Jing is the Northern Underworld Empire, Captain Bai Zixuan is dressed in white clothed, with a long sword hanging around his waist, his slightly dark yellow face reveals a noble temperament.

In the distance, the Spirit Emperor and the New Black Empire have also arrived.

All are characters on the profile.

After the sixteen delegations arrived, the Blue Star Empire's Chief-In-Charge and Chief Referee "Shi Hongwen" personally presided over the draw.

"Blue Star First Aristocratic Family."

Lin Yuan in the heart said silently.


It's finally time for the entire world audience to hold their breath.

The 16th, the 8th, the 4th, the runner-up, the champion.

There is a huge gap in the rewards of these five grades. Even a team that has no hope of winning the championship hopes that the team can go further.

The atmosphere in the hall is extremely solemn.

When the chief referee Shi Hongwen did not use any spiritual power, he slowly drew a small ball, and the moment it opened, Tianshui Kingdom was stunned!

Above it is the three big characters [Tian Shui Kingdom]!



"Good luck, it's time for the opener?"

Countless days, soldiers and civilians in the waters felt like they were about to suffocate, and they kept praying and praying.

"mother Mia!"


The first lottery is Tianshui Kingdom, then the second lottery is Tianshui Kingdom's top sixteen opponent of the battle.

And many teams in the hall were staring at the second sign in Shi Hongwen's hand, constantly praying that it was him.

Compared to other strong teams, Tianshui Kingdom is definitely a soft persimmon!

"The second team..."

Shi Hongwen glanced at the second ball in his hand, and then slowly showed it.

"North Underworld Empire."

The opening match, [Tian Shui Kingdom] vs [North Underworld Empire].

First and second qualifiers.

At the moment of seeing this lottery, the entire Beiming Empire cheered and was extremely satisfied with this lottery!

In the hall, Captain Bai Zixuan of the Northern Underworld Empire also smiled confidently.

In Martial Arts Village, Machine Department Martial Artist Lu Mu, who was single-killed by Lin Yuan during the preliminaries, also clenched his fists, fighting intent was burning!


For Tianshui Kingdom.

The opponent in the top sixteen battle is the Northern Underworld Empire. The signing is not a good one, but it is completely acceptable.

Tian Shui Kingdom is not so pessimistic, but full of confidence!

What about the Northern Hades Empire?

Lin Yuan didn't beat up you Lu Mu in the preliminaries?


As the lottery went on, the brows of the Canglan Independent Army countries gradually wrinkled.

The three major powers with the most hope of winning the championship, [New Black Empire] and [Baijing Republic] were assigned to the upper half, and [Spirit Emperor Country] was assigned to the lower half.

Let's not talk about who can break through between the Baijing Republic and the New Black Ting Empire, even if Baijing wins the final, he will have to peel off his skin.

At least this lot is not very favorable for the independent army.

However, everything is yet to be known. After all, there are strong imperial teams such as [Tianchu Federation] and [Blue Star Empire] in the lower half.


The lottery ceremony of focal point of ten thousands has ended.

Returning to Budo Village, Lin Yuan quickly gathered the team and began researching their opening match opponent.

"The opening match, the North Hades Empire."

"The twelve Martial Artists of Level 4 Peak, according to the information, will be among the eight of them."

“These four people are the most likely to play.”

Lin Yuan distributed the detailed information of the players of the Beiming Empire.

The four people are Beiming Captain Bai Zixuan, Machine Department Martial Artist Lu Mu, Space Department Martial Artist Gukong and Thunder Element Martial Artist Lei Jiacheng.

"Have you beaten this guy before?"

Chen Tianyu held Lu Mu's information and swayed at Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuanin nods, "en."

"But sniper battles are of little reference."

Yuanp> Indeed, as Lin Yuanp said, there is no sniping in the ring battle. In the bunker and space of the war, the sniper rifle may not be able to fully play.

Lin Yuan tone barely fell , Chen Tianyu said contemptuously:


"He can't beat you even in the arena."


Everyone laughed, but none of them refuted.

Lin Yuan's melee ability in flames is stronger than his sniping ability!

Wu Di, who was sitting on the side, finally couldn't hold back, and shouted:

"Brother Yuan, what's the arrangement!"

"Who are we going to come? !"

Hearing this, Chen Tianyu was also eager to have a try, straightened his chest, and taunted to Wu Di:

"You heal your injury first. Can you talk again?"

"Yellow hair boy?"

How could Wu Di admit that he was a coward?

Immediately responded:

"Are you okay?"

"I don't know who is like a bitch..."

Seeing that the two of them were fighting with each other again, Lin Yuan interrupted immediately:

"Okay, okay."

"Please, take a break. ”

The two of them snorted and closed their mouths when they saw Lin Yuan speak.

Lin Yuan helplessly said:

"I know your injuries."

"Forcing play will cause problems."

"We don't have many cards in hand, so the order of playing cards is very important."

Regarding their injuries, Lin Yuan, the Captain, followed up with the medical team the whole time.

The only one who doesn't know the condition of the injury is Gong Ming.

Lin Yuan turned to look at Gong Ming, who was silent and still pale.

"Gong Ming, can you come on?"

Gong Ming was stunned, paused for a few seconds, and then shook the head.

Lin Ning slightly nodded, "Okay, that's the only way to arrange it."

"I, Han Yi, Li, Tianyu, Yi."

"The five of us, it's fine."

Hearing his name, Chen Tianyu shook his fist vigorously, wanting to shout out loudly, moved towards Wu Di and looked at him.

Wu Di shrugged his shoulders like a defeated rooster, opened his mouth a few times, and closed it again.

He knows his own physical condition. As a speed-type Martial Artist of the electrical system, even if there is only a slight loss of explosive power, that is a qualitative difference!

Thanks to [why are you hungry again] the 20,000 starting coins rewarded by Branch Lord! !

Thanks to the [Fate or Destiny] Branch Lord for the 10,000 starting point coins! !

[10.1 National Day Update Chapter Number: 11! ]

[Branch Lord +1 update, Alliance Leader +10 update]


Thank you [I just want to read the book] for the reward 2000 starting point coins

Thanks to 【Qingfeng Nuanjiu】for the reward of 500 starting point coins

Thanks 【Pika Love Nianduo】【low-key boss】【Book Friends 20180821151843195】【Bai Lin Silly Jujuda] 100 starting coins for the reward


Thank you for reading the reward【::】【Liu Qianfeng】【fall together】100 books for the reward currency!


[ps: Because they are all previous manuscripts, these 10 chapters are all 2K. ]

[National Day Plus Update 3k per chapter! ]

(end of this chapter)

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