Inside the world of cyber storms.

No, to be precise, it is the energy fluctuations that are happening inside You Miao's AI smart duel disk.

The power of source code! ! !

It turns out that You Miao's duel disk is where An AI lives, and the duel elves live inside the light building blocks. The two are like rivers but not wells, and An AI also likes this way of getting along.

But now there is an intruder in this warm doghouse, which is the source code of the two cards that finally merged into one, possessing the power of creation.

This source code hung high in the space inside the duel disk like the sun, and it was so hot that it was suffocating.

You Miao found that the source code had many mysteries, and he needed time to analyze it slowly.

One of the benefits is that it allows You Miao to enter the duel disk to practice.

AI, come and practice your moves. You Miao just invested a lot of money to draw card packs. Not only did he draw several powerful cards, he also discovered that when the source code and Ignis were lodged in the duel disk, wonderful things would appear. Variety.

Hey, how can I be Lord You Miao's opponent? An AI boasted, but it didn't brag, and it couldn't use the link. It was boring to hold a set of Star P.

Then you are totally wrong. The internal practice space of this duel disk is very free!

After You Miao finished speaking, he raised his palm to face the silver sun (source code) hanging above, and said: High-dimensional duel, start.


As if answering You Miao's call, the source code began to rewrite the internal code and expand the duel area.

At this moment, the duel area releasing the power of the blue latitude enveloped You Miao and An Ai, and was surrounded by the perfect combination of technology and latitude.

Hey, there are extra monster areas inside the duel area!? An AI was extremely shocked. It saw two extra areas in the middle of the five monster areas on both sides.

In this special practice mode and space, you can use your willpower to condense the cards you once owned and place them in your deck. You Miao guided carefully.

This space is very similar to the Dark Dimension, the new duel mode developed by President Kaiba.

Through memory and willpower, cards that once existed or were manifested.

It's true! An AI tried to extract the memory data from his body, and saw a blue translucent card appearing. It was Lik3's transcoding speaker! ! !

In this case, if it cooperates with the extra area, then Dark AI must think of one thing.

O, start!

No, Fire Spirit Star, activate! !

Lord You Miao, do you know how to use Exodia? AI cautiously probed, just like Tom Cat with a conspiracy hidden in his heart.

No, I won't even put any magic or traps into this duel. You Miao waved his hand, and all the magic traps and mismatched cards such as Lao Ai were removed from his deck.


With a roar linked to willpower, certain cards condensed blue translucent cards through data and merged into You Miao's deck.

Hehehehe, Lord Youmiao, I have to show you what a god is based on the top of the link! AI showed a sly smile. If Lord Youmiao doesn't use fake cards, it still has a chance to win if there are link monsters. of.

So, let's test this practice mode.

Duel!! An Ai and You Miao said in unison.

Dark AI: 4000LP

You Miao: 4000LP

There are 5 cards in the area held by both parties, and the first attack cannot draw cards!

Anai took a look at the cards in his hand happily, among them were Spicy Demon @Fire Spirit Star and Sparkling Demon @Fire Spirit Star!

These cards have been expanded enough to allow the top monster of the link world to descend.

The only pity is that he didn't get the first strike, but there are advantages. An Ai knows that You Miao has bad beasts.

If the one who comes first is eaten, it will be too grassy.

No matter if you attack from behind, Anai's eyes are very cunning, let's see what Master You Miao can do first.

Maybe its next card will be O God!

Anai looked at the hard @Ignis Star on his far left.

——Hehehe, let’s get a fully resistant update visitor and kill Mr. You Miao with two punches?

——Or something else.

An Ai Shen Jizi was in his own beautiful fantasy, but he also noticed something strange.

Why are there two direction symbols on the far left and right of the magic trap area, one red and one blue? ? ?

What is this?


You Miao looked at his card. He thought for a moment and then smiled with satisfaction.

That's it, Boy, start!!!

You Miao held up a monster. The card displayed a colorful arc of light, and was then placed in the leftmost P area in the form of a monster card.

An Ai shouted: Fuck you.

In the last game of Yu-Gi-Oh, ritual, fusion, synchronization, super-quantity and the most popular link were involved, but there was no pendulum, as if the pendulum had been expelled from the household registration.

An AI was also surprised by the Pendulum Card. There were actually card types in the world that it didn't know about?

Pendulum cards can be understood as monster cards + continuous magic cards. When in the monster area, the pendulum card can activate the corresponding monster effect.

If placed in the magic trap area on the far left or right, the corresponding pendulum effect will be exerted.

As for this child, it's quite special!

[Overweight Prodigy Wakaniu-U4/Pendulum/Adjustment/Effect]

This is a divine card in the Super Heavy Warrior series. The boy is both a pendulum card and an adjustment monster.

What is God O in front of the boy? You Miao activated the boy's pendulum effect!

If there is no magic trap in our graveyard, choose a 'boy' overweight warrior pendulum monster from the deck and place it at the other end of the P zone. This is the self-respect of the overweight warrior. If you want to play overweight, the deck is You can't let the devil fall into the trap.

The magic trap will only affect the speed of the boy's sword swing.

Therefore, the super-heavy series usually requires a certain amount of hand traps to compete, and must reach the legendary immovable field!


On the other side of Tongzi's P area, You Miao placed the Replying Qing (Da Benqing-K) in the deck.

It is a child's characteristic to put all the cards together in one click, and the keyboard monkey will cry when he sees it.

Doji has 8 pendulums, Obenkei-K has 1 pendulum, and Yu Miao can use the special characteristics of pendulum monsters to special summon monsters within 1-8 stars from the hand.

However, at this moment, the boy gave up his identity and jumped into the monster area.

[Boy, 1500 defense, mechanical type/adjustment]

This is the power of the boy. After using up the effect of the pendulum, he will turn into a monster.

The boy cannot use strange effects at this time because of his overweight self-respect, so You Miao activates the pendulum effect of Obenkei-K.

Pendulum Effect (Obenkei-K): There is a Super Heavy Warrior monster on your field, and you add 1 Super Heavy Warrior Installation monster from your deck to your hand.

I put the super-heavy warrior suit Liuyan into my hand. You Miao conducted an accurate search. This is the ultimate fake card in his series.

Rock melt, also known as crossbow.

Activate the rock melting effect, turn it into an equipment card and equip it on the boy. You Miao's eyes changed, he raised his palm and shouted: Come out, it belongs to my future circuit!


A link loop appeared above, and the boy as the link material became the direction symbol in the lower left corner of the link monster of the family, and a new Link1 monster was born.

[Kakashi (Super Heavy Warrior-Scarecrow), 0 attack power, machine type, Link 1]

Anai watched with great concentration, because it seemed to see Yusaku in the memory of its predecessor telling a story.

At this moment, the reason why Yanrong was a fake card appeared.

When this card is sent from the field to the graveyard, a Super Heavy Warrior monster is accurately retrieved from the deck and added to the hand. There is no limit of once per turn.

And whether Boredom is sent to the tomb after a battle, sent to the tomb as a link material, or for other reasons, it can be triggered as long as it can be sent to the tomb from the field.

I added the super-heavy warrior-Motorcycle Q into my hand. You Miao said.

Kakashi in link1 activates the effect, and Yu Miao sends a monster on his hand to the graveyard, and only needs one card as the cost.


Yan Rong, who had just entered the cemetery, was resurrected by Kakashi.

[Super heavy warrior - molten rock, 1200 attack power, machine type]

Activate the motorcycle effect, send this card to the graveyard, and add 1 Super Heavy Warrior monster from the deck to your hand. You Miao got another kind of monster, the overweight warrior-Arbitration!

Arbitration is the same as Molten Rock, and can be equipped as an equipment card on monsters of the same family.

You Miao equips it on Kakashi in link1, and then continues to activate the arbitration effect, freeing the monster equipped with this card.

Special summon a Super Heavy Warrior monster from the deck.

You Miao puts the second boy in the deck on the field.

[Boy, 1500 defense, mechanical type/adjustment]

Synchronize Summon! You Miao adjusted the 4-star Adjustment Boy and Yan Rong.

Come out, Yusei's monster, Acceleration Synchro - Stardust Dragon! ! !


[Acceleration synchronization-Stardust Dragon, 2500 attack power, dragon clan, synchronization]

This Stardust Dragon is quite special. It has the effect of transforming into Stardust Dragon during the main phase of both parties, and then synchronizes it with another adjustment monster to speed up the summoning.

But this card has another effect.

Accelerated Synchro-Stardust Dragon, activated when the Synchro Summon is successful.

Choose 1 Adjuster with level 2 or lower from your graveyard to Special Summon.

Chain 2 activates the retrieval effect of sending molten rock into the graveyard, and chain 3 activates the child effect.

Anai's eyes widened, and it was horrified in its heart: Is this speed of storytelling no less than that of my Fire Spirit Star?

Next, An Ai was wrong, because the overweight unfolding was far from over! ! !

The boy is sent to the grave as a synchro material and can be pasted back to the P area on the field. Now it is all P again instantly.

The prodigy is back!

Molten Rock retrieves the Super Heavy Warrior-Libra in the deck to speed up Stardust Dragon's resurrection of the motorcycle in the graveyard, but the motorcycle does not work!

Then the second synchro summon, 8+2=10 stars! !

Flower escort.


[Flower Baroness, 3000 attack power, warrior type/synchro]

After using up the precious summons, Super Heavy Warrior-Libra enters the scene to activate its effect, and continues to resurrect the molten rock (crossbow) that does not exist once a round in the graveyard.

The core point, use the crossbow for crazy reasons to get resources, and roll like crazy.

Libra + Rong Yan, perform the second link summon.

The future loop appears again.

[Chassis Patron Saint-Path Spirit, 1800 attack power, link2]

Sending the tomb melting rock to retrieve the oversized bus, there is no call at this time, however.

Children are invincible!

Pendulum Summoning. You Miao began to swing the numbers, a rainbow arc swaying wildly.

The super heavy bus and the first prodigy sent to the extra deck are re-placed by the Pendulum Summon.

The characteristic of the Pendulum Monster is that it is not sent to the graveyard, but placed face-up on top of the extra deck.

Chassis Guardian activates effect, bus chain

Get it by searching Leo Alpha, and get it by searching Super Heavy Weapon-Double Horns for the bus's effect.

Use Rock Melt as an equipment card to jump into Leo Alpha.

Oh, please, don't, Anai cried. It couldn't count how many times the molten rock has been harmed. Can you please let this monster go and stop operating it?

Equip the double horns on the bus and then jump to transform into a monster.

At this moment, Youmiao's 6 monster areas are full of monsters, maximizing the field value!

Bus+Double Horns=link2’s “Ancient Relic-Father God Stick”!

The Flower Baroness exploded the molten rock equipped by Leo α to get the Super Heavy-Gaia Thruster, and the Ancient Relic-Father Rod was successfully linked and summoned, covering the field with an Ancient Relic monster from the deck.

The Gaia Thruster is the same as the Dual Horns. It is equipped with its own monster and then jumps to become a monster.

The useless Ancient Relic-Father God Stick and Chassis Guardian, link2 produced the thigh card of Thunder Spirit, a naughty spirit!

The Naughty Elf gives resistance to the symbol areas in both directions, and can resurrect a 2-star monster in the graveyard in each turn.

At this moment, Anai woke up from the shock of being told a story, and he realized one thing: Motorcycles are 2-star monsters.

Yes, the naughty elf is going to be resurrected as the overweight motorcycle Q!

However, the motorcycle also has a very scary effect. As an adjustment monster, it can increase one of its mechanical monsters by 2 stars!

[Motorcycle: 2 → 4 stars]

4 (motorcycle) + 4 (Gaia thruster) = 8 stars (white barrel)!

[Loading barrel ferocious dragon, 3000 attack power, dragon/synchronization]

What, it's the white barrel of the revolver!? An AI said in surprise. The white barrel has the power to equip the link monster in the graveyard, and every time a counter is removed, it can counter the activation of the opponent's card once.

Everything has returned to its original point. You have seen the effect of the boy as a pendulum card, and now it is its strange effect. You Miao discarded a card and used the effect of the boy to summon the overworked rock of the deck!

Because the boy's strange effect is super self-suppressing, this effect can only be used at the end.

4 (boy) + 4 (molten rock) = 8 (overweight - Sarutobi)!

[Overweight-Sarutobi, 2800 defense, machine type/synchro]

You Miao can also buy a resource for free by sending molten rock. This is the power of fake cards.

I end the round. You Miao ended this storytelling round that shocked An AI.

Hey guys, Anai just used a timer to count the seconds!

You Miao actually talked for several minutes!

I almost said it to death!

Dark AI draws cards from the deck with force, and it begins to calculate the resistance on Youmiao's field.

Flowers, Alpha Leo, white gun barrel

Without counting whether Mr. You Miao has any hand traps, there are three resistances in this field, and An AI is sweating profusely.

However, something more terrifying happened, which completely defeated An Ai's desire to fight.

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