I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 373 Mysterious Man

Awesome. Peacock Wu had to admit one thing. People in this era are really good at synchronization.

Of course, she didn't think she was any worse than this group of people.

Peacock Wu has a strong self-esteem and thinks that she will never be weaker than others in her life.

You Miao didn't speak. There were only a handful of people in this era who could do this. Antinomi was one of the future Taiyi organizations, so he had such skillful skills.

No one in this era knows better than him

So Peacock Dance seems to have misjudged something.

Moreover, these technologies have not been developed for a long time. It can only be said that Peacock Dance is still too young.

The surrounding space gradually distorted, and the power of speed lingered around Antinomi. He stretched out his arms and shouted:

The ultimate pure consciousness!!

The limiter is finally released, the highest level, all-pass!

Infinite power, breaking through time and space, opening the door to the unknown world, Go, triangle acceleration.

5+5+2=12 stars! !

Summoning conditions: Tuned synchro monsters + 2 or more non-tuned synchro monsters.

The three synchronized monsters turned into several stars, and finally linked into a straight line in the sky, Yusei's expression gradually became shocked.


[Technology attribute: Halberd Gunner, 4000 attack power, mechanical type/synchro]

Awesome. Fudo Yusei's pupils shrank, he evolved.

The next things began to overlap, and Antinomi used all his strength to let Fudo Yusei learn a stronger state of accelerated synchronization.

Fudo Yusei realized that the heart is like a clear mirror, Shisui's heart and found his own triangular acceleration synchrony.

Fudo Yusei won this duel.

Yusei mastered new powers and easily defeated Placido, who had mastered the Wisdom Emperor.

After teaching his disciples to starve their master to death, Antinomi completed his mission with satisfaction.

The black hole magnetic field caused by this duel was about to swallow Yusei. Placido was not a kind person, but Antinomi risked being swallowed to rescue Fudou Yusei, while he himself fell into within the black hole's magnetic field.

Yusei pinched the red sunglasses that belonged to Bruno in his hand. He shed tears and shouted: Bruno!!!

I'm afraid Yusei might not be so sad if Bruno was replaced by the fake cry himself.

One night, a duel, three street boys.

Street boy Placido couldn't believe that he lost to Fudo Yusei, while Yusei hated Bruno's sacrifice. As for Yu Miao.

He looked at his palms with a shocked expression, and said to himself in disbelief:

how come?

The target of the collection is not Yusei.

According to the names of the unknown objects to be collected, no matter how you look at it, it should be the scene where Fudo Yusei realizes that his heart is as clear as a mirror and still water for the first time.

But just now the system kept prompting You Miao that the collection target was wrong.

You Miao was completely confused now. What exactly was he trying to collect?


Antinomi fell into the black hole's magnetic field, and was gradually swallowed by the darkness around him.

However, he has no regrets!

Regardless of whether it was Zone's order or not, he believed in Yusei from the bottom of his heart. During the days when he lost his memory, he felt friendship and bond with Yusei.

Antinomi's real name is Jonny, and he is a professional riding duel player in the distant future. However, once the crisis breaks out in the future, no one will be immune.

He also wanted to lead people to the right future by triggering a duel like Fudo Yusei, but he didn't have time. This negative crisis from people's hearts came too fast for people to react.

During the second Zero Point Reversal, humanity in despair has been declared extinct.

Jonny, who has not yet become Antinomi, met Aporia, Paradox, and Zone at this time. The four of them established an organization to find hope for mankind and resist this desperate world.

This has been the life of Antinomi until now.

Blood continues to spurt from Antinomi's muscles, and the surrounding power is gradually devouring him. In less than ten seconds, he will be crushed into indescribable pieces of flesh.

Finally, it is completely annihilated in this magnetic field space.

Looking back on my life, I found that the period when I lost my memory was actually the happiest time in my life.

Repair the car with Yusei.

In the middle of the night, I quietly ate Jack's Cup Noodles.

Two siblings from Jielongya are after school

Go to the orphanage with Crow to take care of the children.

These memories are so wonderful, Antinomi said sincerely.

Suddenly, a pair of calloused palms stretched out from the darkness, and a calm and hoarse voice appeared: If you are so great, how can you be willing to die here?

Strong arms caught the falling Antinomi, and at the same time, the blood on the latter's body began to freeze, as if the twisting power of the magnetic field was stopped in this second.

Antinomi's pupils dilated, and he said in disbelief: In this black hole's magnetic field, time was stopped?

Who can have such ability.


Antinomi looked up at the mysterious man, who was wearing a dusty black robe. In the shadow, he spied a golden mark engraved on the lower corner of the mysterious man's right eye.

This is a mark carved by the criminal in the satellite area that cannot be washed away! !

Who are you? Antinomi's heart was filled with endless questions.

Antinomy. The mysterious man said this word, and then Antinomi slowly closed his eyes, and he began to fall asleep at this moment.


In the space inside the black hole's magnetic field, time was frozen by this mysterious man. At the same time, he also saved Antinomi, who was supposed to be swallowed to death by the magnetic field.

There should only be this mysterious man and Antinomi in this space.

Sudden! !

The uninvited guest seemed to be immune to the freezing of time thing, and he walked in grandly.

You Miao originally planned to get Antinomi, but he didn't expect that someone would be the first to save him.

Who are you? You Miao looked at the mysterious man in front of him and asked.

The other party can't be Zone, right?

If so.

The other party is Antinomi's teammate, so it seems reasonable to come here to get some help, but Zone did not save Antinomi in the original work.

Moreover, since Zeno's body is facing collapse, he must rely on special instruments to maintain his last vital signs.

To put it simply, Zone's body is no longer healthy and he cannot move freely without relying on instruments.

The mysterious man in front of him was obviously very strong, and it was not difficult at all to carry a grown man like Antinomi into a princess hug.

The mysterious man did not answer You Miao's question.

You Miao smiled and said:

I don't want to say it, but I can't say it yet.

Or you can speak the old way.

If you encounter an unsolvable problem in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, then you can completely trust Duel! !

As long as you win the duel, you can do whatever you want, let alone letting the other party enjoy the mouth escape willingly.

You Miao turned on the duel disk. The black hole's magnetic field was not stable internally, so he didn't have much time left.

Even if the surrounding time has been condensed, the singularity of this black hole's magnetic field will collapse sooner or later.

At this moment, the surrounding time solidified and gradually began to flow.

After all, this kind of miraculous power cannot be maintained for a long time without any cost.

You Miao couldn't do it, and neither could the mysterious man in front of him.

The mysterious man put Antinomi aside, and he also raised the dueling disk.

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