I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 392 I don’t want this kind of thing

Failure is a common occurrence in military affairs.

Yuma, don't worry too much. The astral body consoled him. It's not like Yuma has never lost before. He has lost many rounds to his opponents.

You're right, but, that, is... Yuma's expression was distorted, this was different from everything he knew.

Let’s not talk about Hope’s problem. He can actually accept the overage of a single card.

Why can the cemetery be fused? Yuma burst into tears. This was different from what he knew.

Fusion, shouldn't it be a super backward summoning method of taking a fusion, sending two specific materials from your hand to the graveyard, and then pulling out a new monster?

In this era, fusion summoning is truly a no-brainer. Dogs are not needed.

But why do water-type monsters go to the graveyard and then not fuse?

Bang, it suddenly jumped out, then searched again, and then another one jumped out?

Heaps of tombs, why are there heaps of tombs, and why are the astral bodies?

Yuma really wanted to capture the astral body and ask questions, but unfortunately the latter had no physical form.

At this moment, he looked like a beaten basketball boy.

What are you going to say next? Astral looked at Yuma with tears in his eyes and said, Coach, I also want to learn fusion, right?

Yuma smiled, nodded and asked:

Astral, may I?

Can I also be a fusion cake maker?

Sometimes the astral body really wants to slap Kujiu Yuma to death, but he knows how to fuse farts.

Didn’t you see that the sequence cards are all super monsters?

Astral, I also want sister Gagaga to jump around in the cemetery. Yuma continued to struggle.

Just because someone can do well in the cemetery doesn't mean that your Stuttering series will do the same!

This is a crushing and dimensionality reduction attack on the monster system.

It turns out that those mermaid monsters are the real power of the observers?

If that's the case, Astral couldn't help but think about one thing.

You are so nervous about holding those mermaid monsters, do you still need the source code and Yuma from the astral world and the human world?

Isn’t it enough for the observer to break through the imprisoned alien crystal human world and external forces alone?

That's enough Yuma, go home early.

The astral body is tired, and the observer makes an appointment to take them to find the last part of the human world, the Source Code tomorrow.

Just get the source code of the human world.

Thinking of this, the astral body entered the Emperor's Key, where several sequence cards were floating.

Thousands of lords have been swallowed up by that weird future force. Can the source code of the astral world + the human world really withstand it?

What the observer means is that Yuma has that potential, and the source code in his hands will release power beyond miracles.

I'm back. Yuma stepped into the house. At this time, his grandma and sister had already prepared the meal.

During this time in Xinyuan City, everyone was having a hard time and they were using their own strength to support Yuma.

There's a lot of food? Yuma thought for a while, no one should have a birthday today.

Idiot, you go to Kotori's house now and find him to have dinner with him. Yuma's sister is a reporter, and she knows better than anyone the dangers of the Seven Emperors' invasion a week ago.

This is a life-and-death duel.

It seems peaceful now, but in fact the wind and rain may come blowing in the next second.

At least at this time, let the bird come here to have a meal and be cozy.

No one knows what will happen tomorrow.

Okay. Yuma jumped off the chair with a backflip. He jumped up and ran to the villa area in the next area. Xiaotiao's home was not far from here.


The Kotori family's villa was just ahead. Yuma stood in front of the familiar door and reached out to press the doorbell.


Is the doorbell broken? What should I do now? Yuma wanted to call the bird loudly, but he suddenly wanted to see what the other party was doing.

Crossing the other side of the yard, Yuma remembered that there was a window there that could see the area near the kitchen. At this time, the little bird should also be eating with his mother.

Xiaoniao's father works abroad and rarely comes back for several years, so they have always been mother and daughter.

During the last parent-teacher conference at Xinyuan School, Xiaoniao’s mother came to the school once, and she was an out-and-out beauty.

Yuma had to admit one thing, the other party was a complete blow to Kotori in every aspect.

Hey, I found it. Yuma saw the situation inside the house through the glass, and his expression immediately changed in the next second!

Observer, You Miao! ?

Why does this guy appear in Xiaoniao's house?

Yuma has been shocked too much recently, one after another, as if there is no end.

First, Shark and Shark Girl were the Seven Balian Emperors. They also led the alien force to invade Xinyuan City.

Then Tetsuo disappears because of love.

Then came what happened today. After all, with Yuma's limited knowledge, it was still difficult for him to accept that there were many duel universes outside this universe.

All these things combined are not as shocking as they are now!

That is, why does You Miao appear here?

Dong Dong Dong~

The sound of footsteps appeared, and Xiaoniao came out with something similar to a hot pot. She smiled and said:

Mr. Observer, this is my mother's specialty. I'm so sorry about what happened today.

Wait a minute, remember to eat a thousand dollars, don't be polite.

Xiaoniao was still brooding over the incident of rubbing the boss's dog's head today, so he invited the boss to his home to make amends.

You Miao nodded. The hot pot held by the little bird was actually a Sukiyaki pot. The steaming pot made the little girl's face turn red.

Sukiyaki pot, this thing is terrible.

The bottom of the pot is sweet.

You Miao's expression did not change, but in fact, her heart was in turmoil.

The little bird's mother brought out the remaining side dishes. Her name was Guanyue Qiqi, and she was an ordinary housewife.

In this world where playing cards is paramount, if you don't know how to play cards, you are just ordinary.

Although Guanyue Qiqi is very ordinary, there are some aspects that are extraordinary. She actually looks a bit like a certain teacher.

Guanyue Qiqi and You Miao exchanged pleasantries for a while, and then everyone started to pick up their chopsticks. You Miao chose a piece of tofu and put it in his mouth.

The sukiyaki pot is indeed very unpalatable.

Originally, this scene should be harmonious, but the leader who was hiding outside and peeping looked confused.

Because he saw a very incredible scene.

Guanyue Qiqi used her feet under the table to tickle observer You Miao's calves?

What kind of trick is this?

No, why does the little bird's mother wear black stockings?

How can I help others like this?

This was really beyond the scope of the leader's knowledge, but he intuitively told himself that this was a very, very bad thing.

Suddenly, an unexpected idea appeared in the leader's mind.

Observer You Miao actually wants to be Xiaoniao’s father?

Do you want to call the observer your father in the future?

Thinking of this, the leader's face turned pale and his whole body seemed to have lost strength.

Don't want this kind of thing.

He absolutely doesn't want it! !

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