I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 405 Beyond Calculation

Bodhidharma's cannon is fired, and not a single blade of grass grows.

Yuma, don't be distracted!

Hurry up and use Super Hope's power.

The astral body, which was in perfect harmony with Yuma's soul within his body, immediately angrily scolded his companion who was frozen in place.

It is true that Super Hope is fully resistant, but the tomb-sending effect of this Dharma Cannon is completed by the duelist.


Super Hope can’t resist it!

I understand, you have to remove 1 super material from the Super Hope card to activate it. Yuma sent the Hope Emperor-Hope that became the material to the graveyard.

This effect of Super Hope can only be activated during the battle phase between both parties.

Remove 1 Xyz monster on your field from the game.

After that, special summon 1 No. 39 Hope Emperor Hope from your own graveyard, and your life points will be restored to half of that monster's attack power.

Super Hope is not affected by any other party's effects, but his own side is an exception.

Flashing hope! !

By removing Hope as a material, Super Hope removes himself from the game, and then resurrects the Hope Emperor-Hope who was sent to the graveyard as a material!

[Hope Emperor-Hope, 2500 attack power, warrior type]

[Yuma: 1200→3700LP]

Since Dharma Cannon does not take objects, settlement begins at this time.

The Emperor of Hope and the stuttering monster passed by the Heavenly Dragon Snow Prison Ox were covered. Since the gods were not affected by the trap, the Phantom God and the Evil God were sent to the cemetery by the duelists themselves.

In the end, a Dharma Cannon indirectly or directly sent away Super Hope, the Phantom God and the Evil God who had to run away.

Ahhhhh. Super Hope's departure represents the passing of hope.

The leader and the astral body were forcibly released from the combined mode

How could this happen? Xiaoniao clenched his fists, obviously even Super Hope came out.

So an invincible monster can actually do it?

Xiaoniao simply couldn't believe that there were trap cards like Dharma Cannon in the world.

It is simply an all-out monster killer.

End the round. Yuma looked downcast, he had no choice.

If you lose, you lose.

Yuma. Astral said in a complicated tone. We no longer have a card in his hand, and there is only one covered Hope Emperor Hope left on the field, and it does not have super material.

Don't give up, Yuma!

Suddenly, a familiar voice made the leader open his eyes, and he looked suspiciously at Amagi Kaito who was lying next door.

It was obvious that the other party had fallen to the ground and was unconscious, but he could still hear the other party's voice.

Kaito? Yuma confirmed that he heard correctly.

Yuma, giving up is not your style. The strange voice continued.


The counterfeit You Miao couldn't hear Amagi Kaito's voice. In his eyes, the leader was just a madman talking to himself in the air.

However, after the leader went crazy, his eyes were filled with fighting spirit.

What a stupid guy.

Draw a card!

The fake You Miao drew a card from the deck, and he directly displayed this magic card.

Dimensional fusion kill!

Click click click.

All three phantoms in the graveyard are excluded.

Red, blue, and yellow, three colors of hot flames dyed the entire sky, and the scene was extremely shocking.

Yuma stared at the sky and saw a twisted and terrifying thing descending on the field with the force of thunder, releasing the aura of destroying everything.

[Chaos Phantom-Amitel, 0 attack power, demon/fusion]

Armitel will not be destroyed by battle. The combat damage caused by this card to me is 0. It will inflict 10,000 points of combat damage to the opponent's monster once per round. If there is no monster on the opponent's field, it will be directly borne by the opponent's player.

But Hope is covered. Astral explained.

Yes, but I exclude this AD converter from the graveyard. A battle monster popped up in the graveyard area of ​​the counterfeit Youmiao duel board.

Through the AD converter effect, this card in the graveyard is removed from the game during the main phase, and it can be activated by selecting 1 monster on the field.

The selected monster's representation changes!

The covered Hope was turned over and changed from the inside position to the attack position.

It's over. These 10,000 points of battle damage are enough to solve everything. Amitair roared and screamed.

A twisted whirlpool of darkness tore out, killing the whole land - the reincarnation wave! !


The hot tearing breath hit the front, Hope was instantly destroyed by this power, and Yuma was directly overwhelmed by the energy.

Faced with this blow, Yuma did not flinch, he roared: Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


A card floated out of Yuma's graveyard, and this operation shocked You Miao.

Even the counterfeit couldn't help but be shocked: What's going on?

At this moment, the card that fell into Yuma's hand was Photon Kuriko!

Kujiu Yuma took over Kaito's duel. He had cards used by his opponent in his graveyard, and Mitsuko Kuriko was one of them.

If the Photon Chestnut Ball exists in the Graveyard, you can send 1 Photon field monster from your hand to the Graveyard, and then recycle this card.

The card that Yuma exchanged with the Graveyard Photon Kuriko was Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon!

Are you kidding? Why do you have this card in your hand? Fake You Miao was shocked by the leader's operation.

At the end of the last round, the opponent didn't have any cards in their hand. Suddenly, during your own turn, you took out a Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon in your hand.

Is this reasonable?

If Yuma was still ZEXAL in his second form, then he would have endured it.

The problem is that you have already disintegrated. How did you cheat?

Galaxy Nebula. The leader, no, a magic card popped up from Kaito Amagi's graveyard.

When the fake You Miao initially used Earth Angel to carry out a two-hit combo of stacking graves, he also helped Kaito's deck send this magic card into the graveyard.

If this magic card is in the graveyard, it can be removed and activated to return a Galaxy Eyed Photon Dragon from the graveyard to your hand. This effect can also be used during the opponent's turn.

The leader received the Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon as a gift from Kaito, and then relied on the photon dragon to recover the photon chestnuts in the cemetery.

There's no way I'm going to fall down here.

Pay 2000 health points to activate the effect of Photon Chestnut.

Any damage I received this round becomes 0!!

In the last round, Hope from the other side was replaced by Hope, and he also helped Yuma gain some health.

[Yuma: 3700LP→1700LP]

The leader jumped up in a flying posture and raised the coolie wave in his hand.

The blue photon energy began to emerge, and Brother Dou Zi's translucent shadow appeared, directly transforming into a blue shield to block the leader's eyes.

The power of the Chaos Phantom destroyed Hope, but it could not erase the bond between the leader and Brother Dou Zi.

Although the combat damage of 10,000 points is high, the coolie wave can bear it.

The fake You Miao's expression suddenly turned ugly, which was different from what he had imagined.

At this moment, Anai peeked out of Youmiao's duel disk. It looked at the situation in the field with big eyes and cursed: Tch, is it a fake after all?

However, the miracle created by Kujiu Yuma did go beyond the calculations just performed by the AI.

The other party is really a good guy with incredible luck.

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