I Am Not A Machinist Chapter 125


Chapter 125 Atomic Bomb? (Please subscribe! Monthly ticket!)

After Wang Ping left Lin Yuan's room after treatment.

Wu Shi, Hong Min, and Su Wutian stepped into Lin Yuan's room side by side.

"How is it?"

Faced with the three instructors' concerns, Lin Yuan smiled and shook his head:

"No problem."


Wu Shi's face was serious, and he nodded slightly, "Well, that's good."

"In the next round of sixteen, you and Li Han have a very heavy task."

The joy of Tianshui reaching the top 16 has not yet dissipated.

It seems that Tianshui Kingdom has completed the set goal, and there is not much pressure to enter the final stage.

Actually the pressure is multiplied.

Because the final stage is the real world attention.

Influence and qualifiers are not at the same level.

It just so happens that Tianshui now carries countless hopes, and is even hailed as "dawning" by many countries.

It would be nice to say if the Tianshui transmission was vigorous.

Once the loss is extremely ugly, then everything will be reversed after just one battle.

Lin Yuan is naturally aware of this enormous pressure, nodded and said:

“I know.”

“Me and Li Han.”

"With Han Yi, it's enough to fight."

Of the twelve people, eight were seriously injured.

Hua Yao is still a Martial Artist of the medical department in general, with average singles ability.

There are only three Martial Artists of the Combat Department who are sure to be able to play in Peak state.

Tianshui Kingdom is indeed far from the strength to win the championship, and the team reserves are completely insufficient.

But that doesn't mean they don't have the capital to beat the strong teams.

Hong Min said solemnly:


"Look at who the opponent is, if it's not the six teams, there is a great chance. "

The six teams in Hong Min's mouth are [New Black Ting Empire] [Baijing Republic] [Spirit Emperor Kingdom] [Blue Star Empire] [Linlang Emirate] [Tianchu Federation].

These six teams are all solid Level 5 Martial Artists, rushing to the championship.

Hong Min and the others all know that Lin Yuan has a very strong hole card.

Even if the details are unclear, according to Lin Yuan himself, it can only erupt once.

So the round of 16 depends on the draw.

"Lin Yuan, what are you thinking?"

Su Wutian asked when Lin Yuan looked thoughtful.

Lin Yuan lifts the head and said seriously:

"I want to apply for another batch of Spirit Stone beast core resources."

"There will be one more hole card. !"

Wu Shi was taken aback for a moment, and then said:

"Tell me about it."

The Machine Department battle is very expensive, and the entire team of instructors is used to it. .

If these resources were of little value, Lin Yuan must have spoken before.

It is only now that it must be expensive.

When Lin Yuan told the three instructors about the ultimate magic skill of the photon series that he had never used before.

Hong Min's mouth almost didn't close.

"The original..."

"Atomic bomb?"

Under the dumbfounded gaze of the three instructors, Lin Yuan and said:

"en. ”

The ultimate magic skill of the photon series - [Mechanical Energy Atomic Bomb].

Using the mechanical energy of several beast cores as the core to create a small nuclear fission reaction.

The heavy nuclei are split into light nuclei, resulting in massive lethality and destructive power!

Certainly not the same as that massive nuclear weapon.

The magic skills of the photon series are all used in the actual combat of the Machine Department Martial Artist, so the scale of the spread of destruction is not large.

In this high-martial world, even the Cangsong Academician, who is a Level 6 Martial Artist, can't condense the nuclear weapons that can destroy a city.

Ordinary nuclear weapons that are not possessed by the Machine Department are not so scary for a high level Martial Artist.

But even if Lin Yuan of Level 4 Martial Artist condensed this spiritual skill and slammed into the ring, it is estimated that Level 5 Martial Artist might not be able to endure it!

But that's not the point.

The point is, what a huge amount of resources a mechanical atomic bomb requires!

You can't recycle it if you drop it, and it's gone if you drop it.

Tian Shui Kingdom's already overdrawn national strength simply cannot afford it.

Hearing Lin Yuan's calm description, even the experienced and knowledgeable Chief Instructor Wu Shi swallowed and immediately got up and said:

"I understand what you mean. "

"I'll report it right away!"

The consumption of the mechanical energy atomic bomb is really unaffordable in the current situation of Tianshui Kingdom.

But there are countries that can!


Tianshui Kingdom, the main residence of the state.

Beicang looked serious, listening to Instructor Wu Shi's report.

"Okay, okay."

"I understand."

Beicang kept nodding, and finally hung up the remote connection with Wu Shi.

The assistant to the king asked:

"The king, what should I do?"

Beicang touched his chin and secretly said how sharp Lin Yuan's thinking is. .

If before the qualifiers, Tianshui is simply not eligible to contact Baijing Republic.

The 16-nation alliance can only enter the eyes of such super empires, not to mention the lack of resources.

But things are different now.

Tianshui Kingdom made its way to the top 16, and was called "Dawn" by peaceful countries all over the world.

Beicang's expression froze, said solemnly:

"Go to contact Bai Jing."

The assistant immediately nodded:

" Yes!"


A few days passed in a flash.

All members of the Tianshui team were treated and recovered in the Martial Arts Village and did not go out.

For that world arena, every player is full of longing in their hearts.

However, there are only five players who can represent Tianshui in the end.

Besides the cultivation stage, Hong Min called Lin Yuan:

“Lin Yuan.”

“Going to draw the ceremony.”



Lin Yuan withdrew his flame mecha and said with a light sigh.

As the Captain of Tianshui, Lin Yuan will go to the lottery ceremony to witness the birth of the lottery.

Arriving at Hong Min's side, Lin Yuan turned his head and asked:

"Has Li Han broken through?"

Hong Min shook his head helplessly and said:


During the preliminaries, Li Han also met his Level 4 eight-star bottleneck.

This is the most important bottleneck in the life of countless Martial Artists.

Once the breakthrough will officially enter the Shedding Mortality Realm, the Martial Artist lifespan will be multiplied.

This bottleneck has some Martial Artists who can break through in a short period of time.

More Martial Artists have lived their entire lives.

Li Han knew very well how much he had to do in the round of 16.

Once encountering a strong enemy, the battle strength of Level 5 Martial Artist and Level 4 Martial Artist is simply one heaven and one earth!

He also wanted to move forward with Tianshui on his shoulders.

But breakthrough is either an outbreak in adversity, or where water flows, a canal is formed.

With Li Han's current state of mind, it is difficult to break through.

"Well, let's go."

Lin Yuan tidied up his clothes and followed the two instructors to the "Blue Star Hall" where the lottery ceremony was held.


The Blue Star Hall is one of the landmark buildings of the Blue Star Country.

The Blue Star Hall is over 800 meters in diameter, and the layout is extremely luxurious. Even the precious picture scrolls on the walls have been covered with a layer of brilliance.

The top sixteen draw ceremony of the world martial arts tournament will be broadcast live in the world.

Even for teams that are aiming to win the championship, the draw is extremely important, such as the strongest [New Black Ting Empire] and [Bai Jing Republic], if they are in two half-zones with different difficulties, then kill them. The consumption before the final is naturally different.

crack crack ——

When Lin Yuan came to the Blue Star Hall with the Tianshui delegation, the lights inside and outside the Blue Star Hall kept flashing!

(end of this chapter)

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