I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 425 Strange New World Team

On the racing track.

The duelists used all their moves to engage in exciting battles.

The Diavolo Rebellion has passed, and the World Championship has been restarted.

Although the 5ds team sensed an undercurrent, they were determined to win the championship.


A riding duel is being broadcast on the screen!

When you specially summon these monsters, I will open the permanent trap card, the song of the devil! Izayoi Akira was wrapped in a tight-fitting racing suit. She rode the D wheel heroically and launched a charge that broke through the enemy's direction. !


Under the power of the Demon's Song, all the monsters on the opponent's field have their stars reduced.

The poor opponent looked confused. Under the restrictions of the Demon's Song, all his original plans were interrupted!

Oh oh oh, it's the devil's song!

Izayoiaki of Team Cola Girl used the Song of Majin. It seems that this duel can only end here.

The host explained that he was very excited, because the permanent trap card of Demon's Song has caused many duelists to suffer severely.

Izayoi Aki has become inseparable from the Song of Majin.

The song of the devil is her.

She is the song of the devil!

All the contestants and the audience agree with this point of view, because the trap card of Demon's Song is too damaging to synchro monsters.

Within the rest of the 5ds.

The Autumn Izayoi of the original world has a terrible chest pain. Recently, many people have called her the nickname Song of Izayoi!

Why would I take the blame for another evil Izayoi committed? Izayoi was very angry.

Who makes you look exactly the same, and she is you in another world. Jack likes to tell the truth.

But where did You Miao go? Crow asked confusedly. Now the Coke Girl team has been fighting in the past few days with Izayoi from another world.

There are currently only 2 people left in the Coke Girl team, which is at a disadvantage compared to the 3 players from other teams.

That's why Izayoi Akira uses all his strength to fight in a duel. As long as he can win the duel, what if he uses the song of the devil?

Even if there are only two members left in the Cola Girls team, they are still very strong. Yusei gave a pertinent evaluation.

Using Blue Eyes White Dragon's Seto Kaiba, Yusei doesn't guarantee that they can beat the opponent, but they should focus on the other team.

That is, the extremely popular New World Team! ! !

Yusei and others are sure of something, that is, they were not included in the original participating team.

But an accident happened before. After this incident was over, the New World Team appeared inexplicably and replaced Shirley Lublanc's Rose Team.

People around me seemed to take this matter for granted. If you think about it carefully, this is a terrible thing.

Where is the replaced Shirley LeBlanc?

I'm afraid we won't know until we defeat the New World Team. Jack said in a serious tone.

The New World Team was supposed to be composed of the Three Emperors who controlled the Emperor Monster, but the real situation was more complicated.

Placido, who had previously fought against Yusei and was defeated by Yusei using Acceleration Synchro, seemed to be missing.

Instead, it turned out to be a mysterious man who occupied the captain position of the New World Team.

No one knows who this mysterious man is. They only know that this man is in a leadership position in the New World Team, and his appearance is completely hidden under the black cloak.

To be honest, Crow felt that this person's body shape and condition were very similar to Yusei's.

Of course, he would never think that this mysterious person from the New World Team was Yusei.


A loud bang occurs on the screen.

While they were discussing the New World Team issue, Izayoi Akira on the screen had already finished the duel!

According to the competition schedule, the next opponent of You Miao's team should be the Ragnarok team. You Xing said in a slightly weird tone.

Apart from the New World Team, which should not exist, the most popular one at the moment is the Ragnarok Team.

Every official member of this team is strong and possesses rare unique skills.

It's true that Seto Kaiba is very strong, but with one less person, can he really defeat the Ragnarok team with the legendary Triple Gods?

Maybe You Miao will come back later. You Xing reassured.

However, the crow looked at Yusei with a cannibalistic look. He shook his head and said, No, Yusei, you don't want to!

You Miao hasn't come back yet, this is their chance!

There is not much time left in the World Championship. Without You Miao, they have the best chance of winning.

If You Miao comes back in time, they will face hellish difficulty.


the other side.

The lounge of Team Coca-Cola.

In another world, Izayoi Qiu wiped the sweat from her face with a towel. She was actually quite stressed.

You Miao has left this world, and the current situation is unknown. She must do her best to keep this team alive until the other side comes back.

However, tomorrow, Team Coke Girl will meet Team Ragnarok.

Izayoi watched a lot of games about the opposing team. She could only say that the Three Ultimate Gods were very strong, and the tacit understanding between each of them was not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Although Demon's Song can restrain most synchronized tactics, the opponent should also be on guard.

Because Song of the Demon is so underworld, many contestants began to fill their decks with trap card versions of wind cards.

For example, dust tornadoes, evil god disasters, typhoons, and dust storms.

In short, trap cards that can destroy traps in Mounted Duel are powerful means to deal with Majin's Song.

The only method left is the Earth-Binding God. Izayoi Akira was determined. As long as she could win the duel, she would continue to use the power of the Earth-Binding God.


Another teammate in the lounge, Seto Kaiba, who wears black-rimmed glasses all day long, began to sneer:

Only an incompetent person prays for someone else's return.

Even if You Miao is not here, I can win everyone's victory alone.

Huh hahahaha, it's better to say that You Miao's temporary separation gave me the best opportunity.

Izayoi Qiu's face turned dark on the spot. No matter what, it was difficult for her to get along with Kaiba Seto.

If she doesn't prove her strength with victory after victory, then the opponent will evaluate herself as a third-rate duelist with a fourth-rate deck.

Kaiba Haki stood up. He looked at the Ragnarok team that had won the victory and advanced on the screen, and smiled happily.

Ragnarok won the duel and has been successfully promoted. Then tomorrow, one team from Team Coke Girl and Team Ragnarok will advance to the finals!

There is only one person who can win this duel.

That's me!!!

The president clenched his fists, and infinite fighting spirit emerged from his body. He couldn't wait to fight against the Three Extremes God.

He wanted to see how powerful the so-called Three Ultimate Gods were, and whether they could compete with the Three Illusion Gods who reached the top of Duel City?

Hmm hey hey hey, hahahahahahaha. Because it was so funny, the president's devilish laughter filled the entire lounge.

Izayoi Qiu quietly closed the door to the lounge, and she ran away.

Seto Kaiba?

This person who wears black-rimmed glasses all day long and refuses to take them off, and who laughs devilishly at every turn, is so perverted that she cannot afford to offend him!

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