I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 391 Isn’t this more outrageous than excessive?

Damn it. The leader gritted his teeth because he found that what the other party said was impeccable.

After all, this is a duel, and the opponent is not your biological sister. Why should I take care of your duel experience?

In that case, let's break through head-on! Yuma activated the effect of Emperor Hope's Utopia and specially summoned Rumble Stone Man from his hand!


[Rumble Stoneman, 1500 defense, rock tribe]

Huh? The astral body was subconsciously surprised, because when Hope Emperor Utopia activated its effect, he seemed to notice that the body of the future Dragon Emperor seemed to flicker, but the light quickly dissipated.

Great, there are two 4-star monsters. Xiaoniao said excitedly.

The leader did a backflip again and shouted: Here comes my super summon!

Stack up with 4-star Rumble Stoneman and Hope Emperor Utopia.

4 (Stone Man) + 4 (Utopia) = R4! !

See my strongest power yet.

My battle starts from here, placing my hope on the White Wings! The Messenger of Light!

No.39 Hope Emperor Hope!


The red stamped 39 symbol lights up~

This is the purest No card, with sequence rules (cannot be broken by non-sequence monsters)!

[No.39 Hope Emperor Hope, 2500 attack power, R4/Warrior]

Astral help me. Yuma raised his tail, and his astral body knew whether the other person wanted to pee or poop.

The entire body of the astral body is hot, and he is releasing the upgrading power of the astral world.

To deal with an existence beyond life like the Observer, it is understandable that Yuma wants to use the power of the fusion.

From this moment on, the astral body and Yuma transformed into one red and one blue energy body.

Get me! Yuma yelled.

Take me. Astral then answered.

The two souls build a network and super summon!! They both said in unison.

At the moment when two distant souls intersect, the power carrying the legend will appear and super transform, ZEXAL! !

boom! !

Just like putting on the Pinru warrior armor, the leader successfully appeared in ZEXAL's coat, and the aura on his body was full of cheating power.

A true duelist can even use cards with ease.

I will activate the magic card from my hand, the upgrade magic - the power of different heat and concentricity!!


The huge power of upgrading is being released, and this power begins to surround No. 39 - Hope Emperor Hope!

Select the highest-level Xyz monster on your field to activate.

Only a Xyz monster that is one level higher than the selected monster can be super summoned from your Extra Deck on top of the selected monster.

For this, you can choose a Different Heat Concentric Weapon or Different Heat Concentric Servant monster and place it on the top of the deck.

One card levels up and determines future card draws.

With the explosion of the power of promotion, a new and higher level Hope was born.

Chaos Super Transformation! Appear! CNo.39!

The shining soul of hope, ensnare all things, and turn it into the power to guide the future! Hope Emperor Hopeley Shengguang!

boom! !

[Hope Huang, Shengguang, 2800 attack power, R5/Warrior]

Oh, it's Shengguang. You Miao is no stranger to this super monster.

In the anime, the effect of Victory Light can only be used during the battle phase. It can only be activated by removing one of the excess materials of Victory Light.

Until the end of the turn, the effect of the opponent's monster fighting Katsuki is negated, and the ATK of this card is increased by the ATK of that opponent's monster.

When this card attacks, your opponent's magic and trap cards cannot be activated.

The Lightning Emperor immediately gave Shengguang a thumbs up.

Activate the magic card and draw the card in anger. The leader just used the upgrade magic card and adjusted a Heat and Concentric monster at the top of the deck.

[Rage Card Draw: Activate by sending a hand card or a Raging monster on the front of the field to the graveyard. Draw two cards from the deck yourself.]

The leader sends the last card in his hand to the graveyard, and then draws two cards from the deck, one of which is the Heat and Concentric monster placed on top.

Oh oh oh oh, different heat concentric weapons - Fengshen Yunlong Sword!

The handle card or this Wind God Cloud Dragon Sword on your field can be used as an equipment card with an attack power increased by 1300, and can be equipped to the monster on your field with the name Hope Emperor Hope.

Huh. Boom!

A storm and thunder sounded, and an exquisite weapon that looked like a Supreme Sharp Sword fell from the top of the sky.

Shengguang threw away the weapon in his hand and held the sword tightly in his hand.

[Victory Light: 2800→4100 attack power]

The Wind God Cloud Dragon Sword can not only increase Hope's attack power, but the opponent cannot use the equipped monster as the target of the card's effect.

If Hope holding the Wind God Cloud Dragon Sword is destroyed in battle, the equipment card can be returned to the hand instead of being destroyed.

You Miao directly pointed out the animation version of the Wind God Yunlong Sword equipment effect.

The leader who transformed into Zexal suddenly changed his expression. He originally wanted to learn from the other party to hide this effect, but he didn't expect the observer's eyes to be so vicious!

In this case, there is nothing you can do to stop this. The leader shouted: Enter the battle stage!


The effect of Victory Light is activated by removing an excess material from the body.

4100 increases the future Dragon King's attack power, which will result in 4100 combat damage. The first thing Xiaotiao realized was that Yuma was going to win.

That's it, Wadokana. You Miao activated the effect of the Future Dragon King on this occasion.

What!? The leader said in shock.

At this moment, the material on the future Dragon King's body was removed, and it released a strong light that fell on Shengguang.

It's green! !


Shengguang, who was showing off his power, suddenly became sluggish and lost all his strength.

Once per turn, when the opponent activates a monster's effect, it can only be activated by removing 1 super material from the Future Dragon King.

The opponent's activation is invalid.

When the effect of 'Ox King' in the future invalidates the activation of monster effects on the field, we will gain control again.

This control taken away has no limit at the end of the round.

Before Shengguang could get up, it was suppressed by the future Dragon King, and at the same time, the entire control of Shengguang was transferred to Youmiao Field.

Perhaps it was an illusion, but the little bird discovered that the tall future Dragon King seemed to have two sharp horns growing out of his head.

How could this happen? Even though he was equipped with the Wind God Long Yun Sword, his control was taken away. The leader's expression was numb.

At this moment, the future Ox King and Shengguang Hope are both in the hands of You Miao.

The future Dragon King still has a super amount of materials, and the leader realizes that once he uses a monster effect, it will be immediately invalidated and the monster will be taken away.

If Katsuko enters the battle next round, Yuma will be prohibited from activating magic and traps.

At this moment, the second card in Yuma's hand that he drew through Fury Fury was... Damage Slimming!

Damage slimming can be activated during the main phase to avoid the banning effect of Victory Light.

1500+2050=3550 battle damage, Yuma still has 450 health points left.

The premise is that You Miao does not summon a new monster in the next turn.

I bet everything on the next turn. Yuma covered the damage.

He wants to bet on the opponent's next round. There will be no bullets!

You Miao sneered: At the end of your turn, I activate the trap card, the needleworm's lair.

Swipe, swipe, swipe, the top 5 cards in his deck were sent to the graveyard.

One of them is the Merlot Mermaid, and the last card is the Swamp Demon King!

The fusion conditions are: Water type monster + Tear Elegy type monster

The Swamp Demon King will replace the Narcissus Mermaid and will be fused with the Merlot Mermaid.

Puff, puff~

Bubbles gush out from Youmiao Cemetery, and then comes a beautiful fusion monster!

[Tear of Tears Tribe-Narcissus Mermaid, 2300 attack power, aquatic tribe]

Can you fuse after entering the cemetery? Astral said he didn't understand, but he was greatly shocked.

This is ridiculous. Isn’t it more outrageous than super stacking?

As for the leader, he was immediately confused because there was no need for the next round and now he already knew he had lost.

Just with these three monsters, the damage and slimming can no longer be stopped.

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