I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 404 Hope and Destruction

[Dragon Snow Prison: It can only be activated by targeting 1 monster in the opponent's graveyard. The effect of that monster is negated and Special Summoned to your field. After that, you can select and banish 1 monster each of the same race from your side and your opponent's side of the field. 】

You stuttering monster, let me serve you. The fake You Miao did not hide his identity as a tauren at all, it can be said that he was honest!

After losing the second monster, the leader was obviously stuck. After all, it doesn't matter what kind of monster he is, he can learn how to perform a single super summon like the twelve monsters.


The leader who transformed into ZEXAL (second form) spoke, and his calm and powerful voice spread throughout the space, full of divine charm!

A true duellist uses his second fist to open an impassable road.

Reveal the No. Xyz monster from the Extra Deck and activate it.

At this moment, the leader of ZEXAL (second form) raised a card that released the power of the astral world. He explained loudly: Special summon this star chestnut ball from your hand, and its level will be the same as that of the displayed monster. The class values ​​are the same.


The leader's extra deck was opened, and countless super monsters were dancing. After all, the sequence monsters were all super.

Until a trump card is revealed.

Hope Emperor - Hope! !

[Starlight chestnut ball, 100 defense, demon clan]

Since Hope is a level 4 monster, the Star Chestnut Ball’s star rating is 4!

Going to fuck, Hope.

Starlight Chestnut Ball and Swipe Lala Fanchang are stacked.

Hope Emperor, Hope!

At the last moment, the leader still believed in his trump card monster, Hope.

It's not over yet.

A true duelist can create anything.

ZEXAL is the representative of cheating, and the second form of ZEXAL is the cheating of cheating!

The leader raised his palm in front of everyone, and saw that the power of the source of the astral world was condensed there! ! !

You Miao's expression gradually became horrified, and he couldn't help but say: Create something out of nothing?

He also has the power of making something out of nothing, but at least he has to use card drawing to cover up this cheating power.

It would be nice to transform into the leader of ZEXAL and perform magic tricks in front of everyone.

You Miao is willing to call the other party the strongest in the cheating world!

ZEXAL wants to pay a card for free, are you not convinced?

The power of the source of the starlight world slowly condenses a green card.

In the second form, ZEXAL held it on his finger and activated it. He roared loudly: Upgraded Magic - Power of Astral!!

At this moment, the leader's Emperor's Key gradually floated out of his body and began to overlap with this upgrade magic card!


Select the highest-level Xyz monster on your field to activate.

Only a Xyz monster that is 1 or 2 levels higher in level than the selected monster can be super summoned from your extra deck on top of the selected monster.

The vast starlight power twisted to form a whirlpool, and Hope Emperor Hope fell into this whirlpool and burst out with the power of hope to create miracles.

“When people surpass their hopes and embrace their dreams, a new future will appear in the far distance, beyond their limits and held in their hands!”

Upgraded super transformation, breaking through the limit.

Show up, No. 39!

The Emperor of Hope - Super Hope on the Other Side!

Hope is absorbed by Super Hope, and it evolves into a new and more powerful form for everyone to see.

[No.39-Hope Emperor-Hong Kong Super Hope, 3000 attack power, warrior/R6]

Awesome. Ye Shenyue's expression was dark and uncertain. He seemed to be shocked by the strength displayed by the leader.

What a beautiful Hope. This was the first time the little bird saw this Super Hope from the other side.

The shadow of a coolie wave floated behind Super Hope on the other side.

The super monster that uses the star chestnut ball as its material will not be destroyed by battle or the opponent's effects. The leader explained.

More than that!

The power of Super Hope on the other side is beyond everyone’s imagination.

As long as this card exists on your field, the cards on your field are not affected by the effects of your opponent's cards.

Among them is Beyond Hope itself!

If this card, Super Hop from the Other Side, is upgraded with No. 39 Hope Emperor Hop and is super summoned successfully, the following effects will be obtained.

①: This card can only be activated by removing 1 super material. Remove 1 Xyz monster on your field from the game. After that, you can Special Summon 1 No. 39 Hope Emperor Hope from your graveyard, and your life points will be restored to half of that monster's attack power. (This effect can only be activated during the combat phase of both parties.)

②: During your own battle phase only, the attack power of monsters on the opponent's field becomes 0.

This is the anime version of Super Hope from the Other Side!

This is the final piece of the puzzle for victory.

Activate the equipment magic card to ambush and destroy!

The leader activates the magic equipment card on his hand, which can only be equipped and used by the Hope Emperor Hope monster.

When the monster equipped with this card declares an attack, select 1 magic or trap card on your opponent's field and destroy it.

The opponent cannot activate magic or trap cards in response to the activation of this effect.

The battle begins.

Rebirth on the other side! The leader pointed at the illusory gods and evil gods and said, In the face of the power of hope, even gods cannot escape!

Super monsters do not have levels, only classes, and reducing the god's attack power to 0 does not involve leaving the field, so monsters that are stronger than the gods cannot block the power of hope from the other side of Super Hope.

Light drives out God!

[Giant God Soldier: 0 attack power]

[Source of fear: 0 attack power]

As a fully resistant and indestructible Super Hope of the Other Side, he is almost invincible.

The Ambush Destruction effect was activated, and the last card in the backfield of the counterfeit You Miao was accurately blocked and destroyed. The destroyed cover card could not be activated in response to this effect.

The leader killed the opponent in one wave! !

I won, great, Yuma won. The bird started jumping up and down.

Super Hope on the other side has an attack power of 3000. At this moment, the two divine monsters have an attack power of 0.

Fake You Miao only has 2,000 health points left!


The cover card in the counterfeit goods yard was destroyed, and You Miao's pupils suddenly shrank when she saw it!

It's a trap card, Wall of Power.

Could it be that the leader has won?

Suddenly, You Miao remembered something. The impostor's deck should be in this special world to copy himself.

When the impostor used Bitter Choice at the beginning, he selected 5 cards, two of which were put into the graveyard by transaction rollback.

The premise is that there is a transaction rollback in the counterfeit graveyard.

It is true that copying the Wall of Power cannot deal with the invincible Hope from the other side, but it can survive.

Just in case a serious problem arises, You Miao's deck does not lack the ingredients to deal with all-resistance and invincible monsters' traps.

The Angel of Two Lands at the beginning has so many cards. Is there any

Something happened. You Miao looked at the situation on the field and said suddenly.

Facing the invincible Super Hope on the other side, the fake You Miao's eyes were dangerous, and he said in a cold tone: You are the one who is looking for death. This path was chosen by you.


Paying half of his health again, the fake You Miao relied on the power of transaction rollback to continue copying a trap card in the graveyard and activate it.

Stop being delusional, even if you use the moves from the beginning, it will be useless.

The Other Side Super Hope is not affected by any effects of the opponent's cards, and it cannot be destroyed.

This is the invincible and strongest monster.

ZEXAL's tone was extremely confident. He didn't believe that under this situation, Super Hope from the other side would lose to a mere trap card.


A huge cannon suddenly appeared behind the fake You Miao!

The shape of this artillery is extremely weird, and the muzzle is condensing an extremely powerful energy wave cannon.

What is this? The moon-watching bird has never seen this kind of trap card.

Dharma Karma Destruction Cannon. You Miao pulled out this trap card from his deck and showed it to the opponent.

Monsters are invincible, but ZEXAL is not! !

[Dharma Karma Destruction Cannon: The monsters on the field will be in face-down defense position as much as possible. After that, players with face-up monsters on the field must send all face-up monsters on their respective fields to the graveyard. 】


The Destruction Cannon bombards the monster area with strange energy.

Since gods are immune to traps, they cannot be covered.

In the same way, Super Hope from the Other Side is a fully resistant monster and cannot be destroyed. Of course, it cannot be blocked by the Destruction Cannon.

Therefore, their final outcome will be sent to the graveyard by their owner! !

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